I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 161: I am very surprised to see?

The bar package.

Lin Qiushui saw that Zhou Xuan gave himself to himself, and the eyes flashed in the eyes, but finally I turned on.

"Lin ... Lin, is you convenient?"

After Lin Qiushui turned on, Zhou Xuan seems to have a little nervous.

"Easy, do you have anything?"

Lin Qiuwu frowned and asked.

"What, Lin is always, today's things are really too sorry, I just thought about decided to give you a 3% shares in your bar ..." Zhou Xuan knew that Chen Mo didn't want others to know his identity. So I said it is very euphemistic.


Lin Qiushi couldn't help but heard this, and then glared at Water Wang's big eyes: "Zhou Xuan, are you doing this? Today, you have no relationship with me. And the person who hits you is also Chen Mo. I didn't provoke you? What do you mean to return the shares now? Who don't know the whole peace area, if a bar does not have your Zhou Xuan's shares, then there is no way to open Go, do you do this, just want my bar to close? "

In fact, Lin Qiushui has already guess Zhou Xuan will do this.

After all, there is such a thing today. Zhou Xuan will definitely feel very unopened, but the Yan Xiao Zhou Xuan can't afford it, Zhou Xuan can only put the fire in Lin Qiuwei.

At this time, Lin Qiushu felt Zhou Xuan's reasoning to give the shares to yourself. That is to tell Lin Qiushui, I will not do this later, you don't have to be responsible for me.

This is why Lin Qiushu saw that Zhou Xuan's call came over, turned his head and glanced.

"What, Lin is always, you don't misunderstand me. I am not saying that your bar will be, if you have anything else, I will take it from tomorrow, and I will go to your bar from tomorrow. Protect your bars' security, but you don't want to give me 20% of the shares ... "

Zhou Xuan has changed its face after listening to Lin Qiu Water, and even busy explaining the excitement.

"You are saying that my bar will still worry, but your shares don't want?"

Lin Qiuwu is a little calm, and the tone is very confused.

"To, I mean this, I will rest assured, your bar is what I Zhou Xuan's thing, I will definitely help you to optimize the bar, there will be no one will have anyone in your bar ... Zhou Xuan said.

"Zhou Xuan, what do you mean?"

Lin Qiushui at this time, the expression on his face is very upset, because she doesn't understand why Zhou Xuan will do this.

"Forest, I mean, I will help you see the bar, but I don't want your shares. I will look for you in the past tomorrow!" Zhou Xuan said.


Lin Qiushu suddenly stopped, she reacted now, Zhou Xuan is to help her work free!

"Why do you want to do this?"

Lin Qiushui asked.

"No ..."

Zhou Xuan returned to a sentence and then continued: "Total Lin, what's the matter, let's talk tomorrow!"

After that, after the words, Zhou Xuan hangs directly.

And Lin Qiushu did indeed a face.

"What's the matter?"

Yan Teen saw the expression on Lin Qiushi face, couldn't help but asked softly.

"Xiao Yan, is you let Zhou Xuan also give me the shares of the bar?" Lin Qiushi hesitated to look at Yanme.

"How can Zhou Xuan is afraid of me, but I haven't worried that I can take the shares from this point, a bar's shares can be mixed ..." Yan Xiaomed back.

"What is going on here? Why should Zhou Xuan suddenly returned the shares?"

After listening to the words of Yanme, Lin Qiushui, the expression on the face seems to be more confused.

The beauty of Yanme is flashed a different, hesitated, did not say anything with Lin Qiushu.


the other side.

After sending home by Du Tianhao, Chen Mo is still hit by a group of people who are inexplicably attacked by a group of people.

Chen Mermail is almost more than ten minutes, and then wakes up.

When Chen Mo opened his eyes, he found that his eyes were dark. It should be something that was blinded, and Chen Mo also felt that he should be in the car, and sometimes he can hear someone whispered. .

"Who is you? Why is you kidnapped me?"

Chen Mo hesitated, pulling his throat.


There is still a silence in the car, no one answers Chen Mo's words.

"What do you want to do? You are doing this now, I will send me!"

Chen Mo saw that no one was speaking, she was crazy.


The young man sitting in Chen Mo's body is directly smashed on the face of Chen Mo, then shouted: "You fucking best to stop, or you will have you better ..."

Chen Mo has honestly after a fist, and then began to analyze what people will kidnap themselves in their minds.

First, Chen Mo felt that people who were most likely kidnapped should be that Li Jincheng told him the competitor.

But Chen Mo felt that the other party was very powerful. If you really want to grab your heritage, you should kill yourself directly, there is no need to do it!

So Chen Mo quickly denied this idea.

"Is the other party knowing my identity, I want to kidnap me?"

Chen Sime has flashed a bold idea again, and then he began to recall how many people did to know his identity so far, and there was a courage to do his own.


After a few minutes, a brake sound sounded.

The car slowly stopped.

"Go to the place, get off!"

The youths sitting on the side of Chen Mo shouted in Chen Mo, and then slap Chen Mo's walking down.

"Big Brother, can you pick up this thing on my head, I am full of gas ..."

Chen Mo said.

"Do not talk nonsense!"

Youth pushed Chen Mima, then took Chen Mo into a house.

After entering the house, Chen Mo is directly tied to the chair with a rope.

"It can be done!"

After the tip of Chen Mo, the youth long has a tone, and it is softly.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Because when Chen Mo's face is still sack, I don't know what the situation is outside.

"Chen Mo, you said that we tie you to do what to do?"

At this time, a familiar voice rang in Chen Mimi.

"Da da da!"

It's just a high heels tap the ground sound.

The woman went to Chen Mo's face and reached out directly to the sacks above the brain.

When Chen Mo saw the woman in front of him, I used it directly in the original place, and my face was very incredible!

"Is it you?"

Chen Mo looked at the woman's tone shouting.

"How? I saw me very surprised?"

A woman's mouth raised a glorious smile.

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