Gao Feifei couldn't help but smile, then faintly said: "In fact, I am very regretful now ..."

"What is regret?"

Chen Mail asked.

"I regret that I should not break up with you. If I don't break up with you, I will not be so miserable ..."

Gao Feifei said with his lips.

"You will do it with me or don't break with your life. There is no relationship with you. This is the result of your own choice, but you know that I have money, so you will regret it, if I still the poor Silk, you will still look down on it, you will choose to leave me! "

Chen Merye saw the blood.


Gaffey looked at Chen Mo whisker.

However, at this time, the butcher came over from the distance.

"I am here, you are good!"

Chen Mo did not want to continue to talk to Gao Feifei, and I went directly to the butcher.

"Chen Mo, can you help me? I know that you are very rich now, you just want to help me, just look at the two of our two, I still love?"

Gao Feifei shouted with Chen Mo.

Chen Mo listened to the words of Gaffefi slowly stopped, and then turned to see Gao Feifei and said: "Do you say this sentence doesn't feel ridiculous? Your mother has never loved I have been using it. Now I am still very embarrassed to say love, how do you don't want your face? "

Gao Feifei looked at Chen Mo and dumbfounded, some don't know how to refute Chen.

Chen Mo did not have nonsense, with a butcher.

After getting on the bus, the butcher is not concerned about G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Gwe.

"Go to the willow home, find the people of Liujia, talk!"

Chen Mo's faintly returned.


Butcher did not continue to speak after watching Chen Mo.

After more than ten minutes, Chen Mo stopped the car in the gate of Liujia Villa.

Today, it should be Liu Xue's birthday, so all high-level high-rise of Liujia gathered in Liu Xue, celebrates birthday.

Liu Xue as today's protagonist, the mood is also very good, she just grabbed the five companies from Chen Mo, and she was tone for her own.

Of course, this time, Liujia may have forgotten Chen Mo to revenue their things.

Chen Mo has been there for a long time, there is no response in the eyes of these people, Chen Mo is already got, Chen Miman does not dare to shoot them, so the bodyguards of Liu Jia have been vigilant.

Chen Mo stopped the car and reached the finger and referred to the two bodyguards at the door of the villa, and then rushed to the butcher: "I don't have any questions about these two people?"

"no problem!"

The butcher nodded gently, and then directly pushed the car under the door.

After a few seconds, the butcher did not sound the two bodyguards.

Chen Mo also gone from the car, and said softly, said: "You are waiting for me here!"


The butcher is busy nodded.

Chen Migi has entered the villa.

However, when the people of Liujia didn't know what happened outside.

"Small snow, is it a wish to wish to blow candles!"

At this time, a beautiful young woman said softly to Liu Xue.

"Yes, Xiaoxue has not given a cake to everyone, hurry up with the lights up!"

Liu Chengping also shouted with a smile.

Everyone got busy after heard this sentence, someone turned off the lights. Someone inserted a candle.

After a few minutes, the original lighting villa was in an instant, and only the fire of some candles was flashing.

Liu Xue slowly closed his eyes, and then his hands began to make a wish before his chest.

A few minutes later, Liu Xue is willing, and all the candles of the cake directly will be blown away.

After the candles were extinguished, everyone quickly opened the lamp in the room.

However, when the light opened, Liu Xue whole people were in the original place, glaring at the waters of the water, watching Chen Mo standing in front of the cake, at this time, the expression on her face is like seeing ghosts. same.

"You ... how are you here?"

Liu Xue stretched his finger with Chen Mo's location. It was very incredible.

"It turns out that today is your birthday, happy birthday!"

Chen Mo smiled back to Liu Xue.

The Liu family looked at Chen Mo's position was very doubtful.

At this time they naturally didn't know Chen Mo's identity.

"Who is this person?"

"Yeah, how did he come in?"

Everyone got a whisper.

"Who are you? How did you enter our Liujia?"

A middle-aged man in front of the previous step is serious about Chen Muye.

"Going in!"

One side of Chen Mo talked to take a knife to cut a piece of cake.

Liu Xue is obvious that it is a bit awkward, standing in the same place, I dare not say a word.

"Want to come in? What do you want to do? Will our Liujia can come in casually?"

The middle-aged people shouted.

"Is there a different place in your Liu family? I want to come in ..."

Chen Mo said faint.

"Come on! I have to grab this person ..."

The middle-aged people shouted with the scorpion.

"Ok, don't shout ..."

Chen Mer sat in the chair and interrupted the middle-aged person, then said that there was no expression: "The bodyguards outside your Liu family have been resolved by me, so do you have anyone now!"

"You ... who you are?"

The middle-aged human eye flashed in a panic, whispered Chen Mail.

"I am coming to you!"

Chen Mo said.

"Are you a killer?"

Liu Chengping, who has never been speaking, suddenly asked.

"Is it!"

Chen Mo nodded lightly.

"Young guy, you don't think that you have a little ability to deal with the bodyguards outside, you can do whatever we want, I advise you to get out of our villas now, otherwise I will let you pay the price!"

Liu Chengping is still calm, and the word is said to Chen Mo.

"Pay the price?"

Chen Mo heard the words of Liu Chengping, I couldn't help but smile, and then faintly said: "If you say that I am a bit curious, you will let me pay for it!"

At this time, the expression on Liu Xue face is extremely nervous, the body is still shaking, she originally wanted to remind everyone, but maybe because of the frightened, so I can't say it now!


At this time, Liu Chengping suddenly patted the table, then shouted: "Who is your kid? What is your Liu family want to do?"

"At the beginning, you will kidnap my friend and I still have to kill me. Later, I watched five companies that were on the verge of bankruptcy from my company. Now I am still asking me, what person?"

Chen Mo fell back.

Liu Chengping looked at Chen Mo, and then touched Chen Siles very incredible: "Are you Chen Mo?"

"Grandpa, he is Chen Mo!"

Liu Xue quickly shouted.


The people of Liujia lived quietly after hearing this sentence of Liu Xue, and a very incredible look at Chen Mo's position.

During this time, he didn't hear this name, or even a for some time, because this time, Chen Mo needs to bring bodyguards, and in recent days, such tension is slightly eased.

No one thought that when they all felt that Chen Mo may give up the retaliation of Liu's family, Chen Mo actually a big shot in their villas.

"Chen Mo? It's really you!"

Liu Chengping looked at Chen Mo's eyes flashed a trace of anger.

The other people of Liujia naturally have Liu Chengping so calm. How many more do they have heard some things about Chen Mo, so they see Chen Mo's eyes are still very fearful.

"Can it be me?"

Chen Mer sat in the chair and took a cake while smiling, asked in Liu Cheng.

Liu Chengping he sighed later: "What do you want to do with us?"

"Oh, what do I want to do, do you not know in your own heart?"

Chen Mo smiled, and then looked at the Liu family that had already standing. He said: "You are so tight, what are you doing? Just when I am not there? You are not happy. Sit down, let's sit down. Don't think I bother your Yaxing ... "

Although Liu Jia people are very fear of Chen Mo at this time, they also choose to sit in the original place after hearing Chen Mo.

Liu Chengping got up and down, Chen Mo, whispered: "Chen Mo, I know that you may be some misunderstandings with our Liujia, since you come here, we can just see all the misunderstandings!"


Chen Mo looked at Liu Chengping and said, then faintly said: "You are really so embarrassed to say this? I am a simple thing with your Liu family?"

"Chen Mo, what do you want to do?"

Liu Xue finally couldn't bear it, and he was very excited about Chen Mo.

Anyway, Liu Jia is also a four major families in the Magical, and there is no family in the summer of the Magic, there is no family, anyone who dares to treat them with such arrogant attitude.

But at this time, Chen Mo's attitude is unusually arrogant, as if it does not place their people in the eyes.

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