"How do you go to the Alps?"

Chen Mo has some doubts.

"Still not to avoid blind date, I am now going to play more European, waiting for when I have passed, I am going back!"

Chu Lan helpless explained.

"Or you are more chic ..."

Chen Mo was softly sighed.

"Is there anything to call me?"

Chu-blue asked.

"Well, I have now known that there is no one who killed my parents!"

Chen Mo said.

"Is it the Xia Qingfeng of the Magical?"

Chu blue asked directly.

When I heard the words of Chu-blue, it was very incredible to say a shock shock. "How do you know?"

"In fact, I have already known that I have been competing with your father, but if there is no bigger figure to give him a waist, Feng Xing has no guts to kill your father, and the only one at that time. It may also be in the summer! "

Chu is slowly said.

"No, since you have already known that people who kill my father are Xia Qingfeng, why don't you tell me?"

Chen Mo asked someone.

"I guess it may be a summer brown, but there is no useful evidence in my hand. In case it is not a summer brown, isn't that harm you?" Chu-blue explained.

"You said something a little!"

Chen Mo nodded.

"If I don't guess, what should you be in the magic?"

Chu-blue continued.


"Are you planning to deal with Xia Qingfeng?"

Chu blue continued.

"Do you let me monitor me? What do you know?"

Chen Mo has some crashing.

"No way, I know your character, what do you want to do, I will know ..."

Chu is very proud to laugh, then continue to say: "In fact, Chen Mo, I don't recommend you to deal with Xia Qingfeng at this time, because Xia Qingfeng's power is really horrible, but I also know that I will persuade you now. I can't come. So what do you want to do, do it according to your thoughts, what you need to help, you can say it directly! "


Chen Mo heard that this is still very touched by Chu-blue, he hesitated and said that the bidding will be probably told.

"It turns out that you want your company to get this place!"

Chu Lan understood how it was so loudly.

"Yes, because of the relationship between Xia Jia, my company may even have the qualifications of the bidding meeting, so I gave you this phone to see if you can help me with your relationship!"

Chen Mo said.

"This is still quite trouble, I know some people in the magic, but they don't have the ability to gain the qualifications of the bidding meeting ..."

Chu is a little difficult.

"Do you have any way this thing?"

Chen Mo is desperate.

After all, if you can't do this, you can't do this, Chen Mo is now looking for it.

"Who are I? How can I have no way? Although I have no ability to help you get the qualifications of the bidding meeting, I know this ability!"

Chu is slowly said.


Chen Mo asked some surprised.

"Who can you, this person you know and you have seen it, it is my good girlfriends!"

Chu is helpless.

"Water is excellent?"

Chen Mo listened to this sentence of Chu, after the eyes flamed, then there was a big aunt who came to the U disk in my mind.

Have to say, then two of them are very embarrassed.

"The father of the water is doing, I should tell you, so Miss Water Miss is still very faceful in the magic, if the water is excellent, then the problem should be a problem!"

Chu is slowly said.

"What, Chu Blue, I am just two or three times, and we are not very familiar, or if you still talk to her ..."

Chen Mo worried that he personally told the water, and the water was probably not promised.

"Well, anyway, you are also revenge your parents. This is busy, I am definitely to help you. I will give Youyou after it will be smooth!"

Chu is very happy and promised.

"Big sister, bidding will immediately start, can you hurry to help me do this?"

Chen Mo has worried about it.

"Oh, it's not bad for more than one hour, you will wait for my news!"

Chu is a little impatient.

Chen Sime is an unusual speech, but it doesn't dare to say anything. After all, I am also ask for people.

"Yes, Xia Jia people are very dangerous, so you have to be careful in the devil, don't revenge, you will take your life again!"

Chu is blue.

"I know……"

Chen Mo's low returned to a sentence, then continued: "I am really very anxious, you must hurry ..."

"Dudu ..."

Chen Mo said, there is still not finished, Chu is directly hanging up the phone.

Chen Mo looked at the expression of his mobile phone, but now Chen Mo didn't worry, after all, as long as Chu is promised to help yourself, then according to Chu-blue character, it is definitely eight or nine .


Chen Mo's long has a tone.

At this time, Chen Mo has obviously feels the pressure to the summer home.

No way, Xia Jia is so horrible, just like Li Juncheng, if there is no Summer support, then any company will be difficult.

Chen Mo is because I know Chu, and Chu-blue is a good girlfriend, so I have the opportunity to participate in this bidding meeting.

But just because this little thing, Chen Mo is used to use his most important relationship. If there is anything in the future, Chen Mo is really do not know who he should go to help.

Chen Mer is sitting in the office. At this time, he has no mood to do something else, and he has been waiting for the reply on Chu.

After more than three hours, Chen Mo's mobile phone finally rang.

Chen Mage took his mobile phone to see an eye, found that the number called himself was a strange number.

Chen Mo's eyes flashed a doubt, but he still turned on the phone.

"Hey, hello! Which one are you?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Guess who I am?"

A woman's voice is sounded opposite the phone.

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