I am the heir to the richest man

The first six hundred and seventy-seventh chapter: butcher!

"Chen Ye gave me ..."

The middle-aged people explained a word, and then very seriously got a few eyes, then nodded: "You didn't lie to me, you are Chen Ye's son Chen Mo!"

"What is your father?"

Chen Mo's face asked in the middle-aged.


The middle-aged person nodded gently.

"What is your person? How can you know my father?"

Chen Mo looked at the middle-aged people asked.

"I am Chen Ye's bodyguard, you can call me butcher, as for my true name, I don't remember!"

The middle-aged replied.

"Are you my father's bodyguard?"

Chen Mima's face seems to be more incredible, and quickly asked: "Are you really true?"

"This photo is your father to give me. He brought me here and told me that he was waiting here. After twenty years, his future generation will appear, so I am here waiting for you. Twenty years! "

The middle-aged person looked at Chen Mo.

"No, what are you talking about? What do you mean saying that my father is waiting for me here?"

The expression on Chen Mima seems to be more confused.

"Yes, your father let me wait here!"

Middle-aged people nodded.

"But my father has died for many years, and what are you going to do here?"

Chen Mo continued to ask.

"I want to protect you!"

The middle-aged replied.

"Who needs your protection? How do I know if you are saying? Who is you?"

Chen Miman said with a brow.

"I am a butcher, it is your father's bodyguard, this photo can prove what I am telling!"

The middle-aged replies very seriously.

"No, do you not say something else in addition to this sentence? Since you said you are my father's bodyguard, then you should know what my father is right? You tell me that my father is ... "

Chen Mohu said with the middle-aged.

"I don't remember anything else ..."

The middle-aged man rushed to Chen Mo and shook his head.

"Can not remember?"

Chen Mo listened to the middle-aged person, I couldn't help but laugh, and then whispered: "Don't remember what it means?"

"I have already missed, so I haven't remember it before, I just remember that I need to wait for you here, then protect your safety, I am Chen Ye's bodyguard, now Chen Ye is dead, I am your bodyguard! "

The middle-aged replied.

"Ha ha……"

Chen Mo heard the sentence of the middle-aged person, I couldn't help but laugh, and then said: "What is the one, I don't know why you are, so I can't stay around you, and I don't need it. What kind of bodyguards, so you still do what to do, I am very busy here ... "

"Protecting you is the reason I live, I don't know what I have to do now, I don't know what I can do, I have waited for you for 20 years, so no matter what you promised or I don't agree, I have to protect you! "

"How do you plan to protect me?"

Chen Mo has a little speechless.

"I listen to your arrangement!"

Butcher loudly replied.

Chen Mo looked at the butcher for two seconds. Although he felt that this person in front of him was very strange, he had a photo of Chen Mai when he was in his hand, and there is no hostility for Chen Mo, so Chen Mo is still a matter of just said. Word.

"Since you said that you want to be my bodyguards, there is no problem, but I can't believe you, so I can't bring you around me, or if you are my enemies to monitor my , Then trouble, do you understand what I mean? "

Chen Mo was very seriously rushed on the butcher.

"Yes, if you don't want me to follow you, there is no problem, but I have to protect you!"

The butcher nodded gently.

"What, this way, I will leave your mobile phone number. If I really need anything you need to help, I will call you, how do you think?"

Chen Mail asked.

"I don't have a mobile phone, I have one, but I will not use it, let me throw it!"

Butcher looked at Chen Mo.


Chen Mo listened to the sentence of the butcher, I was so speechless, and I said helplessly: "That's right, I will take you to buy a mobile phone, and I will contact you when I am."


The butcher nodded gently.

Chen Mail got out of the car directly, and then found a mobile phone store for 20 hours of business, bought a elderly man used by the Tuler.

After all, in accordance with the butcher, he has already retired, so many things now can't use, Chen Mo feels that the old age is still very suitable for him.

After bought a mobile phone, Chen Mo put his mobile phone number inside the phone of the butcher, and told the butcher how to pick it up.

Although the butcher is not memorized, he is not a fool. The opposite is very smart, Chen Mo is just a simple demonstration, but the butcher has learned.

After finishing the mobile phone, Chen Mo returned to the car.

"You will use this mobile phone in the future. If you have anything, you can call me, I will contact you if something!"

Chen Mo rushed to the butcher after getting on the bus.


Butcher looked at his mobile phone and nodded.

"Time is not early, I will send you home, where do you live?"

Chen Mo looked at the butcher asked.

"I haven't lived, I usually sleep on the street!"

Butcher replied.

"No, I just saw your skills, you should be a military high person? How do you mix so bad?"

Chen Mo has a little speechless.

"I have been waiting for you for so many years, and I have seen someone here to chase me, I am worried that the status is not easy to appear easily, so I can only get garbage to be born!"

Butcher whispered.

Chen Mimo went to see the butcher, and there were fewer movements in my heart.

If this butcher is really a bodyguard of his father, it is really very touching.

However, Chen Mo still has a lot of things to think about it. According to the butcher's statement, Chen Mer's father let him wait for Chen Mo, that is, Chen Mo's father knows that Chen Mimer will come to the magic. Or then Chen Mo's father is likely to know that he is in the hands of Xiajia people!

Chen Mo wants to think it is wrong.

But helpless now this butcher has already retired, so Chen Mo can't find an answer on this person.

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