I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1122: Is it missing?

When Bai Lu saw the video above Chen Mima, the whole person was stupid.

Chen Mima slowly said: "Miss Bai, I am not important. The important thing is that I will tell you this!"

"What do you want to do?"

Bai Lu joked his lips and loudly asked Chen Union.

"I am very clear, you have a very good relationship with your husband, you are just because your husband is often not at home, and you can't stand loneliness, so you will be more deep, but in fact you still love Your husband is right? "

Chen Mo looked at Bai Lu asked.

Bai Lu heard Chen Mo's sentence, I couldn't help but looked up Chen Mima, then I asked Chen Mail: "How do you know these things?"

"How do I know, you don't have to care!"

Chen Mo's faintly returned, and then he continued: "I need you to tell me about Feng Hao!"

"I do not know……"

Bai Lu did not hesitate, and shake his head directly from Chen Mer.

"You seem to haven't figured out your current situation!"

Chen Mo looked at Bai Lu softly sighed, and then continued: "Miss Bai, your husband should still know how much green hat with you? Once I sent all these videos, then you How will my husband see you? How will your family friends see? You will not be really intended to be with Feng Hao for a lifetime? "

"Don't ... I am asking you, really don't release online ..."

Bai Lu heard Chen Mo's sentence, the face changed, and quickly shouted Chen Mo's shout.

Although Bai Lu is derailed, but in fact, she is just that she wants to get something from Feng Hao's hands. Now she doesn't want to divorce her husband. Once these videos are really Mames all If you put it on the Internet, the white dew may be destroyed in this life.

And Bai Lou is still a very important purpose with Feng Hao, that is, helping his husband walks smoothly at the bus, but if Bai Lu's husband knows whitewash, but also with so many men, the white dew Husband will definitely choose divorce.


Chen Mo smiled and asked in white.

"I beg you, as long as you don't send these videos, you let me do everything, I can also give you a lover ..."

Bailu poised Baba shouted.

"You give me a lover?"

Chen Mo listened to Bai Lu's sentence, I couldn't help but laugh, and then said: "I don't miss women ..."

"What do you want to do?"

White appearance excited shouting.

"I just said, I just want to know Feng Hao's specific location!"

Chen Mo looked at Bai Lu.

After hearing Chen Mo's sentence, Bai Lu has flashed a collapse, biting his lips: "I don't know where Feng Hao is in the end!"

"You are his mistress, you will not know where he is?"

Chen Mo didn't end the eyebrows.

"I am indeed Feng Hao's lover, but Feng Hao has never let me take the initiative. If you want to see me, you will send a text message to wait for him here, I will give him a few days ago. Telephone he shuts down, so I don't know where Feng Hao is, I have no way to contact Feng Hao! "

Bai Lu said very urgently.

Chen Mo looked at Bai Lu's eyes in front of him, because Chen Mo did not think that Feng Hao would actually be so cautious.

"Miss Bai, since you have no way to contact Feng Hao, I can only send this video to the Internet!"

Chen Mo said in white.

"Don't ..."

Bai Lu quickly shouted and then continued: "Otherwise, you can't see this? I have no way to contact Feng Hao, Feng Hao will definitely find me in a while, once Feng Hao is still there, I will Tell you a time, how do you think? "


Chen Mo got up and down, he made it clear that there is a white video in his hand. Bai Lu should not dare to play himself.

"How do you know that Feng Hao will contact you?"

Chen Miman asked with white dew.

Feng Hao has been reversed by my fascinating soul. He is now inseparable from me, so I believe he will definitely come to me ... "

White appearance is very affirmatively rushed to Chen Mo.

"I gave you a week, if I can't see Feng Hao within a week, I will post this time to the Internet, you look at it!"

Chen Deh has been throwing this sentence without expression, and then tells Bai Lu in his phone number, and then get up directly to go outside the room.

And Bai Lu looked at Chen Mo's back and her eyes were full of collapse and despair, because she couldn't even make it clear about Chen Mo, and she can only hope that Feng Hao will come to find himself.


On the other hand, Chen Mo has driven one person after leaving the white depe.

Although the temporary Chen Mo has not found Feng Hao, Chen Mo felt that Bai Lu should have a way to find Feng Hao, but it is a time problem, and then Chen Mo is waiting to wait patiently.

After arriving at home, Chen Mail found that Yanme did not come back.

Chen Mo feels that things may be somewhat uns, and Yanme is unfamiliar in Behang City. It is absolutely impossible to disappear.

Chen Mo hesitated for a long time, I finally took out the phone to find Ren Bin's call to dial.

"Ren Bin, have you seen the teacher of Yanmao, recently?"

Chen Mo asked directly.

"Mr. Yan seems to be fake ..."

Ren Bin thought about it later.

"asked for leave?"

Chen Mo heard the sentence of Ren Bin, I couldn't help it, and then asked the tone: "You know, don't know if she is because of what is going to be holiday?"

"This is not very clear ..."

Ren Bin slowed back, then continued: "Do you have anything to find Yan Yan?"

"There is no big thing ..."

Chen Mai helpless explained.

"What do you plan to go back to school?"

Ren Bin quickly asked.

"I have a little busy recently, wait for time, I hang it first, don't tell you!"

Chen Mo's low returned to a sentence, and then hanged the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Mo felt that Yan Xia must have anything to leave, so he took out the mobile phone once again dialed the phone.

And this time, the mobile phone did not prompt the shutdown.

There is only no one to turn on the phone for a long time.

"Rely, why don't you answer the phone?"

Chen Mo's eyes flashed a helpless, and then died again.

Chen Sime is still very worried, although the woman's skill is very horrible, but it does not mean that the world is invincible. Once the Yanmei has encountered a person who is more powerful than her, then The situation is still very dangerous.

So at this time, Chen Mo's face has turned the expression, and it is necessary to know that Luoqiu's thing is just over. Chen Mo is very worried about what happens around himself.

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