I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1109: No need to continue!

"My Song Yunge has not encountered your opponent like this, and I just let me fight!"

Song Yunge as a three-stage martial arts, the flag drums that can be encountered are still very small, or it is too weak, or it is the level of the martial arts, and the two people fight for Song Yunge. .

So Song Yunge will be so excited.

In a lot of martial artists, it is necessary to have a rather than the opponent who has a fifth, which is more than a martial arts, or a magic weapon.

Chen Mo also understood the truth of the butcher in the heart of the Song Yunge said, it should be the three paragraphs of the martial arts.

This is also a good thing for Chen Mo.

After all, you can get such a powerful bodyguard to help Chen Mo's province will go to a lot of trouble.

"carry on!"

At this time, Song Yun Pavili once again smashed, then rushed to the position of the butcher.

Chen Mo's body seems to have changed some changes, and the original yellow skin actually made a seepage blood, Chen Mo felt that he can see the blood in the body of Song Yunge.

Song Yunge should be practiced what martial arts secret law can be strong.

There is no change in the side of the butcher, still waiting for Song Yunqi to rush.

" ..."

With a loud noise.

Song Yunge once again handed together with Chen Shaofe.

Two people are punching, a punch, and the competition is the strength of the body.

The people of Liujia looked at this scene in front of her eyes. In addition to shocking outside of the eyes, they were fear, because many people did not see the hands-on hands between Wu Hao, so they didn't know the strength of a military high person. There can be more horrible in the end.

Now they should have a clear understanding.

Every time the butcher and Song Yunge each handed a dramatic sound. This sound is not a sound that humans can send, as if it is the sound of two steel hits together.


At this time, the butcher was directly smashed in the shoulders of Song Yunge.

Song Yunge also disappeared as a weak palm of the butcher.

The two are almost simultaneous back.

Song Yunge has a simple adjustment of his body after a steady body, then got up and down, and then whispered: "I didn't expect the magic, there is still a master like you! What is your name?"


The butcher whispered back.

Song Yunge looked at the butcher and hesitated for two seconds, and then rushed up again.

Because the strength gap between the butcher and Song Yunqi is not very big, so the two are the status of the South wind for a long time.

Chen Mo did not have a quiet expression, and it is not worried about the butcher.

After all, even the butcher finally lost to Song Yunge, then he can also shoot, if he shots with butcher, Song Yunge must definitely defend.

Liu Jia people seem to have a little ugly, because they did not think that their final hope Song Yunge did not have any ways to take this butcher.

The battle between the butcher and Song Yunlou lasted for more than an hour, but in this hour, the two have never been divided into the victory, and the two sides do not take advantage of it.

"It's really happy today, we will continue!"

Song Yunge was red and his eyes were very excited to shout at the butcher.

The butcher did not speak in the Song Yunge.

"No need to continue!"

However, at this time, Chen Mo suddenly shouted.

Liu Jiazhong heard Chen Mo's sentence and turned his hand to Chen Mo's position. The expression on a face is very unexpected. It seems that I don't quite understand what Chen Mo just shouted.

Song Yunge did not stand it after hearing Chen Mo's words, and then he did not show Chen Mo.

Chen Migi came to the face of Song Yunge, and the Song Yunge will whispered after the Song Yunge: "Master Song, Your strength I also saw, you should have a short time with butcher, But the purpose of our coming today is not to compete with you, but in order to deal with some of my private grievances between Liu's family, it is better to fight again, let me handle the Liujia's things, how do you think? "

Chen Mo is now known to have the strength of the butcher. He doesn't want the butcher to continue to waste time with Song Yunge, and if it is really planning to divide the Song Yunqi, then even if it is estimated to be seriously injured, so Chen Mo is not intended. Let the butcher continue to play.

"I came here to protect Liu family to my disciples, you said that you don't fight?"

Song Yunge frowned and asked Chen Mail.

"Master Song, you may have not figured out the situation now!"

Chen Mo said while talking about the breath of his body.

Liujia people are ordinary people naturally have no way to detect the breath of Chen Mo's body, but Song Yunge can feel.

"You are also a high martial arts?"

Song Yun Pink attacked the bead expression very incredible to rushing to Chen Mail.


Chen Mo smiled nodded and then continued: "Although I am not a three-segment military high person, I will be a high martial arts, if I join hands with the butcher, then Song Master, you will lose, and even die In my hand, I didn't want to blame, I didn't want to kill you, I just want to handle the contradiction between me and the Liu family, so Song Master as long as you leave, no one Block you ... "

Chen Mo's voice is small, only he can hear it with Song Yunge.

Song Yunge did see the meaning of Chen Mo after hesitating for two seconds.

The butcher didn't have a way to defeat himself in a short time, but if Chen Mo also shot, then Song Yunge will definitely be lost today. After all, Song Yunge will not find other helpers at all.

This proposal of Chen Mo is beneficial to both parties.

Chen Mai can help butphron saves physical strength, and Song Yunge can be free from one death.

Song Yunge has a lot of intention between Liu Chengping, and the two have cooperated many times, but this time I may have to endanger my life. Song Yunge will naturally be reluctant to follow Liujia's risk.

"Chen Gongzi, this person kills my disciple, what do you plan?"

Song Yunge hesitated and he lowered Chen Mail.

"The deceased is 10 million, the injured is two million!"

Chen Mo said faint.

"Well, Chen Gongzi really is a happy person, then I will not bother today, have the opportunity to find this person to discuss!"

The reason why Song Yunge can help Liu family is not because of money, so Chen Mo directly chooses the simplest way to handle this matter.

Sure enough, this trick is really effective.

Song Yunge had a very happy promise, then turned around and shouted in those disciples behind him: "Let's go!"

When Liu Chengping heard the sentence in Song Yunge, it was stupid. The expression on his face was very incredible, because he did not think that Song Yunge would actually give up their Liujia so much.

"Master Song, what do you mean?"

Liu Xue is also a horror, and the expression is very excited to shout at Song Yunge.

"Miss Liu, Liu Bo, you just saw it, I want to defeat this person is not so easy, and my disciple is also a dead injury today. If I continue to play, I may also be deep, so today I might love this matter! "

Song Yunge itself was angry because Liu Jia gave himself this big trouble and felt angry, so naturally, I didn't want to say more. I used my people to go outside the villa.

When Liu Chengtong saw Song Yunge actually, he left out and completely dumbly.

It seems that everyone has never thought that it was one end.

Originally, Liujia people also thought that the power of Song Yunge was to fight against Chen Mo, but who can think of Song Yunge played and actually gone.

Chen Miman turned his head to see Liu Chengping, then smiled and asked: "What is the bottom card now?"

Liu Chengping looked at Chen Mo's face, he didn't think of him for so many years, what big wind waves have experienced, but today planted in the hands of a young man.

"Chen Mo, the thing that kidnapped your friend is what I did, the acquisition of the five companies is also what I did, I do one person, do you have anything to me, don't be difficult for us!"

Liu Xue squatted on the front of the water in front of Wuxi, rushed to Chen Mo.

"If there is no other people of Liujia, how can you make these things?"

Chen Mo's falling question.

Liu Xue looked at Chen Mo as you still want to talk, but Liu Chengpupou has stopped Liu Xue, and then he asked Chen Mail: "Chen Mo, how do you want?"

"First of all, Liu Jia needs to give me the five companies!"

Chen Mo said.

"No problem, as long as you can let us get us today, I can give you this five companies!"

Liu Chengtou nodded.

"There is also something that I will start now, I have said, I will let you do what you do, if you dare to violate my order, then I will let the butcher destroy your Liu family!"

Chen Mai continued.

Obviously, Chen Mo did not really wanted to remove the thoughts of Liujia.

The reason is very simple, Liu Jia is just a dog around Xia Jia, Chen Mo is now in addition to the Liujia, then Xia family will cultivate the second Liu family, which is minimal.

Therefore, Chen Mo felt that it is better to let Liujia becomes their own internal response, so that Chen Mo can also be very convenient when dealing with Xia family.


Liu Chengping heard Chen Mo's words flashed a different.

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