I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,633: Can not force

After all of the people left, Yan Yong became waved by Chen Mo, then smiled and said: "Chen Mo, you are sitting!"

Chen Mo hesitated and walked to the side of the year.

Yan Yong became up and down, then whispered: "When I first saw you first, I think your child is still very ordinary, if not because you inherit the heritage of Wangcheng, you may even be an ordinary People are not as good, but after the contact of these days, I found that you don't seem to be so ordinary ... "

"Grandfather, are you boasting me?"

Chen Mo smiled back to a sentence.

"Of course I am boasting you, your performance makes me feel very surprised, I think you are eligible for my granddaughter!"

The old years rushed to Chen Mo.

"You can get your grandfather, you are honored!"

Chen Mo said faint.

The years have been laughed after hearing Chen Mo's words, and then faintly said: "You broke into Zhangjia's secret room a few days ago. I didn't expect you to leave, your luck also It's quite good, the average person wants to go in, it is estimated that it is hard to live! "

After hearing this sentence, Chen Mo was directly stunned, and the expression on his face was very incredible. Because Yanmei could not tell such things, so Chen Mo didn't understand how Yan Yicheng. This matter knows.

"You don't have to be surprised, your one fell in my control, you can't escape my eyes in this place in Beijing, you have no way to escape my eyes!"

The old years have laughed and said to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo looked at the year of the year, he found himself or too low to earn this year.

Anyway, the color of Yan Yong is a big family in the capital of the capital, and when Chen Mo is still a lot of movement in Zhangjia, it is also normal to know that this is also normal.

Of course, there is a more important point, that is, Yanme has taken Chen Mo and Qian Xiong, so it is very likely that Qian Xiong leaks, after all, the relationship between Yanmei can use is full of color. People, so the money is definitely what to say to Yan's year.

"I heard that you will hold Zhang Ziqing that you left."

The years have seen Chen Mo's continued.


Chen Mo nodded lightly.

"How can you live in the hands of Wang Yan?"

In the eyes of Yan's eyes, it flashed a doubt. After all, he made a little understanding of Wang Yan, so he felt that Chen Miman could not be the opponent of Wang Yan, which is also the most curious one now. Things.

"It is a woman saved me. The strength of the woman is very horror. She directly killed Wang Yan and others!"

Chen Mo looked at the year of color.

"A woman?"

Yan Yong became a slight frowning of Chen Mo, then whispered: "Do you know this woman?"

"I don't know this woman!"

Chen Mer shook his head and then continued: "This woman doesn't seem to know me, she said she is a killer, others give her money to let her kill Wang Yan, she saved me, but it is accidental. Moreover, I later gave her money, she only put me left! "

"It turns out that you describe the long relationship of the woman!"

After Chen Mo's simple recall, the probably the woman's probably he said with the young years.

After listening to Chen Mo's words, Yan Yao smiled and said: "The woman you encountered is Qing Xuan!"

"Qing Xuan?"

Chen Mo listened to this name, after a slight frown, the expression on his face was some.

"Yes, there is a courage to kill the mission of Wang Yan, even if you look at the entire capital, you will only have a person!"

The young years said softly.

"Who is this Qingxuan?"

Chen Mo has a little confused asked with Yan Yan.

"I am not very clear about this Qing Xuan, but Qingxuan is known as the first killer of Beijing, but her whereabouts have always been very mysterious, and I want to contact her is not a matter of easy things!"

The years have paused, and then continue: "It should be that the people of the other family of Beijing want to do their hands, but I am worried about Wang Yan's strength, so I will find Qing Xuan killed Wang Yan, and you are just right Just a cheap! "

"So this is ah!"

Chen Miman nodded.

"No matter what, your kid's courage is not small, but not only into Zhangjia's secret room, but also to hold Zhang Ziqing, it is important to change to others, it is estimated that you don't know how many times you want to die!"

The old years have laughed and said to Chen Mo.

"My luck is really good!"

Chen Mo's eyes returned to a sentence.


Yan Yong called Chen Mima, then continue to say: "I hope that you can protect my granddaughter in the future, I haven't lived for a long time, in this world, my most can't put down maybe is my granddaughter. ! "

"Grandfather, you can rest assured, I will definitely protect the good integer!"

Chen Mo said quickly.

The color of the year took a deep breath and then continued: "I know that you are not the relationship between men and women, you will come over this time, just helping Yan You play, this stupid is thinking Let me feel at ease, but how can you don't look at the small trick? "

Chen Mo heard the sentence of Yan Yong, I was once again in the original place, and I was shocked by my eyes. .

"I still haven't passed you!"

Chen Mo's soft sigh.

"It doesn't matter, some things can't be strong!"

The old age sighed and then continued: "Although you are not a boyfriend, but the Yan Xiaoma can bring you over, then explain that she is still very trustworthy, so I hope You will protect her in the future! "

"I will!"

Chen Merloo is busy nod.

"There is also the dialogue between the two people, no need to let Yanme know, since the Yanmei wants to give me a play, then I will do anything, I don't know anything. Otherwise, her heart will not go. of……"

The years have seen Chen Mo's continued.

Chen Mo looked at the old man in front of him, suddenly had a sense of guilt, he felt that he should not deceive this old man.

But now things have happened, he is not used to regret it.

"Ok, there is nothing, you will take it, I should rest!"

Hemorries have a little exhausted by Chen Mo.


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