I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,598: You don't dare to kill me!

the other side.

Chen Mo has drifted all the way to the direction of the capital city in the direction of the capital city after driving the estate of Zhangjia.

At this time, Chen Mo's mood is still very nervous, because he knows that he has not been completely safe, Wang Yan and others have always tightly followed by Chen Mo.

This car of Chen Mo is just a general Mercedes, and Wang Yan et al., The car is modified, so Chen Mo is even if there is no way to get rid of the car behind him, but only Chen Mo has always been constantly changing the route, which also leads to there is no way behind the car to exceed Chen Mo.

Chen Mo is now just need to use Wang Yan, but also needs to observe Zhang Ziqing's situation.

In his heart, Zhang Ziqing is not simple, he doesn't know what Zhang Ziqing will make.

Just now, Chen Mo's dagger broke his neck of Zhang Ziqing. Although the blood has stopped, blood has also been reddish. Zhang Ziqing's clothes.

Zhang Ziqing sat on the co-driven, and the expression on his face was unusually unceynnritious.

"Miss Zhang, I advise you to do it, don't play, don't be careful, you have to come to the secret room today, if you don't want Zhang Xize, you are in the secret room you enter before, then you are old and old. In my heart, I can get rid of these people, as long as I safe, you can safely! "

Chen Mo said with Zhang Ziqing.

"What do you do in the room?"

Zhang Zi Qing, who was very calm, and asked Chen Mail.

At this time, Zhang Ziqing seems to be just like a hostage, and the tone of speaking is that it is like the boss and the driver.

"What do you do in the room?"

Chen Mo asked directly.

Zhang Ziqing stunned, and then said: "You answer my question first!"

"I am going to steal things!"

Chen Mo replied.

"I also come to steal things!"

Zhang Ziqing said calmly.

"Ha ha……"

Chen Mo listened to this sentence of Zhang Ziqing, I couldn't help but laugh, and then faintly said: "It is a bit meaningful!"

"You are very luck today. If there is no, if you don't have me, you can't leave Zhangjia at all!"

Zhang Ziqing continued.

"Your luck is also very good. If there is no, what do you want to steal, it is also exposed?"

Chen Mo took it directly.

Zhang Ziqing got up and down, Chen Mo, looked at Chen Mail: "What is your name?"

"Chen Mo!"

Chen Mo replied.

"I remember your name, today is the day I will not forget this life!"

Zhang Ziqing paused, then he continued: "I have been so big, I have never been a gift from me, and I have never hurt me, and you are not salute today, and you also hurt me!"

"I don't want you to deliberately, I was also to save you!"

Chen Mai helidly returned a sentence.

At this time, Chen Mo didn't want to talk too much from Zhang Ziqing. After all, he needs to concentrate on the death of Wang Yan who followed him. Chen Mo has been looking for a suitable opportunity to get rid of Wang Yan.

"No matter what, you are all unhealthy, but also hurt me!"

Zhang Ziqing whispered.

Chen Mimei watched Zhang Ziqing did not speak.

Chen Mo felt that Zhang Ziqing's woman is really beautiful, but he also knows that Zhang Ziqing is very dangerous.

Because of the information of Chen Mo, this woman's IQ is very high, the wrist is also very powerful, the city is deep, so there is almost no one dare to sin, this woman in Beijing, sometimes Zhang Ziqing may have to be more than Zhang Xize. terrible.

As for Zhang Ziqing's younger brother, Zhang Zicheng is a complete waste, and it is a day in a sky compared to Zhang Ziqing.

"You said so much, I plan to tell me what you want to retaliate?"

Chen Mo asked Zhang Ziqing asked Zhang Ziqing.

"Yes, I will definitely you will be retaliated in the future, so you are best to be careful!"

Zhang Ziqing nodded very calmly.

"Why do you want to tell me these words, now your life is in my hand, I am might kill you at any time!"

Chen Mo said faint.

"You won't kill me, you are just a thief, you have no courage to kill me, kill me, there is no benefit to you!"

Zhang Ziqing looked at Chen Mo.

After heard Zhang Ziqing's sentence, I was surprised by my eyes, because he did not think that Zhang Ziqing was so smart, she seems to have seen Chen Mo's true purpose.

Chen Mo did not kill Zhang Ziqing's intent. After all, Chen Mo did not have any hatred between Zhang family. Chen Mo entered Zhangjia stealing something to deal with Feng Xing. If it is not there, Chen Mo is reluctant to kill.

"Should you kill people?"

Zhang Ziqing rushed to Chen Mail.

"How did you know?"

Chen Mo said and asked.

"Because you just hurt me, you are very careful, you don't know how much strength you use, you can don't kill me but can also threaten Zhang Xize, so I think you should not kill people!"

Zhang Ziqing rushed to Chen Mo very calmly.

Chen Mo listened to this sentence of Zhang Ziqing, shocked, because he did not think that Zhang Ziqing's observation did so carefully.


Chen Mo took a breath, then whispered: "Miss Zhang, I have no hatred between you, I don't want to hurt you, I don't want to kill you, so as long as I can be safe, I will I put you, as for you to say that you want to retaliate me, I don't care, because I don't even be afraid, of course, I will not be afraid of your retaliation! "

Zhang Ziqing looked at Chen Mo did not continue to talk, as if it was in the heart.


At the same time, the car on the car where Wang Yan is only three people, Wang Yan is sitting on the coach driving, and the driver driving the driver is also Zhangjia's bodyguard captain called Li Kunpeng. There is also a person called Zhao Xuan Yan.

These three people can count the three most horrible people in Zhangjiabao darts.

Although Wang Yan knew that Chen Mo was a military person, he felt that if they were a piece of their three people, then I would like to kill a Mo's or very simple thing.

"Boss, the situation is not right, this Chen Mo seems to be played in the city!"

Li Kunpeng, which drivers, shouted,


Wang Yan couldn't help but frown after hearing this sentence of Li Kunpeng.

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