I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 216: I don't need to pretend!


Liu Liu's rest room suddenly came back.

Chen Mo's hand-held looks at the perfect body of Liu Liu, and he has to say that Liu Liu's woman is really tempting, and Chen Mo's eyes are gone.

The eyes of Liu Liu's eyes flashed a shy and angry, and quickly reached out and picked up the bath towel on the side, then shouted: "You metamorphosis, what do you see?"


Chen Mo listened to the words of Liu Liu, reacted, and quickly took his line of sight, then explained the expression: "I ... I am coming to give you wine ... I am sorry, I don't know you Change clothes ... "

After saying this, Chen Mo put down the tray in his hand and turned to leave.

After all, I saw that people's girls changed clothes and Chen Mo's wrong.

"You stand!"

Liu Liu saw Chen Miao, and even quickly shouted.

"Is there anything?"

Chen Mo went back and asked.

"You give me wine, don't know how to knock on? You must deliberately don't knock on the door? You just have to peek. I change clothes?"

Liu Liu is very angry.

"I don't intentional, who knows that you will change your clothes!"

Chen Mo explained.

"Liu Liujie, what is going on?"

The waiters in Longfeng Pool have also rushed over the lounge after hearing the shouts of Liu Liu, before ordered Chen Mo's youth expressions to Liu Liu to drink wine, rushing to Liu Liu.

Although the youth and Liu Liu have not been long, he knows that Liu Liu's woman is not so good, this is why he doesn't personally come over to Liu Liu, but let Chen Mo come to the wine.

"This ... this metamorphosis actually steals, I am too bad, I must tell why, you must die!" Liu Liu immediately finished Chen Mo, expressing unusually angry .


After listening to this sentence of Liu Liu, the waiter has been dumbfounded, turned his head and looked at Chen Mo's position, and his expression was incredible.

At this time, the beautiful women in the dragon pool are all around.

"This person actually steals Liu Qingjie mixed clothes, what do this kid think?"

"Yeah, is this kid crazy? Don't know how he becomes Bi Tianya!"

"You see him this, definitely a poor silk, just when he came in, I knew he was not a good person! It actually made such a disgusting thing!"

Those beautiful women around have stood out and begins to accuse Chen Mo.

"This kid is dead today, however, is the most important thing to Liu, which can make Chen Gongzi will be happy to let Liu Sister, this kid is sinful, he is definitely dead!"

"Yeah, the last time there is a metamorphic waiter just to steal a half-hearted underwear, which is, is it hidden, this kid is even more powerful, and even dare to steal Liu Liu, this is not to die."

Everyone pointed to Chen Mile pointed to the face, and the expression on his face was very disdain.

Chen Miman is standing in the same place, and there is something that I don't know how to explain once a time.

"Your poor silk, my body is also your kind of person? You are waiting, I will give you a call now, I must pack you well!" Liu Liu pointed to Chen Mo I shouted, then picked up the phone from the top of the table.

"I really didn't deliberately, I also apologize!"

Chen Mili said that there is no expression of Liu Liu.

"You don't have to say these useless, what if you want to talk to He always!"

Liu Liu bite the silver tooth low back.

"Then call it!"

Chen Mile originally didn't want to make this incident, but he saw Liu Liu insisted on how to call He. It took her good.

"You will wait for death!"

Liu Liu's expression shouted and then took the phone to dialed He Wei's phone.

"Dudu ..."

After the phone rang two times, He Wei turned on the phone.

"He is always, you will come to Longfeng Pool, just have a metamorphosis to see me to change clothes ..." Liu Liu shouted after seeing He Cai and said.

"What? Who is such a big courage?"

He has heard that it is dumbfounded in an instant.

"It's a waiter!"

Liu Liu turned his head and looked at Chen Mo and said disdain.

"Okay, you let people control the kid, I will go!"

He has returned to the fire and then hangs directly.

At this time, He Wei has not asked the details of this matter, because he didn't have a mood at all.

If it is like this, he will not be so anxious, but today is not the same, he knows that Chen Mo is on the side of Longfeng Po, if someone has stealing Liu Liu, it is still a small matter, but If someone bothering Chen Mo's interest, it is a bit trouble.

So He's will be so worried.

Liu Liu saw He Cai is this attitude, thinking that He Cai attaches great importance to himself, showing a satisfactory smile.

"Willow Sister, what is it saying?"

The girls around Liu will have asked.

"What can I say, come and come to me!"

Liu Liu is very arrogant.

And those waiters who were standing on the side of the lively were listening to the words of Liu Liu, all rushed to Chen Mo's position.

"Do you know who I am? Do you dare to do it?"

When Chen Mima, the expression on his face was very calm. After all, this Bi Tianya is Chen Mo's site, here he can be bullied by a group of waiters?

After the bodyguards heard Chen Mo, he all stunned, and his eyes looked at Chen Mo.

"Is your kid not a new waiter?"

The waiter who had commanded Chen Mo's wine before doubt that Chen Mo said.

And Chen Mo did not take care of this waiter, but to watch Liu Liu asked in front of him: "You should not tell He's people to see if you change your clothes is called Chen Mo?"

"Chen Mo?"

Liu Liu heard this name, and then said: "Are you Chen Mo Chen Gongzi?"

"Yes, I am Chen Mo!"

Chen Mo nodded lightly.

And Liu Liu, got up and down, and then the expression was very disdainful and said: "Your kid is really bold, not only peeking, I changed clothes, but now I dare to pretend to Chen Mo Chen, I see you is really intelligent. ! "

"I don't need to pretend, I am Chen Mo!"

Chen Mo fell back.

"I have no mood now to talk nonsense with you, what do you do? Hurry up this person!"

Liu Liu shouted in the waiter.

And those waiters heard this, and rushed to Chen Mo's position again.

"He is always!"

But at this time, there was a shouting in the crowd.

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