I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,665: White is busy!

Chen Mo sat in the bed, and the eyes were full of helplessness, because he didn't think that the U disk that he spent a lot of hard, was lost by him, and Chen Mo was a busy living today.

"Is it lost when you escape?"

Yanme is loudly asked by Chen Union.

"No ..."

Chen Sail didn't want to swite directly.

Because Chen Mo has been very careful of this U disk. When you get off, this U disk is still in Chen Mo's clothes, so this U disk is definitely not Chen Mo.

Chen Mo did his best to remember his own mind.

At that time, Chen Mo was under the square, the U disk is there, this shows that this U disk should be lost after Chen Mer.

"Zhang Ziqing!"

Chen Mo slowly said these three words.

"What happened to Zhang Ziqing?"

Yan Hymphor is disgraced to ask Chen Mail.

"Zhang Ziqing hugged me when I was separated from me, I still didn't understand why Zhang Ziqing had to hold me. It turned out that she was holding me a chance to steal my U disk ..."

Chen Mo bite his teeth.


Yanme glantly said that Chen Mo did not speak directly, and said with his mouth: "People use a beauty meter for you, you don't know who you are ..."

"What is the beauty is beautiful!"

Chen Mo's eyes flashed, then whispered: "This Zhang Ziqing is too bad, and Laozi did not kill her. She actually gave me my U disk to me ..."

"What do you plan to do next?"

Yanme is loudly asked by Chen Union.

Chen Mo hesitated two seconds, then whispered: "Zhang Ziqing's going to the room should have anything about Zhang Xize, so Zhang Ziqing does not want Zhang Jia people to know that she went to the secret room, so I think Zhang Ziqing is calculated to put this U The dish is stealing, she will not give Zhang Jia people, she should be to use this U disk to do anything to do with me, so now is not particularly bad, I can find a chance to see Zhang Ziqing, look Can she also give me a U disk ... "

"Well, Zhang Ziqing has no connection between Feng Xing, so she should have nothing to use this U disk!"

Yanme is gently nodded.

"Hey, I am busy for one night, and finally, I am all busy. This Zhang Ziqing is really evil!"

Chen Mer bite his teeth.

"You can live back, it's not bad. Now this situation is not particularly bad. In the past few days, you will take a good break, then find the opportunity to see Zhang Ziqing!"

Yan Xia said in Chen Mo.

"I have no way to fight in Yanbei now, let's talk to your grandfather!"

Chen Mo hesitated and looked at Yanme.

"OK, I know, you have a rest!"

Yan Xia nodded, then turned directly to the outside of the room.

After Yanme leaving, Chen Mo lies in the bed, the more angry, the more you are busy, so long, I will live in the life of Wang Yan, and finally by Zhang Ziqing to steal the U disk.

"This woman doesn't matter what is good!"

Chen Mer bite his teeth, and then closed his eyes ready to rest.

"Jingle Bell!"

But at this time, Chen Mo's ringtone suddenly rang.

Chen Mo listened to the ringtone, and then took out his own mobile phone to see an eye, and found that it was a call from Chu.

"What is Chu, is you calling me?"

Chen Mo's eyes flashed a doubt, then connected the phone, and asked softly: "Is there anything?"

Perhaps because Zhang Ziqing's thing, Chen Mo's speech is not very good.

"Xiao Chen, who is provoked you?"

Chu Huajiao asked.

"Nothing, it is not good!"

Chen Mo's low returned to a sentence.

"what are you doing?"

Chu blue continued.

"What can I do? Ready to sleep ..."

Chen Mo has some speechless.


Chu Lan nodded and then continued: "I have a good news to tell you, do you want to listen?"

"good news?"

Chen Mo listened to Chu-blue, I couldn't help it, then wrinkled with brows: "What good news?"

"In a few days, it is my birthday ..."

Chu said with a smile.

Chen Mo listened to the expression of unusual words on the expression of Chu, Because he didn't think about Chu, the blue birthday, what is good news about himself.

"happy Birthday to you!"

Chen Mo said very perfunctory.

"You have a birthday, you actually say a happy birthday? Are you too sincerity?"

Chu is like a somewhat angry shouting.

"Then how do you want me?"

Chen Miman asked with a brow.

"Isn't you now in Beijing?"

Chu blue shouted.

"Yes, what happened?"

Chen Mo asked.

"That's too clever, I am also in Beijing, I am going to hold a birthday party, when you come to my birthday party, don't forget to prepare a gift!"

Chu Lan said.

"After the day?"

Chen Mo heard this sentence, I couldn't help but say it, and then said: "What is the one, I may not have time after tomorrow ..."

"You don't talk nonsense, you have to come to participate in my birthday party, if you don't come, you will die ..."

Chu blue sound is cold.

"Well, I try to pass!"

Chen Mo helplessly promised, and then hanged the phone directly.


On the other hand, in the house.

Zhang Fani sat in front of the meeting room, and the expression of the face is unusually difficult.

And Zhang Xize is sitting around Zhang Fani with Zhang Xichuan.

At this time, all the high-level tops of Zhang's family have gathered together, even even a few elders of Shangyuanmen have come over.

After all, Zhang Fang is one of themselves, so Zhang Fan is knew that after someone broke into the secret room, he returned to Zhangjia.

Zhang Ziqing said in the conference room with the people of Zhang Jia, and she relied on Chen Mo, and Zhang Jia people did not doubt.

When Zhang Ziqing had returned to his room after he had finished the matter.

After knowing how it is, Zhang Fan is a more ugly, because so many years, Zhang Jia has never encountered such a thing.

It was directly being done into the room, and more people think that the three captains of Zhangjiabao Darts were all killed by people.

You must know that Wang Yan is the three elders of the three elders of the Guanzong!

So this matter has a very much impact on Zhang Jia or for Shangyuanmen.

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