I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,666: Zhangjia's reaction

Zhang Fanheng turned his hand to see Zhang Xize, and then whispered to Zhang Xize asked: "Is the person who broke into the secret room clearly?"

"The investigation is clear, this person is not small, he is Chen Mo, is the heir of Wangcheng, but also the disciple of Li Taibai!"

Zhang Xize quickly replied.

"Li Taibai's disciple?"

Zhang Fan Sheng was shocked by this sentence, and then whispered: "I didn't expect this person to actually Li Taibai's disciple. What is the secret room of Zhang's family?"

"He took Feng Xing's backup U disk, and all of the U disk is Fengxing's criminal evidence!"

Zhang Xize replied.


Zhang Fan Sheng was also long after hearing this sentence, then whispered: "This Chen Mo is the heir of Wangcheng, so he wants to get Feng Xing's U disk should be to deal with Feng Xing. Silver business, his real goal is not our family, this should be a good thing for us to say! "

"But this Chen Mo has seen a lot of information. I can't determine that Chen Mo has given these information. If these materials are leaked, the impact on Zhang's family is still very big!"

Zhang Xize whispered.

"This is a disciple of Li Taibai, and Li Taibai is in Hong Kong Island in front of Hong Kong Island, because of this, I have a battle with Zheng Qikun. According to my now understanding, Li Taibai's strength should be above me, so we The Shangyuanmen can't participate in these things. Because once we participate in this event, then Tianshan Zongmen will also mix it with Li Taibai, so it will be unfavorable to us! "

Zhang Fansheng light analyzed.

"What do you plan to handle this thing?"

Zhang Xize asked.

"Chen Mai privately broke into the secret room of our Zhang, but also stole something to kidnapped my granddaughter. This is certainly can't be so good, or letting Zhang's family will become a laughter in the eyes of other family. Since us Yuan Zongmen can't make this matter, then you can only handle this thing. Through our relationship with Zhang's person, I will add pressure to Chen Mo, see if Chen Mo will make things! "

Zhang Fan Sheng clearly, now they want to kill Chen Mo is a unrealistic thing. After all, Chen Mo is a disciple of Li Taibai. If they dare to kill Chen Mo, then Li Taibai will definitely destroy the entire family.

So now Zhang Fansheng's idea is to add pressure to Chen Mer's pressure through other channels, so that Chen Mo took the initiative.

"Father, I think we can let Chen Mo will make things in the words, then it may be a bit less real ..."

Zhang Xize whispered.

"What do you mean?"

Zhang Fan was frightened and asked.

"This Chen Mo is the heirman of Wangcheng, and all the people in Wangcheng are all managing Li Juncheng. Li Juncheng is very loyal to Chen Mo, so Chen Mo's person's relationship is very horrible, and I heard that Chen Mo's follower It is a bit related, he seems to have been with Yan Jia's Yanmei, if we have to deal with Chen Mo, I am worried that the beauty may insert this thing! "

Zhang Xize whispered.


Zhang Fansheng heard this sentence, I couldn't help but stunned, then faintly said: "What is the people in the district?"


Zhang Xize looked up at Zhang Fanheng, and the expression on his face was a bit.

It is necessary to know that the strength of Yanjia and Zhang family is much different, Zhang Xize wants to understand why Zhang Fani will not put the family in the eyes.

"Although the strength of Yan's family is very horror, now the family is a plate of shackles, how long is the life of the old years, so now the beauty people are all gangster, and the status of Yanme is very embarrassing. ...... "

Zhang Fansheng light analyzed.


Zhang Xichuan gently nodded and then continued: "I heard that Yan Jia people have always wanted to worship Yan Mus, but the color of Yan has always disagreed, so I think Yanjia people should not help Chen Mo, Even the family may still stand in our side to help Chen Mo's removed Chen Mo, after all, Chen Mo wants to fall, they can marry Yan Mile to other big families, expand their strength! "

"Xichuan, tomorrow, you will contact the beauty people, try to give the beauty people, I believe that they will definitely stand in our side!"

Zhang Fanheng whispered to Zhang Xichuan.


Zhang Xichuan was busy nodded.

"As long as the beauty of the family doesn't matter, the light is relied to fight against Chen Mo, so Chen Mo has inherited the heritage of Wangcheng, but here is the capital, and Wangcheng's relationship is spread all over the world. All localities, so Chen Mo should have no great influence in Beijing! "

Zhang Fanheng said whispered.

"But I think there is still a person, we need to pay attention!"

Zhang Xize said with a brow.


Zhang Fanheng asked.

"Chu's Chu Bao!"

Zhang Xize whispered.

"Chen Mo actually knows Chu blue?"

Zhang Fani didn't help but frowned after hearing this sentence.

"Chen Mo is not to know so simple, I heard that Chu Lan directly gave Chen Mo, the relationship between the two people is definitely not usually, and the meeting is worth a few, if only just knows How can Chu, how to give the Tianyun Club White to Chen Mo! "

Zhang Xize whispered.

Zhang Fanheng's eyes flakes a shock.

"Then this matter may be a bit trouble!"

Zhang Xichuan whispered.

"Chu's Chu family is in our capital, it can also count the number one number of family members. Although it is desirable in recent years, no matter how Chu family is still some, and the most important thing is Chu blue this woman. trouble!"

Zhang Xize paused, then continue to say: "Although Chu Lan is in the Chu family from a young, it is in fact, and it is very horrible, and the strength of the woman Chu is very horrible. Her relationship is even more than Chu's It is also horrible. I heard that Chu is also very influential in foreign countries. Once Chu is standing in Chen Mo, it is very likely to affect the business of our family abroad, so that our situation may Very bad ... "

Zhang Fan Sheng heard the expression on this sentence of Zhang Xize.

"Grandpa, after two days is Chu-blue birthday party, I will go to the Chu-blue birthday party, I can try to test Chu, the meaning!"

At this time, Zhang Zicheng suddenly said.

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