I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,569: Help each other

"What can you do for me?"

When I heard the sentence of Li Jincheng, I couldn't help but stunned. "If you really want to help me do something, then you will help me investigate Zhang Jia, according to me The evidence received by Feng Xing should be in a secret room in Zhangjia, but I am not very understanding for the specific situation of this secret room. You first help me investigate the specific location of this secret room! "

"Okay, I do our best!"

Li Juncheng replied.

"OK, if there is nothing, I will hang it first!"

Chen Mo said.


Li Juncheng returned to Chen Mo, and then hanged the phone directly.

After putting down your mobile phone, Chen Mo's long has a tone. Chen Mo's specific situation on Zhangjia can be said, so Chen Mo does not know how to start.

"I hope that Li Juncheng can investigate some useful clues!"

Chen Mo was softly sighed, then he got up and prepared to return to the bedroom.

"Jingle Bell……"

But at this time, Chen Mo's ringtone suddenly rang.

Chen Mo couldn't help but kneel it after hearing the ringtone, and then picked up the phone and looked at it. It was found that the phone called himself, so he directly connected the phone.

"Chen Mo, what have you been doing recently? Why do I have so much call for you?"

Yan Hojing is very excited.

"Big sister, are you still good to say me? I have given you so many calls before you don't pick it up?"

Chen Mo has helpless back.

"I am because there is a businessman ..."

Yanme is reversed.

"Can you have a business?"

Chen Mo took the mouth back and then continued to ask: "When are you going back?"

"I may not go back ..."

The Yan Xia has fallen.

"That's good, you are not in me, it is a lot ..."

Chen Mo said.

"I have something to help now!"

Yue Musk did not feel the mood with Chen Mima, and said directly.

"You don't need me to help?"

Chen Mo smiled back to a sentence.

"Oh, I am talking about it!"

Yanmeng said helplessly shouted.

Chen Mile can listen to the opposite side of the phone seems to be very urgent, so it is soft: "Yes, what do you talk about?"

"You come to Beijing tomorrow, and then pretend to be my boyfriend!"

Yanme said.

"Pretend to be your boyfriend?"

Chen Mo listened to this sentence, I was so speechless, and then directly refused: "Sister, I have been studying how to find Feng Xing in this time, I really don't have time to help you pretend to be boyfriend, you Still go find someone ... "

"I only know you an opposite sex, where do I go to someone else?"

Yan Wei took a little mouth back, then continue: "You can wait for the matter, but you have to help me play!"

"I don't go, no time!"

Chen Mail refused again.

"You can't come!"

Yanme seems to be a little excited.

"Why? What is our relationship? What do I have to pretend to be your boyfriend?"

Chen Miman shouted.

"Chen Mo, this matter is really important for me, do you not help me?"

Yanme seems to be aware of the attitude of his own, so the tone of speaking is very gentle.

Chen Mo heard this sentence, I couldn't help but stop, because he met Yan Xia so long, he still listened to his words with himself for the first time.

"You want me to help you, but you have to explain what you will explain to me. If you let me help you drive away the blind date, then I really don't have time!"

Chen Mo said faint.

The phone opposite the phone is hesitant to whisper, whisper: "This is the case, I have been accompanying my grandfather in the hospital in the recent time, my grandfather is sick, and the condition is very serious, according to the current medical level He may not live for a long time, he has been worried about my lifelong event, I hope to see my boyfriend before I will die, I don't want my grandfather, I am boyfriend, so I will give it. You play this phone ... "

"So this is ah!"

Chen Mo is also understood after listening to the words of Yanme.

"Chen Mo, this matter is really important for me, so can you come to help me?"

Yanmeao asked sincerely.

"Where did you say that your home is?"

Chen Mo suddenly asked.

"Beijing, what happened?"

Yan Ke replied.

"Your home is in Beijing!"

Chen Mo shouted and then continued: "If you really want me to help you, but you have to help me!"

"What is busy?"

Yan Xia asked.

"I am not clear in the phone, waiting for us to talk later ..."

Chen Mo said.

"Well, then you come directly to Beijing tomorrow, I am waiting for you in Beijing!"

Yan Ke replied.


Chen Mo has gained a sound, and then hang it directly.

Just now, Chen Mo has not responded to the original Yan Mushan, and if even if there is no such phone, Chen Mo it is going to Beijing, after all, Zhang Jia is in Beijing.

Yanme's book Chen Mo is very clear, coupled with Yanme, is the capital people, so Chen Mo decided to help this to help this, then let Yanme help himself investigate the situation of Zhangjia, this kind of Chen Mo can not only help Yanme, you can also be very convenient here.

Thinking of that Chen Mo did directly call Lin Qing's light to let Lin Qing's shaft looked at Jiang Ziwei and Feng Hao. In an instant, Lin Qing was giving him a ticket to Beijing.

After the phone with Lin Qingxiao, Chen Mo hesitated and dialed the phone of Qinyi Ice.

Perhaps because the things happened in Qin Ying, let Chen Mo are not as natural as it is in the face of Qin Yibing.


Qin Yibing's voice sounded.

"Ice sister, I may go to Beijing tomorrow. When can I come back, I am still uncertain, so I will give you something with the casino. If there is something, you call me! "

Chen Mo said.

"Ok, no problem!"

Qin's ice sound calmly returned.

"There is also ... There is also the past before your family, I really don't deliberately, I hope you don't want to be angry!"

Chen Mail thought it was soft.

"I have already forgot this, you don't have to put it on your heart!"

Qin Yifa said.

"That's good!"

Chen Mo's longevity, then continued: "If there is no thing, then I will hang!"


Qin Yimei faintly returned to Chen Mo, and then hanged the phone directly.


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