I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,570: Walking to Beijing

Beijing Airport.

A quietly beautiful woman quietly stood in the hall of the airport, a pair of beautiful dead staring at the position of the exit, as if not waiting for anyone.

And this woman is not someone else, it is Yanme.

Today, the color is wearing a pure white T-shirt. The double peaks in the chest are likely to break through the shackles of the clothes at any time. Stockings, steps on the feet on a white high heels.

Yanme's body is very high and tall, standing in the crowd seems to be a beautiful landscape, but all men who have passed from women will not be seen in their eyes.

I don't know how long, Yan Xia took out his mobile phone to see time, she knew that Chen Mo should go to the plane.

Chen Mo has never been to Beijing, plus the city is still very far from Beihang City, so he has finally arrived in Beijing.

After the plane, Chen Mo Mo simplely swept the people in the airport hall, and then saw the amazing Yanme Terminal in the crowd.

No way, Yanme this woman is really too beautiful, whether it is the body or the temperament, it is absolutely calculated that the best of the best, even in the airport of the beautiful woman, it can be calculated as the most dazzling. exist.

"Chen Mo!"

Yanme seems to have discovered Chen Mo, so shouted at the position of Chen Mo.

Chen Mo took the steps to the side of Yanme, then smiled and said: "I am not far away from the way to help you. After the event, how do you plan to thank me?"

"You don't say something makes me help? What should we do if you need each other?"

The Yanmei faintly returned.

"How is your woman so no people? No matter what, I am also a big old and far away to help you ..."

Chen Mo has some speechless rolling.

"If you don't because you ask me, you won't come over!"

Yan Xia said faint.


Chen Mo looked at Yan Xia, don't know what to say.

"Ok, can you tell me what I need to do?"

Yanme is asked.

"There are more people here, we are still looking for a quiet place!"

Chen Mo hesitated and said softly.


Yan Xia nodded, and then directly took out the airport.

After the hall of the airport, Chen Mo came to the car. Because Yanme was worried about Chen Men, so some things needed to be inced to Chen Mo in advance, and she came over this time, Chen Mo is a person.

Chen Mo sat in the position of the car, turned to see Yanmei and smiled: "I didn't expect you to be the capital!"

"I am the family of Beijing!"

You have never told Chen Mo who have never put your true identity before, this time she is not intended to continue to conceal.

"Jingcheng Yanjia?"

Chen Mo's eyes flashed a different.

"Yes, from my grandfather, we are the first family of Beijing, now although it is no longer the first family of capital, but there is still no problem in the top five!"

Yancao slowly said.

"Then why did you not tell me your true identity?"

Chen Miman asked with a brow.

"I have always been willing to tell you my real identity, just worry that you let people investigate me, because the power network is very large, and may even be more big than your Hui Ding Group, once you want Investigate me, then the Yan family will regard you as a key observation object. They will also know everything I have done. In this case, I have no way to deal with the silver business! "

Yanme looked at Chen Mo's explanation.

"No, what are you talking about? How do I have a bit confused? What is the matter of dealing with the silver business?"

Chen Miman wrinkled with the eyebrows.

"What do you do?"

Yanme heard Chen Mo's sentence, I couldn't help but smile, and then faintly said: "You are too too true, how can Yan family will let me deal with the silver business for my own interests, so many years Everything I have done is to hide the family. I really know what I do. I only have my grandfather. If so many years, if there is no help of my grandfather, I may have already married! "

"So this is ah!"

If Chen Mimei is thinking about it, then looks at Yanme and continue to ask: "Then why do you want to deal with silver?"

"Because my parents died in the hands of the silver business, I want to give my parents!"

Yan Xia whispered.

"I didn't expect our two fates to be quite like ..."

Chen Mo said.

"When I was very small, my parents died in the hands of the silver business, and the beauty of the people at the time was not willing to protect his own interests, even if my grandfather is the master of the family, there is no way. After all, if all people oppose, the grandfather can't deal with the silver business, I will live with my grandfather from urine, my grandfather has been to learn more than me. At that time, I was still small, I didn't know my grandfather. Why do you want to do this, then I know that my grandfather hopes that I can live in myself! "

Yan Memou took a breath and then continued: "I came to Nanyang City. My grandfather told me if I want to deal with the silver business, it is necessary to wait a person in Nanyang University. This person can help me. I didn't know that person is you, my grandfather said that I waited patiently, because if I want to give my parents, I must wait until the emergence of this person. Later, you inherited Wang Cheng's legacy, next thing You should know ... "


Chen Mo was full of shocking in his heart, because he didn't think of Yanme's grandfather had already known that he may inherit the heritage of Wangcheng.

"What you mean is that your grandfather has already known me?"

Chen Mo hesitated and asked softly.

"It should be like this!"

Yan Xiaotou nodded and then continued: "My grandfather is not only knowing you, but also knows very much about you, he knows that you will become the heir of Wang City in the future, I only choose to cooperate with you to defeat silver Business, else, my grandfather will not let me go to Nanyang University waiting for you! "


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