
Chen Mo has flashed a helplessness after hearing this sentence.

And Bai Lou seems to feel some unhappy and then quickly released Chen Mai and retired two steps and opened the lights of the room.

When Bai Lu saw Chen Mo, Chen Mo in front of him was very surprised: "Who are you?"

Chen Mo did not answer this question of Bai Lu, but walked into the room with steps, and then simply observed the situation inside.

"Who are you? Who let you come in? You hurry out!"

Bai Lu seems to be a little nervous, rushing to Chen.

Chen Mer is faint to look at the white appearance, and it has to be said that the woman is really a lot of the best. Although it has been more than 30, it seems to be almost the 20-year-old little girl.

Bai Lu's face is very exquisite, a big wavy hair is free, wearing a black lace pajamas, slept in the black stockings, step on a white high heels, perfect body, Very temptation, it is obvious that Bai Lou dressed as this is to wait for Feng Hao.

"What do you see? I haven't heard it with you?"

Bai Lu found that Chen Mo's eyes seem to have some unsatisfactory consciousness to organize their clothes, and the expression is very excited to rush through Chen Mo.

It is also very afraid that the white appearance in this time is very afraid, because she doesn't know what Chen Mo is, but since the other party can find it here, the description is definitely a purpose.

Chen Mo sat directly on the sofa after a simple look, then smiled and said: "Miss Bai, please take it!"

Bai Lu was once again stunned again, and his face was shocked. Because she didn't think that this youth in front of him even knew her name.

At this time, the idea is very simple, that is, it is rescued, but helplessly did not have a mobile phone at all, her mobile phone in the bedroom.

"Miss Bai, I advise you to sit down and talk to two good talks, or I can only use other ways, solitary men's widow, I want to do something for you, what you might continue to resist There is no chance! "

Chen Mer sat in the sofa tone very calmly.

White Lu took up and down, Chen Mo is very clear, and her heart is very clear. Chen Mo is really going to do something for himself, then she can't run.

So the last white dragon is still opposite to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo got up and down, then faintly said: "Miss Bai is really very beautiful, no wonder Feng Hao is reluctant to you ..."

"Feng Hao?"

Bai Lu said that Chen Mo said that the expression on his face after this name seems to be more shocking, because she did not think that Chen Mo didn't know what he was with Feng Hao.

"Why are you? What do you want to do?"

Bai Lu asked Chen Mail.

"Where is Feng Hao?"

Chen Mo is not intended to talk nonsense with white dew, and asked very directly.

"Where is Feng Hao?"

Bai Lu's eyes flashed a different, then said that there was no expression: "I don't know where Feng Hao is now!"

"Miss Bai, we have two no feasibility, I don't want to hurt you, so you only need old and realistic cooperation, if you don't cooperate with me, don't blame me! "

Chen Mo said that there is no expression of Bai Lu.

And Bai Lu didn't help but knew after listening to Chen Mo, then whispered: "Since you already know that I have a relationship with Feng Hao, then I said, what kind of person is Feng Hao? You know, you have no benefits from you, I don't know what is the purpose you come here today, but I advise you to leave now, otherwise I will let you regret it! "

Although Bai Lu didn't know what Feng Hao is, it is very horrible to know that Feng Hao's energy is very horrible, so Bai Lu is to use Feng Hao's identity to scare Chen Mo.

Chen Mo looked at the white kid and said, then said: "Miss Bai, are you threatening me?"

"Just understand, but I advise you to leave here right away!"

There is no expression in white show.

"Ha ha……"

Chen Miman looked at Bai Lu's smile, then said that there was no expression: "Miss Bai, I don't think about the current situation, I itself is running with Feng Hao, so this threat is fundamental for me. There is no use ... "

Bai Lu looked at Chen Mo's eyelid flashed, because she did not think that Chen Mo did not be afraid at all.

"Miss Bai, I know very much about your situation. You have a husband of Qingmei Bamboo Horse. You have a very good relationship with you, and you will have a daughter, but because of your husband's work nature. He needs to travel frequently, but you are alone in an empty room! "

Chen Mo slowed down.

Bai Lu looked at Chen Mo's eyes flashing a different, whispered: "What do you want to say?"

"For so many years, should you give your husband's green hat should be a lot?"

Chen Mo looked at Bai Lu asked.

"You said!"

Bai Lu's eyes flashed a trace of anger, and he shouted with Chen Mo.

"I said?"

Chen Mer didn't help but laugh, and then faintly said: "In your school, you have more than ten people who have been in bed with you. Do you think I said in Hu?"

"You are a smell!"

Bai Lou does not seem to admit these things.

"Is it smelling yourself to see this video you will clear!"

After that, after the sentence, Chen Mo didn't throw his mobile phone to white dew.

Although Lin Qing is not investigating the video of Baiwu and Feng Hao, it is still very much in Baiwu and other men.

The video is divided into three paragraphs, there have been three different men, but Bai Lu has been there.

Bai Lu looked at Chen Mile's mobile phone, the face was very unbelievable, because even Bai Lu didn't know the existence of these videos, she didn't understand how Chen Mo did these videos.

"Miss Bai, now you still think I am talking about it?"

Chen Mo smiled and asked in white.

When Bai Lu, the expression on his face was very ubiquitous. The body also trembled slightly, and whispered Chen Mail asked: "Who are you? These videos do you come?"


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