I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 160: What is your relationship with Chen Mo?

The day does not fall in the bar.

Because Chen Mo's thing has occurred before, Lin Qiushui directly announced all the fineness of all the wine in today's wine.

This also leads to many guests who are not present at the time, and the business is very popular. Lin Qiushui is busy with the service student in the bar for nearly an hour, and finally has a little time.

"Your bar is very good ..."

Yanme saw Lin Qiushui After entering the box, he took the initiative to pour a glass of red wine, laughing.

"The usual business is not so good today, today is all the blessings ..."

Lin Qiushui reached out of the high cup of Yanme, and then said: "Xiao Yan, I have never found that you are so powerful! Even Zhou Xuan is so afraid of you, I have to be earlier I know that you are so powerful, I should not agree to Zhou Xuan's $ 20 full! "

"Do you want to listen to my life?"

The Yanme poses elegant swaying the high cup, and the whole person looks like a more temptation in the dark lights in the box.

"I have no interest in your life. Since you didn't tell me, then I didn't tell me, so I now asked, it's also white, you will definitely don't say it!" Lin Qiu Water Say faint.


Yan Mie heard the phrase of Lin Qiu Water, I couldn't help but smile, then the hand was a fragrant, looked at Lin Qiushui, and the red lips were slightly opened, and why did you be friends with you? "

"I don't know ..." Lin Qiushui shook his head lightly.

"Because I think it is relaxed with you!" Yan Xia smiled.

"Although I do is not very interested in your identity, I am very interested in you with Chen Mo!" Lin Qiushu said.

"I am with Chen Mo's things?"

Yan Men heard this, I couldn't help it, then I asked in the expression: "What is the matter with Chen Mo?"

"You can't lie to me, I can feel that Chen Mo's eyes are somewhat uncomfortable, and when Chen Mo is bullied, I have never seen you so angry, talk about it, why are you with Chen Mo? Wait? Is it a bit uncommeted? "Lin Qiushu asked with a smile.

"You don't talk about it here. Chen Mo is my student, and I also introduce him to work here. Chen Mo is bullying. I will definitely help him ..." Yanme "explained a sentence.

"No, I think that you see Chen Mo's eyes are not to see a student's eyes!" Lin Qiushi shook his head.

"I just think that Chen Mo is a bit poor ..."


Lin Qiushi stunned, then asked the tone: "Where is Chen Mo pity?"

"The things inside the school don't know, I don't use it to you ..." Yan Xia said.

"Do you make sure you really don't have any ideas? If you have no words, I can have an idea. If you may, I will give Chen Murgent to the hand. You can don't be angry." Lin Qiu Water I have said that I have the sexy red lips and laugh.

"You are not interested in men, less here to lie to me!" Yan Xiaoo faintly.

"I am not interested in other men, but I think Chen Mo is still good, people are handsome, and the character is also very good, but the poor is not a shortcoming, after all, no one can be poor! "Lin Qiushu softly analyzed a sentence.

"Chen Mo is too small, not right with you!"

Yan Xia said straight.

"Is that right?" Lin Qiushu asked with a smile.

"It is not right to follow me ..."

The Yanme glassed and then looked at Lin Qiushui asked: "Well, we will not talk about Chen Mo, how is your parents? Have you remind you to blind date?"

"Of course, it is, but I tell them that I have a boyfriend now, so they don't remind me ..."

Lin Qiushu slowly said.

"You already have a boyfriend, when are you a boyfriend?"

The expression of the eyes is a little puzzled to Lin Qiushui.

"Of course, I am lie to them, how can I have a boyfriend!"

When I said this sentence, Lin Qiushui's eyes were somewhat deficiency, because she deliberately put Chen Mo's things concealed, she didn't know what Mermail didn't know about her at home.

Lin Qiushui This woman has always been very smart. She can feel that Yanmei has a strange feeling. She is worried that if she knows that she is a heart that is with Chen Mo's things.

"Actually, I really should really find a man trying to get along, you can't stand in a lifetime, you are so single, how do you have to do it?"

Yan Wei said with a small mouth.


After listening to the words of Yanme, I didn't know why I suddenly flashed Chen Mo's appearance in my mind, and she was what she did with Chen Mo's bed.

"I talked to you, what to stay?"

Yanme saw Lin Qiushui After some embarrassed, frown shouted.

"I also want to find a man you like, but I have never been there. Can I have any way? I also know that I can't live for a lifetime, but I don't want to find a man to find a man is like this."

After saying this, Lin Qiushui was scratched in Yanme's arms, then smiled and said: "Okay, don't say it here, are you not twenty-six? Why didn't you find a man? If you don't look for a man, are you wasting such a good body? "

"You don't have to joke!"

Yanmei quickly hid the little hand of Lin Qiushui, and then reached out to Lin Qiushui's body.

In an instant, the box in the box.

"Jingle Bell……"

But at this time, Lin Qiushui's mobile phone suddenly rang.

"Okay, don't make trouble with you, some people call me!"

Lin Qiushu looked at Yanme and shouted, and then quickly got up and took his mobile phone.

When Lin Qiushu saw the number above the phone, the eyes flashed in the eyes, and the lower consciousness glanced and glanced.

"What do you think? Advocate the phone!"

Yanme is simple to sort out his clothes and say it.


Lin Qiu Water Heart flashed, and finally pressed the on-button.

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