I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 118: I don't know my realm!

"You can't go in without Chen Gongzi!"

Butcher is like a robot repetition.

"Is there any problem with your person? I haven't heard it with you," I haven't heard it? "

The youth is talking to the clothes of the butcher, it seems to be intended to take the butcher to one side.

However, in the moment of youth reached out, the butcher directly grabbed the youth's wrist.

The youth is only aware of some inconsishes, because the butcher's reaction speed is not a normal person's reaction speed.

"Are you also a martial art?"

The youth looked at the beads asked in the butcher.

However, the next second butcher directly used force, and lost his youth in front of him.

The youth gliding in the air, the distance of ten meters, finally smashed on the ground.

This scene once again depends on the people of Liujia, know how terrible strength to throw a adult out ten meters? The ordinary people of Liujia are simply do not want to think!

Chen Mo is a calm, and it has been in a quiet eating.

This time, Liu Jia Chen Mo is not just to revenge will will will will. He also intends to use this opportunity to test the true strength of the butcher.

Although Chen Mo knows that the butcher is strong, it is not clear that Chen Mo is still unclear.

The youth who just throwing out of the butcher is lying on the ground and struggling two times, and she stood directly. After all, this youth is not ordinary people can't just be so throwing.

The eyes of youth were full of anger, and they rushed to the position of the butcher after he yelled.

After a while, the youth has rushed to the front of the butcher.

The butcher's eyes flashed a touch, slowly raised his right hand, suddenly playing out a punch.


A loud noise.

The butcher's fist directly broke through the youth's body.

The youth flakes a blood and then slowly closed his eyes.

In an instant, the entire Liujia villa is again quiet.

Because this is the second person killed by butcher.

The rest of the Song Master looked at the position of the butcher, and the expression on his face was very incredible, and the heart was also shocking.

Because the youth, the youth can be a five-stage military person who is real price, it is absolutely the most powerful existence in Song Master, but no one thinks that this youth is in front of the butcher. It is so unbearable. one strike.

Just a punch is made by people!

"It's hard to make this person is a military high person?"

"His strength is probably a bit more than the martial arts!"

"How is it? The strength of this person is too horrible?"

The disciples of Song Master couldn't help but stood up.

"Everyone is not afraid, even if this person is a martial artist? We have so many people, I don't believe this person can pay us more people at the same time, and the master is coming soon. We must delay the master. time!"

However, at this time, another disciple suddenly shouted.

"Yes, even if this person is a military high person, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of so many people, let's go together!"

Soon other disciples responded.


Nearly more than 20 military doors are like crazy, they rushed to the position of the butcher.

Obviously, these martial arts feel that they have an advantage over the number of people, so even if the butcher has just shown a very horrible force, they still are still afraid of butcher.

And there is a more important point, that is what they are now selling for the Liujia.

Liu Jianao is a number of people in the magic, if this thing is able to handle it today, then they will definitely get the appreciation of Liujia, and they can be directly become the bodyguards of Liujia, this is no way to them. Resistive temptation.

At this time, Chen Mo also came to the red wine glass to the location of the door, and it is interested in watching the position of the butcher.

The people of Liujia stood around Chen Mile, and in addition to fear, they were afraid of fear. They didn't understand this time. Why Chen Mo can still be so calm.

Even if it is Liu Chengping, this kind of person is also raised in the heart.

He has heard of many things about Chen Mo, but he thinks that things should not be real. After all, Chen Mo is just a 20-year-old youth. He feels that a young man is absolutely impossible to have the heart of the story. Wisdom, those stories should have a large part of exaggeration.

But at this time, Liu Cheng Ping realized that the original matter did not exaggerate, Chen Mo's age was not big, but his heart is very mature.

The butcher flashed in the face of so many people at the same time, and the right foot was directly rushed into the crowd.


A loud noise.

The butcher bombarded his youth in front of him again.

Chen Mo's farther's combat method seems to be similar to himself, and is the simplest fist.

However, Chen Mo is the power of Xuantian Zhenwu, and the butcher is completely relied on its own strength.

Master Song's disciples saw that their companions, they died in the hands of the butcher, they were also red eyes, and the position of crazy rushing the butcher rushed over.

I have to say that Chen Mo is still some admires these people. After all, if this is, it is estimated that it is estimated that it has been scared by the butcher, but these people seem to have not escaped at all, while the position of the butcher Shouting to your companion avenge.

"Butcher, these people have no fear without hatred, you will be light!"

Chen Mo felt that the butcher was really too cruel. The purpose of them came today is to clean up the Liu family, not to kill people, so Chen Mia wants to remind the butcher to control his strength, don't continue to kill.

The butcher turned his head after hearing Chen Mo, then he whispered: "Okay, I know!"

After saying this, the butcher rushed into the crowd again.

This time butcher did not choose to take advantage of these people, even if so, no one can resist the fist of the butcher.

In just a few seconds, there is already a lot of people who have fallen in the ground.

Liu Chengping Liu Xue and others have seen the shock expression after seeing this scene, because they feel that the strength of the butcher is too horrible.

"Grandpa, what should we do now?"

Liu Xue is trembled by Liu Xicheng.

"Now I can only wait for Song Master to hurry up, or no one can stop this person ..."

Liu Chengtian said very helpless.

"You actually dare to kill my disciple, I must make your blood bond!"

However, at this time, the position of the villa gate suddenly came from a roar.

Everyone looked up at the position of Liujia Villa in the future, I saw a middle-aged man rushed to the position of the butcher.

"Master Song finally appeared ..."

Liu Cheng Ping saw this middle-aged to flash a lot of excitement.

Because this middle-aged is likely to be the last hope of Liu's family.

Chen Mo has seen this middle-aged and flicked in the eyes, because Chen Mo can feel that this middle-aged person's breath is very horrible, and it is even possibably the martial artist level.

"I didn't expect Liu's family to sit in the town!"

Chen Mer didn't help but sigh, and then went to the side of the butcher, he said whispered in the butcher: "This person is not simple, you have no problem?"

"There should be no problem!"

The butcher turned his head and looked at Chen Mo and faintly returned.

"That's good!"

Chen Mer is lightly nod, and there is no more to say more.

Since the butcher has said that he has no problem, then Chen Mo will naturally choose to continue to intervene.

Soon the middle-aged people went to the front of the butcher, and then rubbed his eyes shouted: "You dare to kill my disciple, today I have to kill you for my apprentice!"

"I want to kill me, you may not have this thing!"

The butcher has no expression.

"I have to try it again if I have this ability!"

At this time, Master seems to have no meaning to continue nonsense with the butcher, and the position of the butcher directly rushed to the butcher.

The butcher took a sigh of breath and then rushed to Master Song.

After seeing this scene, Liu Jia people flashed in the eyes. Because Liu Cheng is in the heart of the Song Yunge, the three martial arts is just a step away from the martial arts. Therefore, as long as the butcher is not a martial artist, then butcher It is impossible to be the opponent of Song Yunge.


At this time, Song Yunge's fist with the butcher's fist is hit together.

In an instant, it seems that the entire Liujia villa has a slightbit, and a powerful force has built from the body of the two.

Chen Mo has seen this after seeing this scene.

Because Chen Mile can feel that the strength of these two people should be all on himself.

Now Chen Mo is already a heroic man, and the strength of the butcher and the Song Yunge should be around three paragraphs of the military high people.

So Chen Mo's heart, how much is a little greatest, fortunately, his father gave him a baby. Otherwise, today, Chen Mo is afraid that Liu's family can't be dealt. If there is no way to deal with a Liu family, then Chen Mo wants to deal with Xia family is an idiotic dream. .

After the first time with Song Yunge for the first time in Song Yunge, the two did not continue to shoot, but after retreating two steps.

Song Yunli got up and down, said that there was no expression: "I didn't expect you to be a senior people in three paragraphs!"

"I don't know my realm!"

The butcher faintly returned.

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