I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1134: Home Change

After the seven or eight calls in consecutive gamble, the other party has never been turned on, Chen Mo has put down his own mobile phone.

"What is the end of Yanme?"

Chen Mo looked very puzzled with his mobile phone expression.

"Jingle Bell……"

But at this time, Chen Mo's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Chen Mima's low looks at it, and found that he is a call to Yanme, so he has no hesitation, directly connected to the phone.

"Yanme, what are you doing? How do you give you so many calls?"

Chen Mer is connected to the phone and asked very anxious.

"I have just turned off on the plane!"

Yan Hojing seems to have some intersection.


Chen Mo listened to this sentence, I couldn't help but squat, then I asked: "Where have you been? What happened?"

"It's some of my family, I have no relationship with you ..."

Yan Ke replied.

"What is your home?"

Chen Mo saw the expression of Yanme's words seems to be more confused, and I quickly asked: "What happened in your home? Do you need my help?"

"No, I will not tell you first!"

The Yanme is directly returned to Chen Mo, and then hangs up the phone.

After the phone hangs, Chen Mo looked at the expression of the expression on his mobile phone.

Although Chen Mo's time is not particularly long, it is still very long, but Chen Mo's first time I saw Yanmeao so urgent.


On the other hand, in the Jingcheng Airport.

Yan Xia ran out the airport after hanging up Chen Mo's call, and then standing in front of the airport, and then rushed over a thirty-year-old youth ran.

"Come, you are back?"

The youth saw the Yanmei and then shouted.

"Three brothers, how is the grandfather?"

Yan Ke is busy.

"Now in the rescue room, I am not very clear about the specific situation ..."

Youth replied.

Yan Mermeli seems to be more nervous after hearing this sentence, and the face said: "Get a car, go to the hospital now!"


There is no nonsense in the youth, and I opened the door and followed a black Audi car.

At this time, this youth is the long Yan Yan, why, age is more than the Yanmei.

Although Yan Yan is only 35 years old, it is already a long standing in a military area. It is necessary to know that such a small age can become a long-term long. It is simply in the general existence of phoenix rhrane, and the future is not limited.

Although the famous arrogance is not very famous, it is still very horrible, even if the top of the capital is still a slightly, it is a low-key, which is too insignificant. Therefore, it will lead to very little people that really know the background of the color.

At this time, this car license number is four nine. It is necessary to know that an ordinary person does not have a way to get this photo, and such a photo is only a commonplace in the family. Only the three generations of children like Yan, and the license plate numbers used by the second generation of the license plates are all five eight or five nine.

Yanme is sitting in the car, the expression is extremely nervous.

This is why Yan Xiao suddenly disappeared.

One day before the school, he received the leader in the school. The phone said that her grandpa suddenly fainted the hospital, and the situation didn't seem to be good, so Yanme will only fly back to the capital.

Although Yanjia is the martial arts, the grandfather of Yanme is also a high martial art, but he is now 90 years old. Even if the war is from this old age, there will be various problems. Of course, Guan Qiankun is like Li Taibai. The martial arts of the martial arts is not counted. After all, the martial arts of the martial arts still have a very big gap compared with ordinary people.

Yanme's parents have passed away when the Yanme is very small. Therefore, Yanme has always been with her grandfather, and Yanmei is absolutely not ordinary.

When he was very small, his grandfather was forced to learn Wu, not for Yan Xiao, but hoped that when he would not be there, Yanme also had the ability to protect his ability.

In this world, the most concerned people who are most concerned about is his grandfather.

"Grandpa, you can't have anything, I promise that your business has not done it ..."

Yanme is dead, bites the lips, looking at the scenery outside the window.

Yan, whose is in a glance, at this time, his heart is also very clear, and it is definitely very anxious, so the car is also very fast.

After more than half an hour, the car finally stopped in front of the hospital.

Yan Xia has ran into the hospital.

But at this time, the grandfather of Yanme is almost leave the operating room yet.

The outside of the operating room is full of people, all of which are Yan family, just take it out, one may be a big figure that will be trembled in Beijing. At this time, the face on these people is very urgent.

"Big, what is Grandpa now?"

Yan Xia went to a middle-aged person, and asked in a middle-aged person.

"Color is coming back?"

The middle-aged people looked up and looked at Yanmei and then whispered: "What is the specific situation now, we are not clear, but also have to wait for the doctor ..."

Yanme heard the sentence of the middle-aged person, after the eyes flashed, then wrinkled with a brow: "Big, how is the grandfather, how is it?"

"The old man is old, before the body is not as good as one day, but fortunately, the father is a martial artist, so it is barely to support, but this time it is estimated that there is no stick, but you don't have to worry, there should be no life dangerous!"

The middle-aged people looked at Yanmele explained.

After listening to this sentence of the middle-aged, the expression seems to be more dignified.

Although the middle-aged person is very euphemistic, in fact, Yanme also understands the meaning of middle-aged people. Although the father is a martial art, it is now 90 years old, I am afraid it is not too long.

"Grandpa, you must stick to it, you must not fall!"

Yanme looks at the position of the operating room, can't help but pray in the heart.


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