Chen Mo has always been intentionally hidden with his own strength, and the purpose is to hook it on the north of Anzhen.

However, Chen Mo's purpose has been reached, but Chen Mo felt a little unfortunately he did not break through the realm of the military high people before the battle. If Mo is the realm of the high-martial arts, the pair is right Will be more easily.

After all, Chen Mo has Xuan Tian Zhenwu fist and the help of practice, if it is in the same level, it is difficult to defeat Chen Mo.

But unfortunately, Chen Mo did a level compared to the relationship.

There is also an essential gap between the nine paragraphs and military high people.

It was a surprise that Chen Mo's shot was shocked, and he didn't seem to think that Chen Mo's fist was able to explode so amazing power.

"I have to see that the Qingyun knife can block your boxing!"

Guan Yizheng is low, then directly put the Qingyun knife in front of yourself.


A loud noise, Chen Mo's fist is playing directly on the back of the blue cloud knife.

Guanyi can clearly feel that Chen Mima's horrible power swept the knife of the Qingyun knife. If it is not a blue cloud knife, it is estimated that it will be broken by Chen Mo's punch.

Guan Yifan did not dare to have a big idea, and he injected all the breath in his body into the Qingyun knife.

And Chen Mo is also constantly increasing power.

Obviously, these two people have been exhausted.

Chen Mo's foot has been stepped on by him in addition to a deep pit, and there is nothing to go there.


Guan Yao is shouting, and then increases the power in his hand.

Chen Mo is directly blocked by the power, and after two steps after continuous, he has steady his body.

Chen Mo's expression is unbelievable. He didn't think of it. It was really that it was really relying on Qingyun knife to block his own punch.

And the expression on the face is also very dignified, because the Qingyun knife has been shaking in the middle of the hand, and it is also possible to feel the right hand of the Qingyun knife. He really can't understand that Chen Mo is only a nine paragraph of the district, why is it so amazing power.

However, Chen Mo can play such a fierce boxing method, some of the reason is that Xuan Tian Zhenwu Bun itself is the most top boxing method, and the power is natural.

Of course, there is also the help of the practice for Chen Mo. In the end, quenching Shen Dan has changed Chen Mo's physical fitness, so Chen Mo's body power is not a common military person.

It is these reasons to be added together to lead Chen Mo's strength to have a battle.

"I have to see if you can insist on this knife today!"

Chen Mo looked at the position whispered and then rushed to the position of it.

In an instant, Chen Mo has already rushed to the front of it, and then raised his fist again and went to smash the chest.

Obviously, Chen Mo's punch is significantly more slow than the previous punches.

But Chen Mo's power is very amazing.

Guan Yifan once again raised the Qingyun knife in his hand again.


A loud noise.

Chen Mo's fist is smashed on the Qingyun knife.

It turns out that two steps have been retired in succession and then steady their body.

At this time, the Qingyun knife in the hand has always been trembled, as if it has experienced very dramatic impact.

It is very strange that Chen Mo's boxing method is very strange, sometimes the speed is amazing, and sometimes the power is amazing, and it will not find a suitable method at this time to cope with Chen Mo's boxing.

Therefore, it is only possible to use the Qingyun knife to hard Chen Mo's attack.

However, I don't know how long it is in my hand.

"Xuan Tian Zhenwu", angry! "

Chen Merger is angry, and then rushed to the front of it, and a punch is on the Qingyun knife.

Guanyi is backwards.

"Xuan Tian Zhenwu, crack!"

Followed with Chen Silent once again slammed a punch.

Chen Mo's fist once again smashed on the Qingyun knife, and closed again.

"Xuan Tian Zhenwu", earthquake! "

Chen Mai once again shot a punch.

At this time, the scene is very strange, and the relationship that I have just occupied great advantage is that Chen Mo will be willing to fight.

Chen Mo Huan took a punch to fight against the body.

And the same is the back of the two three, and the Qingyun knife in the hand is still trembled.

At this time, Chen Mo is already exhausted, and there is no room for any stay.

Chen Mo's anger is an anger that is unusually angry with the face of the face, but he does not have any ways at all, because it does not find any opportunity to find anything at all.

After the people under the mountain saw this scene, some people were happy.

Inland's martial arts a face is very excited, because from the beginning to now, Chen Mo is in a passive state, most of the time is closed.

But at this time, the situation has happened a big reversal. Chen Mo has occupied the wind.

And there is no power for the same effort that has not been hit.

"Chen Gongzi is really too powerful ..."

"Yeah, I thought Chen Gongzi may be lost. I didn't expect Chen Gongzi to hide strength!"

"I bet it in Chen Gongzi's body, Chen Gongzi must win!"

Those who support Chen Mo's whispered said.

At this time, Jiangxi Tianhai Hi is also very excited, because if they know if it is so hung, there is still a great hope to defeat.

Those who support the martial arts at this time are very ugly because they have not thought that they will be such a result.

On the mountain, I will take the back of the two-year-old, but at this time he has already retreated the edge of the mountain, so at this time, the crucial has not been retired. If you continue to retreat, then you may Will drop the cliff directly.

But at this time, Chen Mo does not seem to give up the attack of the opposition.

"Xuan Tian Zhenwu, crack!"

At this time, Chen Mo ran again, then suddenly played a punch.

Obviously, Chen Mo's punch is more fierce than before, and the speed is also more amazing.

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