I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,653: Zhang family is coming!

"You should not know me, I will introduce yourself, my name is Zhang Chenghua, my master Zhang Fanheng!"

The middle-aged people have no expression.

"Are you a person in Shangyuan?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Yes, I am the disciple of Shangyuanmen!"

Zhang Chenghua nodded and then continued: "The U disk in your hand is stealing from Zhangjia's secret room. If you can still give me it now, I can spare you not to die today, if you are not willing If you hand over the U disk, don't blame me! "

Chen Mo looked at Zhang Chenghua did not speak. At this time, he already knew that Zhang family should be with Feng Xing.

Zhang Jia is very influenced in Beijing, but the influence of Beihang City is still small.

Therefore, Zhang Jia is responsible for it, and Feng Xing is responsible for leaving Chen Mo.

Their two purposes are to kill Chen Mili back U disk.

It is simple to say that Feng Xing feels that this U disk is far more dangerous than in the hands of Zhangjia people. After all, Chen Mo is going to be a life of Feng Xing, and Zhang family is just hope to get some through this U disk. Interests, so I choose to work with Zhangjia people now is his best choice.

"You are the disciple of Li Zongshi. I am not willing to talk to your Tianshan Zongmen, so as long as you can return the U disk to us, our previous thing we can do not even!"

Zhang Chenghua is still a little jealous of Chen Mo, which is the statue of Tianshan Zongmen, so I don't want to really give Chen Mo.

"If Zhang Fansheng tells me these words, I may also consider it, but you have no qualifications yet!"

Chen Mo's faceless said Zhang Chenghua.

"I don't have this qualification?"

Zhang Chenghua couldn't help but knew after hearing this sentence, and then whispered: "It seems that your kid is really not crying, today I will let you see if I have this qualification. ! "

After the words, Zhang Chenghua took it directly, just like a lightning generally rushed to Chen Mo's, and then the backhand was a palm of the palm of Chen Mo's chest.

Although this is just the first time, Zhang Chenghua is not simple in Chen Mo, so he shot all the strength of all, and the use of the excitement is also the unique moving row of Shangyuanmen. Cloud palm.

Zhang Chenghua's speed is still very fast, and the power of this palm is also amazing.

Chen Mo did not come to eat Shen Dan, Zhang Chenghua has already rushed to Chen Mo's body.

Chen Mo did not hesitate, directly blocked his hands in his chest.


A loud noise.

Zhang Chenghua's palm patted the arm of Chen Mo's arm.

Chen Mo continued to retreat three steps to steady his body, and the wall behind Chen was directly played a big hole.

Obviously Zhang Chenghua's tricky row is very amazing, not only passes Chen Mo's body, but also causing such a horrible destructive power after passing by Chen Mo, but fortunately, Chen Mo's behind, no one If Chen San is still standing an ordinary person, it is estimated that it will be died as death.

And Zhang Chenghua saw that Chen Mailou took this palm, and the eyes were shocked, whispered: "You have broken through the martial arts?"

According to the news before Zhang family, Chen Mo's strength is extraordinary, but there is no breakthrough to the realm of the martial arts.

However, Zhang Chenghua feels that if it is not the realm of the martial arts of the martial arts, Chen Mo has just can't block his palm.

"It is the nine paragraph of the martial arts, but now is a high martial arts!"

When Chen Mo said, I took out three borrowed God Dan directly into my mouth.

Chen Mo has recently improved its realm of this time or very fast. It has broken through the nine paragraphs of the military, but there is still a little distance from the martial arts, so Chen Mo is only able to improve his martialo horox level by borrowing God Dan.

"how can that be?"

Zhang Chenghua's eyes flashed a shock.

It is necessary to know that Zhang Chenghua can be a privileged warner. From a small time, he has always been cultivated by Zhang Fani. He is forty years old to break through the realm of the military high person, and this achievement is in front of ordinary warrants. It is already possible to be in the middle level, although there is no way to compile with the martial arts genius, but for an ordinary person is already very good.

However, Zhang Chenghua did not think that Chen Mo acts so youngly, he became a high martial arts.

Such a achievement is very rare existence, even if it looks at the entire Huaxao Wudao!

And Feng Xing's eyes also flashed a different, although he is not a war, but he also knows that Chen Mo has become a military high person.

If this person is Feng Xing's friend, then Feng Xing will be very happy. After all, Chen Mo is definitely unlimited in the future of the martial art.

But helpless this person is Fengxing's enemy.

Therefore, Feng Xing is now only an idea, that is, anyway, there must be immediately removed Chen Mo, or later Chen Mo will definitely become his heart.

"You can have such a realm so young, no wonder Li Taibai will receive you as a disciple. If you give you a few years, it is estimated that I am not your opponent, but now you are not my opponent!"

Zhang Chenghua said that Chen Mumei said.

"Is your opponent is not what you said, don't talk nonsense, hurry!"

Chen Mo didn't want to delay the time of Shen Dan, and he left a sentence directly.

"Kid, today I will let you know what you know, there are people outside the sky!"

Zhang Chenghua lowered, and immediately rushed to Chen Mo's position directly.

Chen Mo took a deep breath and immediately greeted it.

At this time, Chen Mo's idea is very simple. Although Zhang Chenghua's strength is really terrible, he is still in the power of Zhang Chenghua after taking the goddan, even if he can't defeat Zhang Chenghua today, then he also It is absolutely able to retreat, so Chen Mo is not afraid.


A loud noise.

Chen Mo's fist with Zhang Chenghua's fist is hit together, a burst of powerful breath out of the body, and the surrounding things have been flying by these atmospheres.

Feng Xing went deeply after seeing this scene, he couldn't help but clear the powerful pressure roots of a warrior.

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