Chen Mo's feelings seem to be a lightning, and directly rushed to the chest of the chest.

Although Chen Mo's fist has not hit a trip, it is still the power of Mo's punch, as if the air around it has changed.

"All this is your forced me!"

Guan Yifu lowned Chen Mo, then raised the blue cloud knife in his hand.

It is obvious that this time is not a defense, but the initiative to attack Chen Mo.

In an instant, there is an uncomfortable breath, and the body has burst out, and the Qingyun knife will be held in the top of the head, and then the top of Chen Mo's head is cut.

It is obvious that it is really intended to be desperate with Chen Mo at this time.

It is now ratio who is even more speed.

If the knife is cut by the knife first, then Chen Mo will die, but if it is Chen Mo's fist, it will be on the body of the body, then the relationship will fall directly into the cliff, nine dead life.

Chen Mo looked at himself, as if there was no meaning of smashing.

And I'm looking at Chen Mo, I didn't have to retreat.

All the marthesis present in the scene were excited to look at the screen, because the fight of the two people in their hearts may be out of the victory.


A bursary of the sky is coming.

Everyone in the field does not even dare to blink, I am afraid what I missed.

However, Chen Mo's fist has been hit at the chest, but the Qingyun knife is not hit by Chen Mo.

The Qingyun knife is suspended on the top of Chen Mo, just the distance of less than a centimeter, can cut Chen Mo.

But in the end, Chen Mo's speed is faster.

" ..."

It is a blood sprayed out, but he did not drop the cliff.

Because in the moment, it is still scared, so he puts the breath of his body in his legs, then slammed, stepped on the two huge deep pit on the ground. In this way, it will guarantee that it will not drop the cliff after the punch of Chen Mo.

Everyone in the field exposed a shock expression after seeing this scene, because no one thought that Chen Mo's punch didn't directly put it a blood.

Previously, many people think that Chen Miman is impossible to be an opponent, but now this situation has exceeded everyone's expectations.

There is more difficult to see how difficult the face on the face is in Anzhen.

There was also a worrying in Zuo Qing Nai, and she also found that He Yuanfa had never been returned. At this time, she has gone in the heart of about and guess what is going to do.

"Is Chen Gongzi wins?"

Tianhai Xi is excited to rush to Jiangxi.

Jiangxi heard the sentence of Tianhai Xi slowly looked up at the mountain, and then said softly: "Is it to win?"

"Chen Gongzi has won ..."

"Yeah, it is really incredible, Chen Gongzi actually won ..."

"Chen Gongzi is really too powerful ..."

Those marties in the inland have begun to cheer, and the expression is abnormal.

After all, Chen Mo was on behalf of the inland military, so if Chen Mo won if it won, then he won the martial arts of the inland, plus most of the inland priests chose to bet in Chen Mo's Body, so they are very happy when they are natural.

Compared with those martial arts in the inland, the expression on the martial arts on Hong Kong Island is very ugly. After all, most of them are supporting, but who can think that the last thing is such a result. !

"I originally thought that Chen Mo didn't borrow Shen Dan's opponent, but I didn't expect Chen Mo to have always hidden their strength!"

"Yeah, this Chen Mo is really too embarrassing ..."

"Hey, our Hong Kong Island is still less than the martial arts of the inland. It is estimated that if there is anything to come out today, then our Hong Kong Island is probably a low person."

Everyone is sighing.

The two elders of Tianshan Zongmen looked at the position of the screen, and the eyes flashed a different because he can feel that it should be yet lost.

Because the breath is still existed, it has always been out of the peak level.

Although Chen Mo's punch is really hitting a chest, it is true that it is really vomiting, but this does not have any fatal injuries.

And Chen Mo also learned about this information through the method of the observation, so Chen Mo at this time did not dare to have a lot of mind, and the expression was seriously staring at the position.

"Chen Mo, I admit that you are indeed a powerful opponent, all of us underestimates you ..."

At this time, I got a smile at this time.

"I didn't expect your body to be so powerful ..."

Chen Mo is a little surprised to rush.

"Fortunately, I wore this dress before going up the mountain. Otherwise, this punch is estimated that you will really fall down ..."

Guan Yizi took off his clothes while talking.

When the door is taken off the clothes, Chen Mo is found that there is still a armor, and the armor is white, as if it is a lot of scales.

However, this armor is also a very famous baby in Hong Kong Island, and can even be named with the Qingyun knife.

If it is not this armor, it is estimated that now is now a one-time power, it is estimated that now is that it is no way to stand up!

"How is this?"

"Yeah, don't let Chen Gongzi eat God Dan, but also secretly wear armor, and also hold a blue cloud knife, is this not a bullying?"

"This is a great thing is too much ..."

Those martial arts in the inland are seen after the armor, they have started shouting, and the expression on the face is unusually anger.

At this time, Hong Kong Island is also very embarrassing. After all, I didn't let Chen Mo eat Dan medicine. Now it is now, it is now wearing a armor, but also holding a blue cloud knife. It is some saying that it can't be said.

However, the expression on the northern face in Anzhen is very proud. He is now not unfair to faire. His mind has only one idea, that is, it must defeat Chen Mo.

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