I am the heir to the richest man

The first thousand six hundred and thirty-two chapters: the victory has been divided

Yan Bei feels that Chen Mo's enemy is very dangerous. If you continue to be so beaten, your physical strength will definitely not hold, but Chen Mo has retained most of the physical strength.

So the north is anxious, he wants to fight as soon as possible.

At this time, the mentality of Yanbei has also changed significantly.

Yan Bei madly rushed to Chen Mile to attack, trying to end the battle as soon as possible.

The years have been seen after seeing this scene, I can't help but gently sigh.

Chen Mo is good to grasp this weaknesses in Yanbei, and continue to delay Yan North.

When the North is here, the faster the movement is, and the more obvious the weakness of his exposure is.

Chen Mo grabbed a weakness of Yanbei, ranging from his fist, and smashed in the chest of Yanbei.


A loud noise.

How do you think about how to defeat Chen Mo? So he put most of his energy on the attack on Chen Mo, and he did not want to defense.

After Chen Mo's punch, Yan Bei did not have a defense.

Therefore, the north is directly flying out by Chen Mo's punch.

Everyone's people were in the past, they all were stupid after seeing this scene, because they did not think that there would be such a situation.

When they were seen as proud, they were fly out of this time, and the families of Yan's family seemed that there was no way to accept this fact. One of them widened the eyes of the eyes. The location, the expression on the face is still shocked by the shock.

Even if the color of the face is also very surprised, because Yanme does not think that Chen Mo's strength has such a big progress.

The north is lying on the ground and struggled, then standing up and seemed to have to rush through Chen Mo's position.

"Let's stay!"

At this time, I suddenly shouted at this time.

Yan Bei suddenly turned his head to look at it, it seems that some don't quite understand what is the meaning of Yan.

"Xiaobei, you lose, this test Chen Mo won!"

The color of the years is not expressive.

And everyone in the scene has heard that all the incredible expressions will be exposed.

"Grandpa, I have not lost!"

Yan Bei bite the teeth and shouted.

"Yeah, dad, Xiaobei should have not yet lost, you can't judge the small north of Xiaoyao because of the punch!"

"Yes, Xiaobei can continue to play!"

The people of Yan's family seem to be dissatisfied with this result, and they shouted in the year of Yan.

The eyes of Yan Yong became helpless, whispered: "The Xiaodao did have lost, even if it continued to play, it was also self-sufficient. He is not Chen Mo's opponent ..."


Everyone seems to have intended to help the North to defend.

"Is there anything else?"

Yan Yong was shouting and then continued: "Do you all have forgotten that Chen Mo's body is old?"

Everyone was stunned after heard this sentence of Yan Yong.

"Chen Mo's injury can also fight this way with Xiaobei. If Chen Mo wants to be hurt, then the small north has already lost, so there is no need to continue to play, lost is lost!"

Yan Yong watched everyone continued to shout.

Everyone in the scene has been in the silence, although they are very reluctant to accept this fact, although they are very reluctant to accept this fact, but the color of the year is also very reasonable.

People Chen Mo is the injury, and it is also possible to make this in the north. If Chen Mo has no injury, then the north must be willing to be willing.

"Chen brother is really powerful, I will admit it!"

Yan Bei whispered to Chen Mo.

"You have contracted you!"

Chen Mo smiled back to a sentence.

"Since I have hurt in your body, then I will go here today, I will continue to work hard, wait for the opportunity to make two people!"

Yan Bei looked at Chen Mo.


Chen Mo nodded lightly.

Yanbei turned his head and looked at the years, then whispered: "Grandpa, today Xiaodi is shameful ..."

"It's not a shame. After all, Chen Mo is Li Taibai's disciple, and Chen Mo is now in the strength of the strength and a very obvious progress compared to the strength of the previous day, so you have no money, continue to work hard in the future!"

The year of color is like it is not blaming the meaning of Yan North, and I laughed back to a sentence.

"I will work hard!"

Yan Bei is always the proud of the sky, so no matter what is going to do it, it is best to do it today, but today, I lost to Chen Mo is also a small blow, so he is finishing this sentence. It turned directly to leave.

When the people of Yan's family saw it, the expression on the face was very ugly.

Because today Chen Mo once again slammed their faces.

From Chen Mo entered the family, these people think about it is difficult, but they have not succeeded.

Whether it is chess or shooting or even Wu Dao, Chen Mo is more excellent than the best people in them.

So everyone doesn't know how it should be difficult.

Or, if they can't find any way, I have humiliated Chen Mo.

At this time, Yan Mus is also long, after all, as long as it is this, the rest is good.

Chen Mo can defeat the north of the north is indeed outside the intention of Yanme.

At this time, the Yanmei is also staring at Chen Mo. She found that Chen Mo's progress is really more than her expectations. Now Chen Mo is like the Buddha she just knows. Chen Mo.

Chen Mo is like a whole person.

Who can imagine that Chen Mo, who has been a year is still an ordinary college students who cannot be in ordinary.

Now, Chen Mo is placed in the home, and it is absolutely able to count the general existence of the crane chicken.

"Grandpa, how? Can Chen Mo's performance?"

The Yanme turned and rushed in the years.

"It's very good, I am very satisfied, he does have the ability to protect you, give you this kind of person, I am also assured!"

The old age nodded.

Yanme heard the words of Yan Yong, after all, this sentence, this sentence, is definitely very difficult to come.

Chen Mo is also long-lasting, because he knows that he can make a task.

"Okay, you all go, I want to talk to Chen Sile alone!"

At this time, I said again.

After listening to this sentence of Yan Yong, everyone turned and left, Yanmei hesitated and left.

At this time, only Chen Mo is brought about two people within the backyard.

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