I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 212: What qualifications he become Bi VIP?

Bi Tianhe Hot Spring Mountain Before the door.

Southern Yuri and others saw that Chen Mo came into the villa in He Cai, all showed a shock expression, a pair of double water, the big eyes were full of surprises.

Just the talented staff claimed to receive a very important guest today, so all the other tourists in the mountains came out, and Su Tuyu and others had the batch of being driven.

At this time, Chen Mo actually entered the Bi Tianya. Everyone will feel very surprised!

"Little jade, what is your cousin? Why can he go in? Is it a VIP?"

The friends around Su Tuyu can't help but ask.

"I don't know what is going on ..."

The Su Tuyu was shaking his head.

If so before, Su Yucu will never believe that Chen Mo's poor silk will be a tip of Bi Tianya, but after Chen Mo's company raised investors, Su Yucai has also happened to Chen Mo's view. The little change, she feels that Chen Mo may not look so ordinary college students.

"How can this poor silk may be Bi Tianya's VIP, he is definitely working in Bi Tianya, whether the waiter can enter Bi Tianya is not very normal?"

At this time, a girl shouted with a small mouth.

Everyone heard the sentence of the girl, all stunned.

"I think Fifi is correct, you see the poor acid like that small child, how can it be a tiny to the guest, even if he is really a VIP, then you have to dress up again!"

"Yes, he is definitely coming to work!"

Several other girls should have a good time.

And how many people in the heart of Su-crew, because she doesn't know what is going on, according to the reason, Chen Mo is really unlike the VIP of the high-level mountain of Bi Tianya, but Southern Yucai feels that Su Mu Bai is now every month. Give Chen Mo's 10,000 yuan living expenses, Chen Mo should not come to this place to work!

"This person is definitely not going to work!"

However, at this time, a girl suddenly shouted.

Everyone heard the girl's words twisted his girl, and the expression on his face was some.

"How do you know that Chen Mo is not going to work?"

Su Tu Yu hesitated, and he asked softly.

"Xiao Yu, do you know who is the person who has just takes your hostel to enter the chart?"

The girl's expression is excited back to a sentence.


Su Yucheng asked.

"That person is the general manager of Tianti Villa!"

The girls' words fall, everyone is stunned, and the expression on the face is very incredible.

If Chen Mo is really coming to this place, how can it be that the general manager of Bi Tianhe personally comes to meet him?

I am afraid that it is a fool to think about it!

"The person who has just takes your brother-in-law into the villa is the general manager of Bi Tianya, and you see that the general manager of Bi Tianhai talking to him, very respectful, this shows that he is definitely not to work, a Tang Tian How can manage how respect for a small waiter? "

The girl looked at Su Yucu to continue to shout.

Su Tuyu looked at Chen Mo's back, and his eyes flashed.

The girls who have been ridiculous to Chen Mo have all closed their mouths, because they know that the girl just said is a little reasonable!

"Don't this Chen Mo's VIP?"

"How can he be qualified to become a tip of Bi Tianya?"

"Yeah, you look at his poor acid, saying that he is a taking a waitress in Bi Tianhai, but it is too incredible to say that he is a ticker in Bi Tianya?"

Several girls seem to be somewhat not willing to be ignorant.

"Chen Mo is not here, I will go in and ask if I know!"

The Su Tuyu shouted with a small mouth, and then went directly to the Tiantai Mountain.

Those friends around Su Tuyu are naturally very curious about Chen Mo's identity, so they have also followed Sodi Yushu.

But when these girls ran to the door, Chen Mo didn't have a trace.

Su Yugui stepped into the steps, but the two security guards at the door directly reached out to stop Su Yun Yu, then said that there was no expression: "Miss, I am sorry, our lives are now suspended, you Can't go in! "

"Why can't we go in? The one just went in!"

The girl after the Soviet Youth shouted.

The security guards heard the girl, I couldn't help but laugh, and then said: "The gentleman is the VIP of our Bi Tianya. Are you?"


Several girls include Su Yun Yu, after listening to the security of the security guard, it is very stupid, and the expression on the face is very incredible.

Because of their a few people, I didn't expect that Chen Mo is a VIP in Bi Tianya.

"This ... how can this? Chen Mo ... Chen Mo is really a toner!"

The Soviet River Jade stood in the land, and the expression was very incredible.

But Su Yucu may not know that Chen Mo is not just a toner of Bi Tianya, but it is a boss of Bi Tianhai!


On the other hand, Chen Mo walked into the Bi Tianya Villa under the leadership of He.

After entering the villa, He Fin has always introduced Chen Mo's situation in Bi Tianya.

At this time, there is no other tourist in the Bi Tianya Villa, so the environment is still very quiet, hidden in the large woods, hidden in the woods, and the floats of the floats, giving people very comfortable,

Moreover, Chen Mo is now the main business project of Bi Tianya Hot Spring Mountain. It is not only hot springs, and there is a series of entertainment venues in the hotel casino. The front is Bi Tianya Hotel, and the hot spring behind Bi Tianya Hotel is hot, it is behind the hot springs. Name the male heaven's Bi Tianki Hall.

It is said that this Bi Tianya Club is the most earnings of Bi Tianya Villa. As long as you have money, you can enjoy a variety of services in this meeting.

He Wei, in the simple and Chen Mo, after laughing, laughing, rushing by Chen Mo: "Chen Gongzi knows you, I also deliberately give you a gift!"

"Do you prepare for me?"

Chen Mo listened to He Cai's sentence, couldn't help but laugh, the whole blue sky is Chen Mo, He Fin is here to prepare a gift here.

"Yes, it is a little me to give you a gift!"

He is spent on the way.

"What gift?"

Chen Mo is hesitant, and asked faint.

"Chen Gongzi, you can't buy a Cat, please!"

He Wei's mysterious returned, then directly took Chen Mo's walking.

And Chen Mo looked at He Cai, did not ask more, directly followed He Fin.

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