I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,678: Arrange residence


However, at this time, Chen Mo suddenly remembered Chu, blue, and his parents were good. If this butcher is really a father's bodyguard, then Chu will definitely know the existence of the butcher.

So Chen Mo took out his mobile phone to find Chu-blue phone call.

"Dudu ..."

The phone rang a few times, Chu, Chu, the phone.

"Xiao Chen Mo, is it a matter of doing something, thank you?"

Chu Zalan smiled and asked.

"Thank you is sure, you have a big busy this time!"

Chen Mo's low returned to a sentence, then continued: "But I have something to ask you now ..."

"whats the matter?"

Chu is a little unconnected.

"This is the case, I met a person on the road today, now this person is on my car, he said that he is my father's bodyguard, I want to ask you, I don't know if my father has a butcher. bodyguard?"

Chen Mo asked directly.

The butcher is still looking at his old age, even if he heard that Chen Mo said, there is no reaction.


Chu blue heard this name and changed in an instant.

"Yes, this person told me that he is a butcher, but he doesn't know his true name. He has already retired, this person is good, it should be a military high person!"

Chen Mo's eyes returned to a sentence.

"When your father, your father did a bodyguard. I have seen this person, but it has been too long, I don't remember the length of this person, but I have heard that this butcher is dead twenty years ago. Later, this person didn't have any problems! "

Chu is slowly said.


Chen Mo heard Chu blue, he took a deep breath, then whispered: "Okay, I know what is going on, I hang it first!"


Chu Lan is promised, and then hangs directly.

Chen Mer's mobile phone and then turned his head to see the butcher around him. According to the words that Chen Mai, Chen Mai, can determine that his father is indeed a bodyguard, which is called a butcher, but this person is dead, it is dead. This is the same as the butcher it is.

Therefore, Chen Mo judged that this person around him is really his father's bodyguard, because this person has no hostility from Chen Mo from the head to the end, he wants to come over the killer, then he has many opportunities to shoot. , But this person has never been shot.

Although Chen Sime has believed that this butcher is likely to be a bodyguard of his father, but Chen Mo still has no way to trust this person.

So Chen Mo said softly, he said softly to the butcher: "Since you have found me now, then don't continue to pick up the garbage, I will take you to the hotel to open a room, you will live in the hotel. ! "


The butcher did not seem to be with Chen Mer, and he took the head directly from Chen Mo.

After a while, Chen Miman found a butcher found a hotel.

The size is still very large, and the security system is very perfect. Chen Mo's purpose is to facilitate the goal of the butcher in the hotel. After all, the hotel entrance hallway has a camera, so Chen Mo can clearly know Butchery did every day.

Chen Mo opened a room in the hotel and paid for half a year in the hotel. This is nothing wrong with the current Chen Mo's.

This room is a camera that is facing the corridor, but it is still the 19th floor, but the butcher wants to leave this room. Otherwise, he can't leave this room.

"You will live here later ..."

After entering the room, Chen Mo said softly to the butcher.


The butcher nodded.

"The 5th floor of this hotel is a restaurant. What do you want to eat? I will give you a meal fee for 50,000 yuan, so you don't have to give money directly after you have finished eating. You can tell them your room number. ! "

When I was talking about some cash on the table, Chen Mo took it on the table and then continued: "These money is also given you, if you have anything to use!"


Butcher looked at Chen Mo nodded again.

"Do you not say something else in addition to it? I spent so much money, you can't say thank you?"

Chen Mo has some speechless rushing on the butcher.

"I will have a lot of use in you, so I don't need to say thank you!"

Butcher said in Chen Mo.

"Silly, no one knows if you have a big need for me!"

Chen Mo took his mouth and then continued: "Okay, I will go back, you have a good time here, what is going on with me!"



Chen Mo did not speak again after hearing this good word, and directly took the steps to the room.

After leaving the butcher's room, Chen Mo directly found the manager of the hotel.

"Sir, do you have anything?"

The hotel's manager knows that Chen Mile has just opened a half year room in their hotel, and there is still a lot of meals, so treat Chen Mo's attitude is very popular.

"From today you gave me 1903 room, when did he go out, or have anyone coming to find him, you have a clear record, I will come to you after a month!"

Chen Mo said with a manager.

"Sir, it is really embarrassed, this involves our hotel's customer's privacy ..."

The manager wants to refuse.

But Chen Mo interrupts the manager, says that there is no expression: "Give me your bank card number!"

"Mr., what do you mean?"

The manager couldn't help but stunned.

"Don't talk nonsense, tell me your bank card!"

Chen Mo has some impatient repetition.

The hotel's manager hesitatedly told Chen Mo who took his bank card.

Chen Mai used mobile banks to transfer to 50,000 yuan, and then said: "This is a deposit, there are millions of money after a month, 100,000 yuan is not enough?"

"It's enough ..."

The manager looked at Chen Mo and dumbfounded, and settled back to Baba.

It is necessary to know what the manager actually needs, just staring at the butcher, take 100,000 yuan in a month, where is this good thing to find?

Therefore, the manager will definitely promise.

Chen Mo looked at the manager smiled and then walked outside the hotel.

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