"Your father's death involves many of our silver business, so I can't tell you these things!"

Feng Xing looked at Chen Mai continued.

"Is there any relationship with you?"

Chen Mo looked at Feng Xing asked.

"You can not ask!"

Feng Xing shook his head.

"It seems that Feng is not intended to negotiate with me ..."

Chen Mer bite his teeth.

"Chen Gongzi, I know that you came to Behang City, I plan to investigate your parents' death, but I still have a word, some words I can say, I can't say, if I now, if I now, if I now disclose the silver business Give you, then I am a real dead road, so if you plan to use this U disk to exchange your parents' death, then I think you are still too much! "

Feng Xing said that he was serious about Chen Mo.

It is important to know that this U disk in Chen Mo is very important for Feng Xing, but this U disk will really want Feng Xing's life.

But if Feng Xing betrayed the silver business, then Feng Xing failed to be a thought.

Feng Xing has always pays attention to protecting his identity, so even if you look at the whole Huaxia knows that Feng Xing real identity is not a lot.

However, the silver business is still very comprehensive for Fengxing's information, and the silver business is also very easy to deal with Feng Xun.

"Feng, I don't think you haven't figured out your current situation now. I admit that this U disk in my hand may really have your life, but don't forget, I am sitting in front of you now. And if I want to kill you, it is the thing that moves my finger. These waste bodyguards inside your villa can't stop me! "

Chen Mo's emotions seem to be a little excited to rush to Feng Xing.

"Chen Gongzi, I think you still work in accordance with my method, so it is good for the two!"

Feng Xing said that he was very calm and said with Chen Mo.

"It seems that you don't see the coffin, you can't show tears!"

Chen Mo's low returned to a sentence, then slowly stood up.

Chen Mo clearly, if he continued to talk to Feng Xing, there was no significance. Chen Mo's reasonable found U disk pressure root is not wanting to use this U disk to deal with Feng Xing, he has never been No intention to use a U disk to let Feng Xing tell the truth.

Chen Mo's real purpose is to lead Feng Xing and then deal with Feng Xing.

After Feng Xing, the bodyguards saw that Chen Mo stood up and blocked Fengxing.

"Chen Gongzi, I advise you to be calm!"

Feng Xing did not express his expression.

Chen Mo is like this sentence that he didn't hear Feng Xing, continue to go to Feng Xing to go.

"What do you want to do? I will stop it soon, otherwise we are welcome!"

One of the bodyguards saw that Chen Mo also went close to Feng Xixing and his expression is very excited to rush through Chen Mo.

"If you want to stop me, you can stop me?"

Chen Mo looked at the bodyguards in front of Feng Xing.


One of the bodyguards shouted directly after hearing Chen Mo's words.

In an instant, more than ten bodyguards rushed directly to Chen Mo's position.

Among them, the bodyguard strength is the most powerful is the four paragraphs of the goods.

After the bodyguard rushed to Chen Mo, he raised his fist directly to Chen Mo's head smashed.


But at this time, Chen Mo's rack is a foot and kicks directly on the bodyguard's belly.

The bodyguard's body suddenly flew out, then slammed down under the foot of Fengxing.

The bodyguards were struggling two times as if they were intended to stand, but he was in the past after struggling two times.

The bodyguards present in the scene have exposed a shock expression after seeing this scene. They didn't seem to think that Chen Mo's young strength would actually be so horrible, but these people still did not choose to give up, and continue to rush through Chen Mo's position.

It is important to know that all of these bodyguards are a military person, even if there is a few people who have a big energy to find so many military bodyguards.

These bodyguards come out a very powerful existence in Tianyuan Province, and the ordinary rich can have a great thing to have such bodyguards.

But who can think of these bodyguards in front of Chen Mo, it is so unbearable, only less than half a minute, Feng Xing's bodyguards are all lying on the ground, and the expression on the face is abnormal.

Feng Xixing saw a different mite after seeing this scene, but he seems to have already had such a mental preparation.

After all, Feng Xing knew that Chen Mo was defeated by Guan Yi Xuan, so Chen Mo's strength could not be underestimated.

Chen Mo looked at Fengxing in front of Feng Xing, and then got up and down, and said softly to Feng Xing: "Can you tell me the truth now?"

"Chen Gongzi, do you think I will invite you today, don't you consider this?"

Feng Xixing sat on the sofa and returned to a quiet.

"Of course I know!"

Chen Mer is lightly nod, then continue: "I know that there are other base cards in your hand, but since I dare to come to you today, then I have already made all your means. Prepare, so if you have any bottom cards, then I advise you to show it out, or you may have this opportunity for a while! "

"It's really a little mad!"

Chen Mo's words just finished, a voice sounded in the living room.

Chen Mo slowed down and looked at it. It was found that it was a middle-aged man to slowly went slowly.

The middle-aged people have a common place, but the breath on the body is unusual. Chen Mo can feel that the mid-audroom's martial art should be above himself. This person should be the bottom card in Feng Xixing.

"Zhang Gao people, have you come over?"

After seeing this middle-aged person, Feng Xing said.

From this point, you can see that this middle-aged is not Feng Xing's hand, or Feng Xing is absolutely impossible to be such an attitude.

"Feng, the next child is handed over to me!"

The middle-aged people rushed to Feng Xixing.


Feng Xixing took a nodded.

The middle-aged person walked to Chen Mo, and the up and down, the milesty, said: "You are Chen Mo?"

"Yes, it is me!"

Chen Mo nodded lightly.

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