I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 215: Beauty Willow Liu

Dragon Phoenix Pool.

Several women wearing a swimwear, a beautiful woman wearing a swimwear, sitting around Chen Mile, and the whisper discussed Chen Mo's identity.

"I heard that Chen Gongzi seems to be the boss of Bi Tianya Hot Spring Mountain!"

A beautiful woman who was named red and said softly in several other beautiful women.

"Red Sister, is you really true? Is this big Tianti Villa be a person in Chen Gongzi?"

Everyone heard this expression very excited.

"What is a little bit? I also heard that the company under the hand of Chen Gongzi did not count, even if the Nanyang City's Li Jicheng Du Tianhao is Chen Gongzi's hand!" Red Hong continued.


The eyes flashed a shock again.

After all, in their eyes, the boss is already a very incredible thing, but they didn't expect Chen Gongzi, but also the boss of Li Juncheng Du Tianhao.

Li Juncheng Du Tianhao two famous in Nanyang City is very large.

Such a big person is Chen Gongzi's hand, and the Chen Gongzi will be a horrible existence. Everyone is just thinking about it.

"Beckham, since you don't know what Chen Gongzi is, what are you doing?"

The red red head rushed to the little beauty.

"Which of me, when I came over, I just said that I will be able to complete the task, I can get 200,000 yuan!"

The name of the name is the beauty of Beckham.

"What do you have to do this place?" Red Sister asked very speechless.

"I don't know, I thought it was just walked in a swimwear."

Xiaobei is busy shaking his head.

"I can get two hundred thousand in the swimsuit, how are you so beautiful?"

The red sister gently white, and then faintly said: "I told you, let these people come over to serve Chen Gongzi, it is estimated that Chen Gongzi should come, to When Chen Gongzi will choose a few people in these people, they can look around, and then take him away, and the remaining people can get 200,000 rewards, and they are taken away by Chen Gongzi. People can get five million rewards! "

"five million!"

Xiaodao heard this number, I couldn't help but suck a cold, whispered: "If I can be seen by Chen Gongzi, I don't have to worry about my mother's surgery."

"You still die this heart, let's get the 20,000th, it is already very good, five million don't want to think!"

The red red is back, and then the hand is incense. , Then count, I am still the first time ... "

"You are a small goods, is it a wet now?"

"You gave me, I didn't, the wet person should be you?"

"Hahaha ..."

A few beautiful women laughed and laughed in each other.

After heard the words of these beautiful women, Chen Mo was also speechless. I didn't expect these material women to talk so open.

However, the beauty named Beibei caught Chen Mo's interest, because Chen Mo felt that this Babe didn't seem to be like other girls, she would come over because she wants to give her mother.

"Liu Liu is coming out, let's take a hurry!"

At this time, the red shouted, and then I ran the position of the pool.

The rest of the beautiful women have followed the past after heard this.

Chen Mima can look up and look at it. I saw a tall sexy, and the long-distance exquisite woman came out of the pool. Women wearing a white bikini, the body is proud, the skin is white, the chest is towering, The beautiful legs are long, the fragrant hips are round, whether it is a figure, this woman has no shortcomings.

The beautiful women in Longfeng Chi saw that the woman came out, and she was surrounded by the woman's side, and he took the initiative to hear.

The beautiful woman named Liu Liu quickly greeted everyone, and then walked into his own lounge.

"What is your kid sitting here? Don't you do it alone? Do you believe that I will let you expect you now!"

At this time, the waiter who had commanded Chen Mo's wine ran to Chen Mo's in front of Chen Mo, and his expression was extremely angry.


Chen Mo listened to the waiter's sentence slowly looked up at the waiter.


The waiter directly threw the tray in his hand, and then shouted: "What is it? Liu Liu wants a cup of whiskey, hurry to send Liu Liujie ..."

"I'm not……"

Chen Mo's mouth wants to explain.

"You are not, you are not, hurry to send Liu Jie, or will Liu Jie will be angry for a while, no one can save you, I will tell you!"

The waiter called speed quickly, then turned directly to run in the distance, and waited for other beautiful women.

Chen Mo was hesitating for two seconds in place, and finally helpless got up and picked up a cup of whiskey, and then went to the room where Liu Liu's room was walking.

At this time, Chen Mo took the initiative to give Willow to the wine, not because of weak, but his heart is a very curious. This willow will will will will will have a very substance like other women, so Chen Mo feels that he is just a chance to give wine. Contact with Liu Liu.

After a few seconds, Chen Mo went to the front of the willow lounge.

This kind of lounge has only two of willow with Yingying's two most famous women. Other beauty is not qualified to have their own lounge.

At this point, the door of the lounge is half-hidden, Chen Mo directly reached out and opened the door.


However, Chen Mo used to enter the lounge, he heard a scream.

Chen Mima can look up and look at it, and then directly in the original place, and the eyes are slight.

Because he did not think that Liu Liu was changing in the lounge.

The perfect body of the beauty willowa is exposed to Chen Mo's sight. The legs are long, the crisp is towering, like an art, and is flawless.


Chen Mer couldn't help but swallow the mouth, no way, the body of Liu Liu is too good.


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