I am the heir to the richest man

The first chapter of the chapter: Savior

Bill heard the look at the computer screen after the door, found that it was a tramp to hit the door with a stone.

Chen Mo also noticed this tramp, and his eyes flashed a lot of excitement because he knew that this tramp was not someone else.

"Great, you will handle this person!"

Bill didn't think much, shouted directly under his hand.


The famous kidnapper nodded and then took the steps to go outside the warehouse.

After all, the wanderend has always attracted the attention of the police, so Bill wants to make the people to handle the people outside.

And that a strong kidnapper didn't seem to realize the danger, directly opened the shutter door, and walked out of the warehouse.

"What are you doing? I will give me away, otherwise I am not welcome to you!"

Vigorously refer to the butcher shout.

The butcher slowly looked up vigorously, then there was no hesitation, the way, the way, in front of it, hands holding a strong neck.

" !"

A crisp.

It is just a moment of blinking, but the butcher directly solves a kidnapper.

Zhang Ziqing, who is not far away, is very incredible, and she didn't think that Chen Mo didn't think of such a great master.

Bill and others don't seem to put their attention on the door of the warehouse, and they are still torture Chen Mo.

After the butcher hesitated, I took off the coat of your strength and wore it on my body.

After a while, the butcher walked into the warehouse in the warehouse.

Others don't seem to have discovered what is different, but Chu-blue found that the kidnappers that came in this time were not alone. She instantly responded to this happened.

"Great, have you been treated outside?"

Bill asked with Chen Mo and asked.

"Handling ..."

The butcher whispered back.

After the words of Bill heard the sentence of the butcher, I realized that I was wrong, suddenly turned to see the butcher.

The butcher response speed is very fast, and the Bill rushed to the past.

Bill was busy back to two steps, while the other two kidpes in the warehouse seems to have reacted, and the butcher rushed up.

But the two kidnapies are not a butcher's opponent, only less than two seconds, but the butcher is relaxed to solve the remaining two kids.

When I saw this scene, Chen Mo flashed a lot of excitement. He knew that he did not gamble, but the thistle of the butcher did very horror, but the butcher is not a summer home or a Liu family, or the butcher can't appear. Save yourself.

Bill saw that he had been resolved by butcher after being solved, he was clear that he was definitely not a butcher's opponent. Even if he was a martial arts, he couldn't pay a butcher.

But there is only one door in the helpless warehouse, and if he wants to run, it must be no longer.

After thinking about a moment, Bill rushed to the Chu blue.


Chu blue screamed, Bill handed a dagger directly on the chu blue neck.

"You stand there, don't move, otherwise I will kill this woman now!"

Bill shouted at the butcher.

The butcher now doesn't care about Chu, the death of Chu, after all, this time is to save Chenmer.

Therefore, the butcher continues to close to Bill.

"Butcher, don't move!"

Chen Mo worried that Bill really killed Chu, so quickly shouted.

The butcher slowly stopped his footsteps in hearing Chen Mo.

At this time, Bill was full of angry, because he didn't think of this time, there is still someone to disrupted his own plan.

The butcher hesitated for two seconds in place, and then bending on the ground picked up a pistol, and then went to Chen Mo's hand to open a shot.

! "

A loud noise.

The bullet suddenly broke down the chain.

Chen Mo's simple event has a hand, then slowly stands.

Bill got up and down, then whispered: "Chen Mo, you have always been in intentional delay time."


Chen Mer is lightly nod, then continue to say: "I will give you a chance of life, as long as you put Chu blue, I will let you leave ..."

"Hahaha ..."

Bill couldn't help but laughed after hearing Chen Mo, then said Chen Mo, then said: "Chen Mo, do you treat me as a three-year-old child? Just now I get you into it into that I look like, if I put this woman now, will you let me go? "

"What do you plan now?"

Chen Meng asked Bill.

"Very simple, you will give me a car now, or I will kill this woman immediately!"

Bill expression is very excited to rush through Chen Mo.

At this time, only one thought is that it is alive.

Because his companions have now lost its combat power, but the combat power of the butcher is also very amazing. If he wants to kill Chen Mo's completion task, it is basically impossible, but Bill also knows that Chen Mo is very concerned about the blue, So he can only take advantage of Chu's own block.

"I have already said, as long as you put Chu blue, I will let you leave, but if you dare to Chu, I will make you born to die!"

Chen Deng said that there is no expression.

"You are less nonsense, I can't put this woman, unless I can leave safely, I have no fear with you, killing this woman doesn't have any benefits for me, I just want to live now. Go down! "

Bill shouted in Chen Mo.

"Is Liu Xue let you kidnapped me?"

Chen Mo suddenly asked.

"Yes, Liu Jia people let me kidnapped, all this is not any relationship with me, I don't want to be an enemy of you, so as long as you go according to what I said, I won't hurt this woman!"

Bill is busy.

"haha okay!"

Chen Mer is lightly nod, then asked calmly: "Do you need a car now?"

"Yes, give me a car!"

Bill looked at Chen Mo shouted.

"I will give you a car now, do you have to urge it!"

One side of Chen Mo took out his mobile phone.

And Bill saw Chen Mo's expression appeared to relax after the expression.

! "

But just when this is one, a gun ringing.

Bullets directly break down Bill's head.

Chen Mo, who was just ready to call, was observed after seeing this scene.

Chen Merry suddenly looked back and found that it was a gun opened by Zhang Ziqing.

Just now, Zhang Ziqing has been hiding outside the warehouse, and Bill's attention is placed on Chen Mo's two people with butcher, so he did not pay attention to Zhang Ziqing.

Original Zhang Ziqing is not intended to continue to participate in this matter, because the butcher has saved Chen Mo.

But later Zhang Ziqing considered what if he didn't do something, Chen Mo did not have a way to trust himself, so Zhang Ziqing chose to shoot.

Bill fell to Chu, Chu, was busy, and then she cried with Chen Mo.

When Zhang Ziqing went to the steps of Bill's body, he was very careful, and he said softly to Chen Mo: "This person is dead ..."

"Thank you!"

Chen Mo did not think that Zhang Ziqing actually saved himself at this time.

"I said, I am sincerely want to work with you, now you should believe me?"

Zhang Ziqing returned to a sentence.

"You can believe you!"

Chen Mo's voice is somewhat weak.

And Zhang Ziqing looked at Chen Mo's injury and couldn't help but frowns: "You have already appeared, hurry to go to the hospital, I can't continue to stay here, Xia Xingze also needs me to explain!" "

"OK, let's go, now you should not need you!"

Chen Merloo is busy nod.

Zhang Ziqing hesitated, then looked at Chu, wrinkled with brows: "Should these people say that we have two cooperation things?"

"Don't worry, don't say it!"

Chen Mohu quickly replied.

"That's good!"

Zhang Ziqing looked at Chen Mo's light and nodded and did not say much. Directly selected to turn away.

And Chen Mo looked at Zhang Ziqing did not speak. After the experience of this matter, Chen Mo knows that Zhang Ziqing should be sincerely want to cooperate with himself. Otherwise, Zhang Ziqing is absolutely impossible to raise such a big risk to save himself.

"Chen Mo, let's go to the hospital!"

After Zhang Ziqing left, Chu-blue was very excited to rush through Chen Mo.


Chen Mo nodded lightly.

The butcher came to Chen Mo, then whispered: "You should not walk in this now, I will let you!"

Chen Mo watched the butcher, although Chen Mo felt like this, but he did no strength to walk, only to let the butcher left himself.

After a few minutes, the butcher returned to the position of his parking with Chen Mo, and then drove to send Chu, and Chen Mo sent to the hospital.

Chu Lan knows very much in the devil, so after entering the hospital, Chu Lan directly found the hospital's dean asked for the best doctor to treat Chen Mo.

I have to say that Chu-blue is really a very face, the dean of the hospital directly found a most famous surgeon to surgery for Chen Mo.

However, fortunately, Chen Mo's injury is some skin trauma, there is no fatal injury, just doing a suture surgery.

After tossing for more than an hour, Chen Mo's physical examination was finally completed.

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