I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 217: She is going with me!

"He is always!"

The crowd suddenly came back.

Everyone turned his head to the gate of Longfeng Pool.

He Wei has rushed through the position of Chen Mo and others with his own two bodyguards.

"He always came over, this kid is definitely dead!"

"Yeah, why always bring the bodyguard to bring the bodyguard, definitely to clean up this kid!"

The beauty of the beautiful women surrounded by Chen Mima started the whisper.

"He, you can come over!"

After Liu Liu saw He Cai, the expression on his face was abnormally wronged, and he quickly rushed to the wealth, and the waist had an infinite temptation.

"Willow, who just did it, what kind of bastard peeks you change clothes, how is Chen Gongzi?"

He has a non-expression of Liu Liu asked.

"Chen Gongzi?"

Liu Liu heard this, I couldn't help it, and then I asked some tone: "He always, Chen Gongzi has come over?"

"Yes, have you not seen Chen Gongzi just now?"

He is a bit awkward at this time, and I am busy.

"I ... I didn't see Chen Gongzi, but I just said that I changed my clothes, he was Chen Mo, but ..."

The words of Liu Liu have not finished, He Wei suddenly pushed Liu Liu, then directly rushed to Chen Mo's position, and said excited: "Chen Gongzi, you don't have anything?"

After seeing this scene, everyone is in the original place, and the expression on the face is very incredible.

Those girls who have been taunt from Chen Mo are also stupid, and I looked at Chen Mo with a big eyes.

Although Chen Mo said his identity, everyone thought that Chen Mo's excuses, I want to flicker them, but when Ho Cai treats Chen Mo's attitude, there is also the sentence that Chen Mo said, it has proved that Chen Mo has just not I am lying, he is really a Chen Gongzi waiting for everyone!


Liu Liu is also dumbfounded in place, watching Chen Mo's position in his eyes, and said: "This ... This metamorphosis is really ... It's really Chen Gongzi?"

At this time, I didn't figure out what happened. I saw that the waiters were surrounded by Chen Mo's side, and the expression was very excited: "What do you do around Chen Gongzi? Just peeking Liu Liu to change clothes Abnormal? Are you caught? "

"He ...... Which ..."

The waiter took the lead in the shouting of Baba.

"what's happenin?"

He Wei frowned asked.

"Just ..." I just peeked about Liu Liuji to change clothes. "

The waiter reached his finger and finished Chen Mo's position, and nuts to the rush of Baba.

He Wei heard the waiter's sentence couldn't help but stunned, then suddenly looked at Chen Mo and immediately turned to Liu Liu. It was incredible to ask: "Liu Liu, you just said that you will change you. The person in the clothes is Chen Gongzi? "

"He ... He always, I ... I don't know if this person is Chen Gongzi, I thought he was a waiter!"

Liu Liu Xiuyou is slightly spelling.

"Are you crazy? This is the boss of our Time Hill, Chen Mo Chen, Chen Mo, Chen Mo, Chen Gongzi, can see you to change clothes. It is your honor. You still have to treat Chen Gongzi as a metamorphosis. Are you not a boring? ? "

He's fashion is very angry, after all, it is a good thing, and finally it was made by Liu Liu and others. How can I not be angry?

And Liu Liu was also scared by He. I didn't want to be a direct squat on the ground, and I made a look at Baba: "Chen ... Chen Gongzi, it is too sorry, I blame, I have an eye, I didn't recognize you. Come, please ask you, give me a chance, let me go! "

"Chen Gongzi, I am sorry, we have a look like Taishan!"

"Chen Gongzi is sorry!"

Before I ridiculed Chen Mo's beauty after I knew Chen Mo's identity, I quickly prayed that Chen Mo's forgiveness was prayed.

"Chen Gongzi, I beg you, let me have a way!"

Liu Liu is holding Chen Mo's thigh, and the sorrow is asking.

She is not a fool, what is the financial one of her heart, it is the existence of murder.

One of why wealth is so horrible, if he is the boss, it is not more dangerous.

Liu Liu came over, it was originally planning to rely on his own face, and the clean body of many years will cause Chen Mo's attention and try to marry into the giants.

But where she can think of it, I will give Chen Mo for the first time Chen Mo.

Chen Mo looked at Liu Liu and said: "I have said that I have said that I am Chen Mo, you have always believed me! And I accidentally saw you change clothes, not what I deliberate, I also apologize to you, why do you have to be aggressive? "


After listening to Chen Mo, Liu Liu was extremely desperate, at this time, her intestines quickly regret it. If she knows that Chen Mo is Chen Gongzi, how can she make these things!

Originally, she also planned to see how they see Chen Gongzi, how to express themselves, but I didn't expect her to be such a situation with Chen Gongzi's first meeting.

"Chen Gongzi, how do you plan?"

At this time, it is also an angry. I have been working hard for a few months. It is destroyed by Liu Liu. How can he not angry?

"Chen Gongzi, I know is wrong, I am really wrong, you will put me a horse, you can be seen by you, it is my honor, if you are interested, we can find one The place where the person, the slave is taken off, let you see it ... "

Liu Liu heard He Cai's sentence, his face was extremely panic, and he quickly rushed to Chen Mo.

"Light, let me see enough?"

Chen Mail can't help but smile after listening to this.

"He Wei, let these people go out to pick up the garbage, let them leave after a month!"

Chen Mermail pointed to the girls before the girl shouted.

He won't really put these women, after all, these girls are just some things, so he intends to let these women pick up a month in Bi Tianya, just give them a small punishment. !

The beauty of the scene was heard in the words of Chen Mo, and the hearts of the heart was a little greatest. After all, the penalty of Chen Mo was still a lot compared with He.


He Yichen, even the nodded, then twist the Liu Liu and asked whisper: "Chen Gongzi, how do you have this Liu Liu?"

"She is going with me!"

Chen Milo has no expression, and then goes directly to the dragon pool.


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