I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,777: Who dares to take this door?

Liu Xue is a voyage from the urine, so there is some no way to control your feelings in your heart.

Although Liu Chengsu is calm, it is actually thinking about how to find a rescue.

After all, Liu Chengtui, I will just leave Liujia yesterday, and Chen Mo came over this evening, this is really clever.

Liu Chengfei thought that Chen Mo was deliberate to avoid Song Master's choice for their Liujia, but in fact, Chen Miman did not consider so much. He didn't even know that Liu Jia was still hiding and thought that he thought of martial arts.

All this is just a coincidence.

"What do I want to do?"

Chen Mo looked at Liu Xue and smiled, then said that there was no expression: "Your Liu family is kidnapped in my friend. If you don't because of my life, I may have already died, this account Do you think you do? "

"When will we kidnap you? Do you have any evidence?"

Liu Chengping stopped and rushed to Chen Mo.

At the same time, he has used his eyes to sign the people around him to inform Song Master.

At this time, Liu Chengtian is nothing more than delaying a little time.

"Is there a evidence if this kind of thing is? The initial kidnappers can admit that your Liu family makes the hand!"

Chen Mer's dishes were calm back to the dishes on the table.

"The kidnapper recognizes that the representative is our Liujia moving. Don't you be a Willow?"

Liu Chengping continued to say.

"Frapping you Liu Jia?"

Chen Mo listened to this sentence of Liu Chengping, I couldn't help but smile, and then said: "Your Liu family is one of the four families of the magic, who has such a big courage to fell into you?"

"Perhaps Chen Gongzi, you can self-directed, you just have found a excuse for our Liujia shot!"

Liu Cheng said coldly.

Chen Mo's eyes disdainfully saw Liu Chengping, and then said: "If I really want to do it for you, then I don't need to find what reason ..."


Liu Chengtou glared at the bead looking at Chen Mimi's face anger, because he did not think that Chen Mo was so arrogant.

"Well, since you kidnapped things, you don't admit that today you will graft our Heyang Group's prepared company, how do you explain? You won't tell me that this is not what you do. ? "

Chen Mo looked at Liu Chengxia asked.

Liu Chengping took a deep breath, then said calmly: "Chen Gongzi, this matter is indeed our Liu family, but this is just normal competition, I didn't also snatch from our Liujia's hands. Is there a land? The thing on the business field is this. Whoever pays more, who can earn money, is Chen Gongzi still does not allow our Liujia to compete with your Tianyang Group? "

"You have just said that it is very good. Whoever pays more, who can earn money, I really agree with you!"

Chen Mo smiled, rushed to Liu Chengping.

Liu Chengping said whispered after hesitating: "Chen Gongzi, since the matter is now open, today is my granddaughter's birthday, I don't want to have any contradictions with you, so I will leave it!"

"What is it to let me leave?"

Chen Mimo watched Liu Cheng laughted.

"Things have explained clear, what do you want?"

Liu Xue frowned very angry in Chen Mo.

"I want you to pay the price!"

Chen Mo put down the wine cup tone in his hand.

"Pay the price?"

Liu Xue's beauty flashed a lot of intake.

The rest of the Liu family seems to be a little nervous at this time, after all, they have heard a lot about Chen Mo's things. At this time, these people who will not know what Chen Mo is now going to do.

"Chen Gongzi, did I just explain what you have explained?"

Liu Chengtian is a little confused by Chen Mail.

"The problem is explained clear, but I am not going to listen to you today!"

Chen Mo said faint.

"What do you want to do?"

Liu Chengyou asked with brows.

"Previously, you will be kidnapped in my friend, but I didn't worry about you, I didn't expect that you would not know how to converge from our Heyang Group. Today, we just have new accounts. Calculated together! "

Chen Mile stopped, then continue: "First of all, you will give the five companies that have been acquired to our Heyang Group. Secondly, you will start your Liu family today, and I will let you Liu family. What do you want to do, if you dare not listen to me or there is any other idea, that the consequences are at your own risk! "


Liu Chengping took the table after hearing Chen Mo's words, then smashed the beads: "Chen Mo, are you too arrogant? What do you think of our Liujia?"

"I didn't say it just now? Your Liujia starts from now on my dog!"

Chen Miman's calm reply.

"Our Liujia is in the devil for so many years, and it has never been so humiliated!"

Liu Chengyou shouted.

"I will now give you a little time. If you don't agree with the suggestions I just, then I can only use a little other way to make you agree!"

Chen Mo started to eat something when he finished this sentence.

Liu Cheng flatly looked at Chen Mo, but he didn't directly refuse Chen Mo, because he was delaying the time for Song Master.

When the people of Liu Jia was still lowered at this time, I didn't know what to think. It was still very lively Liujia Villa. At this time, it turned out to be quiet, and the atmosphere was very strange.

" ..."

At this time, there was a sudden shouted voice at the door.

I saw a large group of people rushed to the location of Liujia villa.

Liu Chengping saw a lot of excitement when he saw this large group of people because he knew it was his own salvation.

"Chen Mo, your death is coming, today is your self-investment!"

Liu Chengtun's expression is very excited to shouting with Chen Mo.

Chen Mima slowly looked up with Liu Chengping, and then said: "Are you sure it is my death?"

"Dead lead is still hard, I will see you can still be so arrogant!"

Liu Chengping said directly to the door to the door of the villa.

However, there is still no wait for Liujia to go out of the villa, but the butcher directly stopped in front of Liu Cheng's equal person, then whispered: "Chen Gongzi does not let you leave, you can't leave!"

"What do you count? Here is that the Liu family is still around you ..."

A young man in Liujia saw his salvation came, and he turned a little bit in an instant.

The butcher looked at the youth, and then the backhand was a slap in the face of youth.

The youth's body flew out, then hit it on the wall.


The blood spurted out, and the body was twice and then thoroughly lost his life.

To know that the butcher is not Chen Mo, Chen Mo will generally don't like to hurt people's life, but the butcher can have such a title, that is because he kills people who don't blink.

"Xiao Shuo, are you okay?"

A beautiful young woman saw his son was flying by the butcher, and he quickly ran to the youth.

After a few seconds, the beautiful young woman cried directly.

No one thought that the slap in the butcher didn't kill a person directly.

Even Liu Chengping is also incredible with Liu Xue.

"If you dare to take this door today, you will be the same as that person!"

The butcher sound is cold, and the Liu family warns.

The Liu family did not realize the seriousness of the situation in the face of Chen Mo, but at this time they know that Chen Mo came over today, it is really necessary to make a good account with them.

When Liu Xue, he realized that he had a horrible opponent. She didn't even regret that I should not be good for Chen Mo.

"I suggest that you are still old and old, but the butcher is not the same as me, he is not so good!"

Chen Mo said on the side of the Liu family while eating something.

Liu Chengti hesitated two seconds in place, then shouted: "Let's go back!"

It is necessary to know that the people of Liu's family are some ordinary people. They have no way to deal with those who deal with butcher, so they can only choose to retreat.

On the other hand, the Savior of Liujia has rushed to the location of the door.

All of these savings are the disciples of Song Master, and it is all the military, and most of the strength is below the five sections of the military.

Chen Mo has seen a touch of disdain in the eyes after seeing these people, because these people want to deal with butcher, it is impossible.

Liu Cheng flatly stared at the position of the villa door, and his heart is clear that the Liujia people can be alive today.

A young, a young man takes the steps to rush into the villa.

But but the butcher stretched his youth, then said that there was no expression: "No people can enter this villa without Chen Gongzi!"

Youth looked up at the butcher, then said disdain: "What do you do? Do you know who I don't know who I am?"

"do not know!"

The butcher shook his head in the youth.

"I am a disciple of Song Yunge Song Master. If you don't want to find it, I will roll me one side. I have no mood now, I am for the kid called Chen Mo!"

The youth is very arrogant and shouted at the butcher.

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