I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,627: Have you sneaked?

On the other hand, Chen Mo has passed a short coma after entering the water.

Even if Chen Mo is a martial author, it is a bit too horrible when it is in the moment of entering the water, so Chen Mo has no way to bear such a horrible impact.

After a short coma, Chen Mo Su woke up, he began to struggle to struggle to go up.

After a few seconds, Chen Mer finally floated to the water, and then breathed the big mouth.

However, Chen Mo suddenly remembered Chu-blue and won't swim, so he began to observe the situation around him to look for Chu blue.

But Chen Mo did not find Chu blue after watching a circle.

"It's over ..."

Chen Mo's eyes flashed a desperate.

The moment that I just entered into the water is so much impact, even Chen Mume can't bear such a big impact, and Chu is just a general woman, there is no way to bear such a big impact, so Chen Mo feels Chu Lan is now likely to be indulgent, and may not be drowned directly.

Chen Mo's heart is very urgent, he is working hard to look for Chu blue.

But time a minute and one second, Chen Mo has never found Chu-blue.

At this time, Chen Mo's mood is abnormally complicated, even desperate, he doesn't know where Chu is blue.

But Chen Mo did not give up looking for Chu blue, crazy swinging his arm.

"Save ... Help ..."

At this time, Chen Mo suddenly heard Chu blue voice.

He looked up and looked at no longer, and found that Chu-blue was still struggling in the water.

In fact, Chu is still very fortunate, because in the moment of entering the water, Chen Mo's body is below, and Chu is in Chen Mo's top, so Chen Miman has suffered most of the impact, and Chu is defirable. Small part of the impact.

In addition, Chu Lan found a piece of wooden board after entering the water, so she rely on the buoyancy of the wooden board for a while, but at this time, the wooden board has been lost by Chu, so she will shouting a life while struggling. .

Chen Mo is going to swim in Chu blue.

However, Chen Mima can feel that Chu's voice has become smaller and smaller, and finally disappears, and Chu-blue body is slowly sinking.

Chen Mo knows Chu Blue should be a physical strength to be in a coma.

Chen Mo switched to the location of Chu-blue disappeared with the fastest speed, then a head in the water.

After entering the water, Chen Mo quickly found that Chu, blue, who was gradually sinking, he stretched the chu-blue arm, then force the Chu, blue.

After Chen Mo, Chen Mo got a blue water, and he was exhausted and finally on the shore.

After the shore, Chen Mo is also long out of breath. Fortunately, Chen Mo's position is not far from the location of Chu, blue, and if the distance is very far, it is estimated that Chen Mo also can't hold.

Chen Mo's big mouth is breathing, try to adjust his body state, after all, now Chen Mo does not know if the killer has given up, so his spirit is also highly concentrated.

After a few minutes, Chen Mo has no movement around it, this shows that those killer should have already gave up.

Chen Mo looked at Chu, blue lying on the ground, when Chu is completely coma.

Chen Mo knows Chu, blue, should now be drowning. When Chen Mo learned how to save people when studying swimming.

Once there is a situation in which the drowning must be opened in the first time, it is necessary to ensure that she is normal to breathe, or it is easy to have a risk of life.

The unconscious Chu-blue looks still very beautiful, and the exquisite face is slightly white, and the long eyelashes are slightly shaking.

Chen Mo looked for two seconds, and his heart was very clear. If you have always let Chu Lan are so coma definitely not a way, so Chen Mo is hesitating and chooses to unlock the Chu blue clothes.

After opening the clothes, Chu will be covered by underwear bags in Chen Miles.

The skin of the chest and a deep gully appeared in front of Chen Mo, but Chen Mo did not have a mood to appreciate these things at this time, because the most important thing is to open Chu blue underwear button.

After all, the underwear is the chief culprit of Chu Chu Chu.

At this time, Chen Mo is still tangled, but he knows that it is important to save people, so he also can't take much more, directly open the buckle of Chu blue underwear.

After doing this, Chen Mo's simple recalls the way you have learned, and then put your own hands in the Chu blue chest, and then start gently pressing.

However, after pressing a few times, Chu Blue did not respond.

Chen Mai can only choose to start to do artificial breathing against Chu, in such an urgent situation, Chen Mo's brain has no other idea. His action is trying to standardize Chu blue.

I don't know how long it has, Chu is finally reacted.

Chu is the first to spit a breath, and then open his own big eyes, dramatic cough.

Chen Mo saw Chu Lan finally woke up, and the whole person was sitting on the ground.

You know, if today, Chu is really out, then Chen Mo will regret a lifetime.

Chu Lan was a little bit a little after coughing, and then turned to see Chen Mo and asked softly: "What happened just now? I am not coma?"

"Well, we have two luck, I found you before you Shenshui, otherwise you may die in the water ..."

Chen Mo's eyes returned to a sentence.

Chu-blue briefly checked his body, then wrinkled with Chen Mail: "What did you do for me?"

"I just opened your underwear button just now, and then I gave you artificial breathing ..."

Chen Mo said very natural.

"Chen Mo, you dare to take me cheap, who let you take off my clothes? Who let me do artificial breathing?"

Chu's blue voice is very excited to rush through Chen Mail.

"I just didn't give you artificial breathing, you don't know if you don't know?"

Chen Mo has some speechless rolling.

"Save me, don't you have to do artificial breathing?"

Chu blue continued to shout.

"In addition to artificial breathing, I can't think of anything else. ..."

Chen Mo has some grievances.

"Is there any peeking at me when I unopened my underwear?"

Chu is hesitant to see Chen Mail asked.

"Big sister, just now, then the situation is so dangerous, I have a mood to see you, I think about how to save you ..."

Chen Mo shouted very speechless.

"Don't you see?"

Chu blue and asked.


Chen Mer shakes his head and then continues: "I don't have the shameless ..."

"Xiao Chen Mo, do you think I am so cheating? You tell me the truth, have you seen it?"

The big eyes of Chu Zi, Yang Wang, rushed to Chen Sile.

"May take a little more, but I am absolutely not deliberate ..."

Chen Mo is returned to a sentence.

"Look at?"

Chu Lan heard this sentence and wiped a laughter and then continued to ask: "Do you touch it?"


Chen Mo looked in Chu, a blunt, shouted: "Who do you think I am? At that time, I can think about these things!"

Chu Lan light white Chen Mo did not continue to ask.

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