I am the heir to the richest man

The first thousand five hundred and ninety-nine chapters: your heart is hot!

Wang Yan is very clear, and once Chen Mo has driven the car to the city, if they want to make Chen Mo's hand, it is not so simple. After all, the people in the city still have a lot, they are not convenient to Chen Mo, and The environment inside the city is obviously more complicated than the suburbs, so once Chen Miman enters the city, they will be very difficult to kill Chen Mima.

"Boss, what should we do now?"

Li Kunpeng, drove, wrinkled with brows.

"Can you catch up?"

Wang Yan asked whisper.

"Can't catch up ..."

Li Kunpeng didn't want to shook his head directly, and then continue: "This car skill is very good, although his car is not as good as our car, but he has been changing the route, we want to catch up is unlikely ... "


Wang Yan whispered after hearing this sentence, then shouted directly: "Parking!"


Li Kunpeng heard this sentence and flicked in the eyes.

"Yes, stop can't stop!"

Wang Yan shouted.

Li Kunpeng had no choice but to stop the car.

Wang Yan pushed the door and sat in the driver's position, Li Kunpeng sat on the co-drive.

Wang Yan's car technology is much better than Li Kunpeng, so how long does it take to catch up with Mercedes from Chen Mo.

After seeing the car of Wang Yan, Chen Mo has been chasing it. The eyes flashed in a very surprised, because the car has not been chased so long, but now it is necessary to exceed Chen Mo's car, this shows that the other party must change people. of.

Chen Mo's acceleration tried to get rid of the car behind, but helpless king's car skills are very good, no matter how Chen Mo accelerates, there is no way to give Wang Yan.


At this time, Chen Mo's car was dramatically shaken.

Wang Yan's car hit the back of Chen Mo's car.


Zhang Ziqing took a photo, and his head directly hit the windshield.

"How do you open a car!"

Zhang Ziqing slammed into Chen Mo's expression with his own head.

"It is the person you drive to drive!"

Chen Mo's low returned to a sentence.

When Zhang Ziqing heard Chen Mo's words, Zhang Zi was directly in the original place, and the expression on his face seems to be surprised.

Because Wang Yan and others have always followed it, but they didn't dare to move to Chen Mo, but at this time they actively took the initiative to Chen Mo.

"You have no value now!"

Chen Mo's soft sigh, then continued: "Wang Yan knows that you are on my car, but he saw that I have to enter the city, or choose to do it with me, this shows that Zhang Jia may have given up you. Your luck has encountered me, this is a change to other kidnappers, it is estimated that you are now dead ... "

When Zhang Ziqing heard Chen Mo's words, he couldn't help but stunned. Her woman is still very smart, so she can certainly react this is what is going on.

But let Zhang Ziqing did not think that Zhang Xize actually gave up her so soon!

At this time, Zhang Ziqing flashed a slightly lost, and he didn't speak.

"Sit hard, they hit it ..."

Chen Mer suddenly said.


Zhang Ziqing did not hesitate to reach the armrest after hearing this sentence.


A loud noise.

The car of Wang Yan once again hit the car behind Chen Mai.

The car has a dramatic vibration.

Although Chen Mercheng is still very good, the car helplessly opened by Wang Yan is a modified car, so after two impact, Wang Yan's car did not, even the shape did not Changes, while Chen Mo's car has been deforming, the wheel also offset, which also caused Chen Mo's speed to be slow.

"If you continue to hit it, we may have to die in the car ..."

Chen Mo shouted at Zhang Ziqing.

Zhang Ziqing also flashed a helplessness after hearing Chen Mo's words, I don't know what to say.

"I originally thought that I can live down, I didn't expect this Zhang Xize to be so embarrassed, even my daughter didn't care ..."

Chen Mer continued his teeth.

Zhang Ziqing's face is unusual, because she didn't think that the last thing I didn't think of this, when Zhang Ziqing's life was tied to Chen Mo's body, if Chen Mo lived, then Zhang Ziqing can live, but if Chen Mo If you die, then Zhang Ziqing may also die.

"What do you plan now?"

Zhang Ziqing asked Xiao Mail whispered.

"What can I do? I can only open more people, more people, they don't dare too much!"

Chen Mo helidly returned Zhang Ziqing.

At this time, Chen Mo clearly felt that he was a choice. If he chose to exchange the hostage, the matter would not be so troublesome.


At this time, Wang Yan's car was hit by the car behind Chen Mo.

The loss of this car is more serious, Chen Mo knows that he may not be urban area, because this car will be scrapped directly if it hits it.

"I can only fight ..."

Chen Mo's eyes flashed a helpless, then turned directly to the roadside.

At this point, I was a big square in front of Chen Mo, but helpless because it is already more than 12 hours in the morning, plus this place is not in the urban area, so the people passing very little, but Chen Mo has nothing else. chosen.

"Miss Zhang, you may have to work with me!"

Chen Mo said with Zhang Ziqing.

"How do you let me cooperate with you?"

Zhang Ziqing asked.

Chen Miman went straight to the door and took the car under the door. After getting off the bus, Chen Mo took Zhang Ziqing from the car, and then grabbed Zhang Ziqing, with a dagger, the slender white neck of Zhang Ziqing.

Zhang Ziqing helidly saw Chen Mo and did not choose to resist.

Chen Mo took a breath, quietly waiting for Wang Yan and others.

At this time, Chen Sime is very clear, his car has been completely broken, it is possible to turn off, even if it is not turned off, it will be directly hit by Wang Yan's car, so Chen Mo will stop the car. Zhang Ziqing took the car.

Now, Chen Mo is gambling, he wants to see Zhang Xize, is really trying to give up his daughter.

As the saying goes, the tiger does not eat, Chen Mo still does not believe that Zhang Xize is so embarrassing, even the life of his daughter can don't care.

After a few seconds, Wang Yan's car was also parked on the side.

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