I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 112: Who is more beautiful?

In fact, these injuries, Chen Mo is not allowed to have surgery. After all, he is a martial author, but it is a realm of the martial arts, but Chu is not worried, insistence, let Chen Mo's surgery.

Chen Mo is just a surgery.

The butcher also stood at the door from the end, and did not leave anyone who did not leave anyone. It is like a robot. Even if the nurse inside the hospital sees that the butcher will feel some fear.

Chu is sitting quietly with Chen Mo next to Chen Mo's bed.

Chen Mimo watched Chu Blue and said that he said unusually said: "Can you don't look at me with such eyes? I really have something wrong, what should you do?"

"You are what it looks like, but it is still able to!"

Chu Blue and his mouth back to Chen Mo, then continue: "If you don't because you can, you don't have to be sinned ..."

"If I don't have some sins, people who are sin may be you ..."

Chen Mo said helplessly.

After heard Chen Mo's sentence, I couldn't help but fell into a gentleness.

It is necessary to know that Chu Blue This woman has never encountered such a thing from a small to most. After all, many people in the circle in Beijing know that Chu is the identity, so it is impossible to kidnap the blue.

Today is the first thing to experience such a time, but Chen Mo's practice is deeply touched.

Because everything I do in Chu is clear Chen Mo is in order to protect yourself, if it is not because I am, I am absolutely impossible.

At this time, there is only one idea in Chu, the heart, that is, she is worth it, there are many people can't understand why Chu is so good to Chen Mo.

However, Chen Mo's performance is also an answer to Chu.

Although Chen Mo has finished surgery, because Chen Mo's body has not completely recovered, Chu Lan does not agree with Chen Mo's home.

Chen Mo knows that he is full of Chu blue, so there is no more saying, quiet lying on the bed.

And Chu is a gentle side, sitting in Chen Mile, when the expression on Chu, blue face, made Chen Mo feel a little less suitable, because he felt that Chu is concerned about his care, it is not a small family to care about the nephew. It seems to be a little more.

The butcher stands outside the ward, so the atmosphere is inevitably awkward.

Chen Mo whispered in Chu, Xiao Chu, whispered to Chu Bai after hesitating for two seconds: "Chu blue, you should also be frightened today, or you still go back to rest and rest, I have no problem there. ! "

"If I take it to you, I still stay here to accompany you!"

Chu Blue said to Chen Miman's peeling orange.


Chen Mo listened to this sentence of Chu, the eyes of the eyes, and then whispered: "What is that, in fact, I don't need someone else's care ..."

"What have you been hurt? Why don't you need a person's care?"

Chu-blue said that the oranges were directly in the mouth of Chen Mo's mouth.

Chen Mo looked at Chu-blue unusual collapse, and he took a sigh of breath. Ice is away, now the place where the magic has is not safe, I am worried that if she continues to stay here, someone may do it! "

"Well, I will find an excuse to take an excuse to take the Qin I ice tomorrow, you can rest assured!"

Chu Loo nodded at Chen Mo.

In this case, Chu is not to fight with Chen Mail, because it is also very clear in Chu's blue heart. Chen Mo is correct. Now the devil is indeed unsafe. If they stay in the magic, they are giving Chen Mo. Add trouble.

Today is not because you can't fall into the circle of the kidnapper.

"You should now know who is the hand of you?" Chu Lan said with Chen Mail.


Chen Mer is lightly nod, then continue to say: "This time, it should not be a summer home, but a Liu family, they are in the place in my hand!"

"What should you do next?"

Chu-blue asked.

"I have not considered it for a while, what should I do? Liu Jia is not so good to deal with it, I have to consider it in the future, otherwise it can only be a crazy snake!"

Chen Mo hesitated and replied.

Chu Lan looked at Chen Mo and nodded, then said that there was no expression: "You have your thoughts, you want to do it, you can do it according to your thoughts, what need you need to help you I can call me! "

Obviously, Chu Blue is telling Chen Mo, she is not going to intervene.

Although it is completely revented from Chu blue, he is not Chen Mo's goal. Chen Mo really wants to deal with Xia family, and it will never disrupted all his own plans because of Liu Family.

"OK, I know!"

Chen Mo looked at Chu, nodded.

"Right, I still don't understand!"

Chu Lan suddenly said.

"whats the matter?"

Chen Mail asked.

"If I have not remembered, the woman who shot today should be Zhang Xize's daughter. Why should she cooperate with you? How is your two things?"

Chu's blue voice is very unexpectedly asked.

"Zhang Ziqing has indeed been with me, she wants to revenge for her mother, her mother is killed by Zhang Zicheng's mother, which is the wife of Zhang Xize, it seems to be complicated, what is it? I am not very clear. I have doubted that Zhang Ziqing is really going to work with me. Today, this matter is also a test of her. Now Zhang Ziqing may be really planning to cooperate with me. ! "

Chen Mo slowly relieves it.

"Originally, I have heard Zhang Ziqing, I have heard that Zhang Ziqing is not simple. If you look at it today, now Zhang Jia and Xia family have joined hands. If you have Zhang Ziqing, I will do it within the side of Zhangjia. It is really a good thing, but you have to be careful! "

Chu Lan said Chen Mo said.

"Don't worry, I can't believe in Zhang Ziqing this woman 100%, because her city is very deep, I don't know what she is going to do!"

Chen Mo nodded.

"You know, I am worried that you see the beauty of the people, and the color of the people is in the middle of the people!"

Chu said the little mouth.

"What do you mean by this? Is that kind of person?"

Chen Merloo once defeated himself.

"If you are not that kind of person, why do you follow the ice ice? I can tell you, Ice is my best girlfriend, you can't hurt her, don't know?"

Chu Zaqing said seriously.

"I won't hurt her ..."

Chen Mo said very seriously.

"Then how do you plan to explain your fiance wife?"

Chu Lan looked at Chen Mo asked.

"How come you talk about this topic?"

Chen Mo has some speechless.

"I am worried about you, I am also a woman, I still know very well for women, if I will follow you, you still have a unclear with other women, then I will definitely hate you, and I still I will try my own way to retaliate, so you have to handle your emotional problem, or you will definitely give you a lot of trouble! "

Chu is very seriously rushing to Chen Mo.

"Are you with me?"

Chen Mo listened to the words of Chu-blue, and it was very incredible with the expression on his face. It was busy: "What, do you still have to joke with me this kind of thing ..."

"Who is joking with you? I am very serious ..."

Chu is clear back.

"What is your own? Don't forget that you are my little, that is whispering with yourself? Fortunately, we are two people, this is what is the outside? What is going on? "

Chen Mo has just felt that Chu Lan looked at his eyes, plus he had just saved Chu blue today, so Chen Mo was very worried about Chu Blue because of this thing, what other emotions were made, if it is really like this It can be troublesome.

Although Chu-blue is really very beautiful, it is very tempting, and Chen Mo is similar to Chu blue, plus two people itself is no blood relationship.

But Chen Mo still feels that Chu is so busy so is not appropriate.

And Chu Ban just said that, then, then, then there is no more thinking, but when she sees Chen Mima's face, I feel uncomfortable, because Chu Blue feels Chen Mo possible It is disappointing yourself.

"Xiao Chen Mo, your reaction is very excited!"

Chu Lan said with Chen Mo.

"I just remind you!"

Chen Mai helidly returned a sentence.

"Let's don't have blood relationships at all. You have forgotten it? I am not your mother's kisites, so we are not impossible to do it together ..."

Chu Lan saw that Chen Mo seems to be more nervous, laughing back back.

"It's impossible to have a thing? This kind of thing can't just joke ..."

Chen Mo has some speechless.

"Are you disappointing me?"

Chu-blue Chong, Chen Mo blinked, then continued: "Although my age is more than the big age, I think I have a good time, you won't think I can't help you?"

Chu is talking to Chen Mo while talking, a delicate appetitious face is directly in front of Chen Mo, and Chen Mai can clearly smell the deadly aroma on Chu, sideline.

"I can't help you ..."

Chen Mo has a little collapsed to rushing to Chu.

"Then do you think I am beautiful?"

Chu blue sound tempting to rushing to Chen Union.


Chen Miman is actually said.

"Then you said that I am beautiful or ice is beautiful?"

Chu blue continued.

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