I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,662: Last choice

Liu Xuan Xuan said that once again took a profile, then whispered: "This is the situation of some high-end communities I collected. If we really have completed this project, then we can earn nearly $ 100 billion, just It is the first five in this project, we can live in the top five domestic real estate companies. This kind of words will be a lot more faster from Chen Gongzi, you will complete your goal. "

"This is indeed a very good chance!"

Chen Mo listened to Liu Xuan Xuan's words and then very heartless, softly sighed.

"Although the opportunity is good, it is very difficult for us!"

Liu Xuanxuan's eyes flashed a helplessness.

"What is difficult, I want to solve it, you must take this place anyway, then follow you as you told me!"

Chen Mo said.

"I will not say it first in other late difficulties. After all, it's a little early, and the biggest problem in front of us is now how to win this place!"

Liu Xuan Xuan looked at Chen Mo.

"Is it the problem of funds?"

Chen Mail asked.

"Of course, it is not a matter of money!"

Liu Xuan Xuan quickly shake his head, then said helplessness: "If you have a fund, the matter is simple, after all, we are now lacking now, only is not missing!"

"What is that problem?"

Chen Mo asked someone.

"Yes, our company has not gone to participate in this bidding meeting, simple saying is that there is money now!"

Liu Xuan Xuan replied.

"Do not participate in the qualification for the bidding meeting?"

Chen Mo listened to Liu Xuan Xuan's expression seems to be more confused, because he thinks that this bidding will be what companies can participate.

"This sub-skin is auctioned outside, but the auction land is to review the company's qualifications, our company is not one of the Xiajia Relations, so our company may even go to the auction!"

Liu Xuan Xuan explained.

"So this is ah!"

Chen Mo nodded lightly.

In fact, Chen Mo has already known the influence of Xia Jia in the devil. If you don't have cooperation with Xia Jia, you don't even have qualifications to participate in the auction.

But if you are eligible to bid, that's all in collaboration with Xiajia, such words can guarantee whether the company gets this place, they are all profitable.

Moreover, the summer bride is also the head of the silver business in the Huaxia area, so it is basically a person who is basically the silver business.

It is simple to say that people's summer home allows his opponents to participate in bidding, such words, you may even have no qualifications, you have lost it with Xia Jiajia.

This is perhaps the most horrible place in Xia Jia.

"This is handed over to me!"

Chen Mo rushed to Liu Xuan Xuan.

"Give you to deal with?"

Liu Xuan Xuan heard Chen Mo's words flashed a doubt, it seems that I don't quite understand what Chen Mo's sentence means.

"I want to get the qualification of the bidding!"

Chen Mo slowed down.

"Chen Gongzi, you don't have a joke, I have already listened to the people around me, if there is no summary of the summer, our company is not qualified to participate in the bid!"

Liu Xuanxuan said helplessly rushed to Chen Mo.

"Without Xia Jia's agreed, there is no way to participate in this bidding meeting?"

Chen Mo didn't help but laughed after hearing Liu Xuan Xuan, and then faintly said: "Although Xia Jia said, it is nothing to decide, I will find ways. Let our company participate in this bidding party ... "


Liu Xuan Xuan looked at Chen Mo did not speak.

Although Liu Xuan Xuan wants to understand why Chen Mo is so confident, she can feel that Chen Mo said that this sentence should not be joking, Chen Mo should be very serious.

"Xuan Xuan, this time you don't have to be busy with other things, you will make this place where the plan will be prepared to participate in the bidding meeting!"

Chen Mo rushed to Liu Xuan Xuan.

"Okay, I know!"

Liu Xuan Xuan quickly nodded.

Chen Mo hesitated and turned it out directly from Liu Xuan Xuan's office.

Because Chen Mo is the chairman of Toyo Real Estate, Liu Xuanxuan also prepared a office to Chen Mai, and Chen Mo's office is more luxurious than Liu Xuanxuan's office.

Chen Mo came to his office and then started thinking about how he should handle the company to participate in the bidding meeting.

In fact, the reason why Xia family can control the choice of companies participating in the bidding meeting is that the relationship between Xia Jia and the organizers of the bidding meeting, a company is qualified to participate in this bidding is completely the people's organizer said It is simple, and if the home office, if you say that your company is not qualified to participate, even the invitation letter will not give you, your company's people are not qualified to enter the bidding meeting, do you have money, you It is absolutely impossible to get this place.

Summer Qingfeng is likely to know what you have come to Magic and set up a good property, so Chen Mo feels that Xia Jia will never allow Tianyang real estate to participate in bidding.

Since there is no way to start from Xiajia, then Chen Mo can only start with the organizer.

Now this site should be a Magic Government, so the organizer of the bidding meeting should be the Magical Planning Bureau.

Chen Mo just came to the devil, there is no relationship between the people here, Li Juncheng knows some friends in the magic, but Li Juncheng's friends don't have courage to fight against Xia Jia.

Although the pain of Yanme is horrible, Chen Mo feels that Yan You should have no ability to penetrate the relationship into the side of Magic.

After all, in Xia Jia's handling, the magic is one of the iron buckets, and it will never allow other big families to be in the Magic Puble.

"Yanme should be a point where it is not, it seems that only the last choice!"

Chen Mer sighed, and then took out his mobile phone to find a call to call it.

"Dudu ..."

The phone was connected to the phone after the phone rang.

"Chu blue, what are you busy with?"

Chen Mo smiled and asked.

"How many times, you have to call me a little!"

Chu blue seems to be a little unhappy.

"Don't Xiaoyu shouted old? I think you still call you Chu blue is more appropriate ..."

Chen Mo is busy explaining.

"Forget it, what is your love, I am skiing in the Alps, what's the matter, you say ..."

Chu Blue seems to be really no mood and say straightforward.

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