Wang Yan Li Jianpeng Zhao Xui three people directly walked down.

At this time, the expression on these three faces is still very nervous, because they don't know what Chen Mo wants to do, so they must die. Chen Mo.

Wang Yan looked at Chen Mo's eyelid of God, because Chen Mo's appearance made Wang Yan suffered a lot of losses.

After all, Wang Yan is the head leader. Chen Mo entered the secret room was his dereliction of duty, so Wang Yan was also guilty afterwards, but Wang Yan would be able to kill Chen Mo's words, the Xize may not be investigated. This is something.

And Chen Mo is also changing Wang Yan. He can feel that Wang Yan should not be simple. At the very least, Wang Yan's breath makes Chen Mo feel somewhat unspeakable, which means that Wang Yan's realm may be high.

"Why don't you ran?"

Wang Yan got up and down, Chen Mo, whispered to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo took a deep breath, then said that there was no expression: "What do you mean?"

"What do I mean, is you unclear?"

Wang Yan returned back.

"I said before, as long as I leave, I will put this woman, but you don't seem to have to let me mean!"

Chen Mai continued.

And Wang Yan didn't help but laughed after hearing Chen Mo, and then said: "Kid, are you too too innocent? You broke into the room today, that place is Zhangjia's Forbidden, so you can't leave it, you will be a dead person from the moment you enter the secret room! "

"Do you not afraid that I kill this woman? If you dare to continue to follow me, I will kill her directly!"

Chen Mo shouted.

Wang Yan helplessly saw Zhang Ziqing, but did not speak.

And his attitude has also shown that Zhang Xize is really giving up Zhang Ziqing.

Wang Yan is not willing to do this, because he is still good with the relationship between Zhang Ziqing, if you can save Zhang Ziqing, it is the best, but if you can't save Zhang Ziqing, Wang Yan has no Method.

He is just a bodyguard captain of Zhangjia, he can only do it in accordance with Zhang Xize.

Since Zhang Xize has already wanted to give up Zhang Ziqing, he has no way.

"Do you intend to give up this woman?"

Chen Mo asked in Wang Mi.

And Wang Yan took a deep breath, then looked at Zhang Ziqing: "Miss, this person took a very important thing from the room, so Zhang Huan did not kill this person anyway!"

"Do you have anything wrong with my life?"

Zhang Ziqing asked without an expression.

"Miss, this is Zhang Zhuang's order, I am just being ordered!"

Wang Yan said very helplessly.

After Zhang Ziqing heard this sentence, the eyes flashed a desperate, she didn't think that Zhang Xize actually really intended to give up.

"Miss, I hope you don't blame me, after all, this person takes the thing that is really important. If you let this person leave, then the owner of Zhang's family may be dangerous, so Zhang always has to make this. The choice, sacrifice you a whole Zhangjia! "

Wang Yan looked at Zhang Ziqing to continue to explain.

"Sacrifice me a whole one?"

Zhang Ziqing didn't help but smile after hearing this sentence of Wang Yan, and his face is unusually helpless. I don't know what to say.

Originally Zhang Ziqing wants to deal with Zhang Zi Zhang Ze, she still has some psychological stress. After all, Zhang Zicheng is also his father's son. After so many years, Zhang Xize is also good for her.

But when she heard the sentence of Wang Yan, the heart was more firm, because she felt that Zhang Xize did not have any feelings at all, Zhang Xize is just a tool, her own life. It is not so important in Zhang Xize's eyes.

The mother of this year is like this by Zhang Xize.

However, the same thing now happened on your own body.

If the same situation, Zhang Ziqing changed into Zhang Zicheng, Zhang Ziqing felt that Zhang Xize failed to give up his son.

At this time, Zhang Ziqing has made up his mind. If you can live it today, then she must have a revenge of Zhang Zizheng Zhang Xize and others.

"Li Jianpeng Zhao Xuan Yan, do it!"

Wang Yan didn't want to talk nonsense, and the direct face did not show a sound.

After Li Jianpeng he hesitated with Zhao Xuantan, he took the steps directly to Chen Mo's position.

Since Zhang Xize has given up Zhang Ziqing, then they have no counseling at this time. Directly use the fastest and simplest way to kill Chen Silea, as Chen Mo will not kill Zhang Ziqing, then with them Two have no relationships.

Chen Mo saw Li Jianpeng's slow approaching himself, and his eyes flashed, because he knew that he still underestimated Zhang Xize.

Zhang Xize This kind of person is not human nature, and even his daughter does not care.

Chen Mai helplessly saw Zhang Ziqing, and Zhang Ziqing at this time has no effect on Chen Mile.

If it is normal, the kidnapper will definitely kill Zhang Ziqing.

However, Chen Mo did not choose to do his hand to Zhang Ziqing, because Zhang Ziqing and Chen Mo have no hatred, he doesn't want to kill innocent.

Chen Mo slowly released Zhang Ziqing, then whispered Zhang Ziqing said: "You are gone, you are already useless!"

"You don't plan to kill me?"

Zhang Ziqing stunned and looked loudly.

"What do you do? Let's have two and no grievances!"

Chen Mo shook his head directly.

After Zhang Ziqing hesitated, he actually took the initiative to hold Chen Mo.

Wang Yan couldn't help but kneel it after seeing this scene. He didn't understand why Zhang Ziqing took the initiative to hold Chen Mo.

However, Wang Yan felt that Zhang Ziqing thanked Chen Mile to let him go.

Chen Mo was hugged by Zhang Ziqing and some doubts.

"If you can leave, I hope that you can help me keep secret, and there will be I won't let you!"

Zhang Ziqing said with only the sound she heard with Chen Mile.

"I have to let you put you, you still have to retaliate me?"

Chen Mo smiled helpless.

"This is two yards!"

Zhang Ziqing returned to a sentence, then release Chen Mo and turned away from the distance.

After a moment, Zhang Ziqing came to Wang Yan and others, but Zhang Ziqing didn't seem to be going to leave. She wanted to see that Chen Mo will not leave here today.

Chen Miman stared at Li Jianpeng, Zhao Xuantang, who was not expressing.


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