I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 213: Emperor General Treatment

Bi Tianya Hot Spring Villa.

Chen Mer and Headloce Headlon walking in the Bi Tianya Villa, on this road, Chen Mo saw a lot of waitress.

These waitresses can be more first-class, whether they can be in the temperament, which is not the girls in Chen Mo's school, and these beautiful waiters are wearing cheongsam, step on high heels, and zooming between zoising. The charm of people, the double peaks in the chest also slightly fuse with the fantastic pace.

Such a scene is still very tempting for Xiaoma's small men, so when Chen Mo passes these beautiful waiters, it will inevitably look at a few eyes.

He Dong saw that Chen Mo was interested in these beautiful waiters, the smile on the face was getting more and more.

Moreover, Chen Mo also found that it is to walk in the blue sky, the higher the quality of the waiter.

"No wonder, many people say that the Tianti Villa is a man's paradise, it seems to be so!"

Chen Mer couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Chen Gongzi, let's go to the place!"

At this time, He Wei suddenly stopped, and smiled, he said in Chen Mo.

Chen Mo listened to He Cai's sentence couldn't help it, then looked up and looked at it and found that he was standing in front of a door.

The door is written on the three big words of the dragon phoenix.

"Is this a gift you prepared to me?"

Chen Mimo went to see He Cai, the expression is unfolbened.

"Yes, Chen Gongzi, I will give you a gift in this, wait for you to go in, how do you want to do, what do you want to do!"

After Hoai said this sentence, he also crowded his eyes, and he understood what you know.

And Chen Mo said this sentence is a face of a face, I don't know what medicine I bought in the gourd.

"In order not to bother Chen Gongzi your Yaxing, I will go first. If you have any told words, let the waiters inside will do it!"

He Wei is a little embarrassed, so it is ready to leave.

"No ..."

Chen Mo Zhang has just speaking.

He Yonglian said: "Chen Gongzi, I just forgot to tell you, there is a room that I have to prepare for you, if you look directly, take it directly to the room!"

After saying this, He's fortune quickly rushed to walk, and his face hangs a very proud smile.

Chen Mo saw He Cai, after leaving, a face of speechless, hesitatedly, he still reached out the door of Longfeng Pool, and then walked into the dragon pool.

However, after Chen Mo entered the Longfeng Pool, he was in the original place, and his face was very incredible.

Because this so-called dragon phoenix is ​​actually a huge hot spring pool, this is not a focus. The focus is at this time, there is almost more than 20 beautiful women in Longfeng Pool.

All of these beautiful women are in swimming, all kinds of bikini put these beautiful proud figure.

"This ... is this a gift for me?"

Chen Miman's self-calap.

At this moment, Chen Mo finally understood what the words he had said, what is the meaning of what it means, and he can't tell Mames when he is in the wealth. He is ready to have a room.

He Fin is a general manager of Bi Tianya, which will receive a variety of VIPs every day, so he knows that all men in the world have a common hobby, that is beautiful!

Therefore, in order to please Chen Mo, it is a series of training in the whole country in the whole country, and then conducts a series of training for these beauty, guaranteeing that Chen Mima will wait in the bed.

This is simply the emperor's general treatment!

And He Fin in order not to let others bother Chen Mo, but also deliberately drive all the guests in Bi Tianya, which is why Su Jade and others will suddenly leave the reason.

Well prepared for such a long time, He Cai is also a painful heart, Joong saw that Chen Mo is interested in the beauty waiters in the village, and the heart is more confirmed that Chen Mo will really like the gift you prepared.

So He's will only leave here so confident, let Chen Mo will play freely.

Some beautiful women in Longfeng Pool are swimming, and some are partially dressed in bikini.

Chen Mermail looked at the beautiful women in Longfeng Pool, and the heartbeat accelerated.

Speaking of the heart, this scene is really very tempting for Chen Mo, who has never touched a woman, very exciting.

And not just Chen Mo, it is estimated that as long as it is a man, it will not hold himself.

However, Chen Mo knows that he is now gradually rising with Su Ming, and he will never make anything sorry at this time.

"He wealth!"

Chen Mo slammed his head softly, and then turned to prepare to leave.

But at this time, a youth suddenly handed the wine pan in his hands to Chen Mo's, and then shouted: "You are new, hurry to give this glass of wine to Yingying sister, hands and feet Ma Lee! "

Chen Mo listened to the young man couldn't help but stunned, and then he would want to explain.

"What are you doing? I let you send the wine in the past, didn't you hear? Be careful, Ying Yingjie is angry with you!"

Youth should not give Chen Mo any opportunity, very excited, and then handed the wine dish to Chen Mo.

Chen Mer's consciousness took the wine pan, and I couldn't help but smile in my heart. No matter where you go, you are used as a waiter, nor is it that thing! "

Although I think so, Chen Mo is still a wine drip, a beautiful woman wearing a black bikini, gone.

"What do you eat? How can I come over?"

After the beauty saw Chen Mo's slow, the expression was very excited.

"Yeah, what is your waiter is going? Can you still do it?"

"Why didn't you wear a work clothes? What is the break of clothes?"

"You hurry to put the wine to Yingying sister, roll out, don't let us see you, see you, I feel disgusting!"

The other girls around the beauty have also opened their mouths, and the eyes are disdainful.

After all, these beautiful women are caught by He. It is natural to be highly proud of the boss. Therefore, it is normal to insult to be able to insult the bullies.

After listening to these beautiful words, Chen Mo couldn't help but frowned, and the eyes flashed a trace of anger.


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