I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,628: Is there evidence?

Chu Lan sat on the ground and took a break, and then tidy his clothes and asked whisper: "What should we do now?"

"Two should be safe now, you can leave here ..."

Chen Mo felt that there was no chasing so long, then the other party must have given up.

"That is going back, I am so wet, cold and dead ..."

Chu blue hugged shoulders and shouted softly.

Chen Mo helplessly got up and then helped Chu Blue to walk around the road.

When Chen Mo came to the roadside, he just found out that the police were looking for their police.

After seeing Chen Mo and Chu blue, the police took the two police cars directly.

After the police car, Chu-blue face was slightly eased, because they were only a complete security at this time.

"Two, I will take you with two of you to pick up the pen", after all, two of you are also the victim of this shooting! "

One of the police said softly to Chu, Blue Chen.

"I don't have any time to do something, do you use it? The killer has already ran away ..."

Chu Zai's mouth back.

"Miss Chu, this is a rule ..."

The police said helplessly.

"What rules are not rules, I am now wet, I have to go home to bathaw and change clothes, wait for me to have time to do a pen ..."

Chu is clear.

"Chu Miss ..."

The police should talk to the mouth.

"You now call your Municipal Bureau, tell him that I am Chu blue, he will tell you how to do it!"

Chu-blue is often domineering.

When the police heard the sentence of Chu blue, he quickly took out his mobile phone to dialed a call.

A few minutes later, the police knew the identity of Chu, and the attitude towards Chu blue also happened to the earth-shaking change, directly let people drive Chen Mo and Chu Blue to the Chu-blue villa.

After arriving at home, Chu-blue ran into the bathroom, and Chen Mo came to the second floor of the room because the room was also a bathroom.

After a bath, Chen Mo threw all his clothes into the washing machine, and then walked out of the bath towel.

I don't know how long it took, Chu Lan also walked out of the bath towel.

At this time, the Chu Blue is just a bath towel, which looks unusually sexy.

"Have you touched me today?"

Chu blue is unfashionable.

"I swear I am sure!"

Chen Mimi is very rushing back to Chu.

He wants to understand why Chu, why has been entangled in this issue.


Chu blue is gone to Chen Mo and asked softly.

"Really do not have……"

Chen Merloo was busy shaking his head.


Chu Lan looked at Chen Silei snorted, then picked up the remote control and opened its TV.

Chen Mimei watched Chu blue and asked softly: "What is the clothes I can wear? My clothes are washed by me. I don't know when I can do it ..."

"You can wear clothes?"

Chu blue heard Chen Mo's sentence, then said softly: "Can you wear my clothes?"

"Can you wear your clothes?"

Chu is blue and asked Chen Mail.

"How do I wear your clothes? Doesn't there no men in your home?"

Chen Mo is often helpless.

"I don't have a boyfriend, and there is no man coming into my home. How can I have a man's clothes in my home? You either wear my clothes, or it is always waiting for your clothes ..."

Chu is almost back, then continue: "And you have to accompany me here, so if you don't do this, it is nothing to do. When you can go, it is estimated that clothes are also dried ... "

"Then I can't always be this?"

Chen Mo bite his teeth.

"What happened to this? No one is watching you!"

Chu Bai said with a small mouth.

Chen Mo listened to the Chu blue, it was directly speechless.

And Chu blue was faintly looked at Chen Mimei, and he asked Chen Mail: "Before you tell me that Zhang Jia people want to kill you, then you know why do you want to kill you?"


Chen Mo looked at Chu-blue for two seconds, and then said that he broke into Zhang's family and said.

Chu Lan was surprisingly surprised after hearing Chen Mo's words, and said unbelievable tone said: "I didn't expect your courage to be so big, dare to break into Zhangjia's secret room ..."

"How can I go in? Now Feng Xing's U disk is stolen by Zhang Ziqing's woman, I am busy, now I have to face Zhangjia people!"

Chen Mo helidly sighed.

"Then don't you need me to help you?"

Chu Zazhen hesitated and asked whispering Chen Mail.

"No, I can solve myself, I don't want you to get into this matter!"

Chen Mo shook his head directly.

"I want to help you to deal with the whole family or some difficulty. After all, Zhang Jia is in Beijing for so many years, and Zhangjia has a lot of big people's handle, so I want to directly deal with them is still a bit difficult, but if I let me help You deal with Zhang Zicheng, then I feel very easy! "

Chu Lan said Chen Mo said.

"Can you have a way to deal with Zhang Zi?"

Chen Mo listened to this sentence of Chu, and the eyes flashed.

"Bar, are you not a great agreement with Zhang Ziqing? As long as you can find a way to deal with Zhang Zi, then Zhang Ziqing will return the U disk to you, you can take a U disk to deal with Feng Xing is right?"

Chu blue shouted.


Chen Merloo is busy nod.

"That's, I will go to a ticket to the magic capital now, and then help you get this thing, then you will wait for my news!"

Chu is clear.

"Do you really find ways to deal with Zhang Zi?"

Chen Miman asked with a brow.

"Who are I?"

Chu Lan took a small mouth back to Chen Mo, then continue: "When Zhang Zi became a university in the magic, it was not to make Tianliang's things in the magic, but these things were pressed by Zhang family. I don't think it's definitely in the hands of some people in the magic, as long as I can find these evidence, is it simple to deal with Zhang Zi? "

"If you really can find Zhang Zicheng's criminal evidence, then you can help me a big busy ..."

Chen Miman said with anger.

"Don't worry, this matter will be given to me!"

Chu Lan smiled back and then continued: "Just because I want to go out to stroll, I will give you this matter."


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