I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 211: Arrival in Sujia Town

Su Mu Bai's hometown in Sujia Town, Sujia Town is not far from Nanyang City. If you drive over, you will be three hours drive.

Although Sujia Town is not particularly loud, Sujia Town is still very famous in Nanyang City, because many energetic entrepreneurs in Nanyang City are Sujia Town.

These people will return to Sujia Town after retirement, and the grandfather of Su Mu Bai is one of them.

So Sujia Town is not inferior to Nanyang City, is not a small town in people's imagination, and more like a villa area around Nanyang City, luxury luxury cars are also visible everywhere in Sujia Town!

After the school holiday, Chen Mo bought a passenger ticket to Sujia Town, and then simply sorted out his luggage and left the Sujia Town.

But before going to Sujia Town, Chen Mai fought to bought a dress, the price of clothes is not very expensive, and a set is also one or two thousand dollars, but this set of clothes and Chen Mo have wearing the set of obvious A lot, at least Chen Mo look like a normal person, no one will think he is a rubbish.

Chen Mo did not want Su family to know his identity, but he felt that he was played in the identity of Su Mu Bai's fiance. Even if you can't expose your identity, can you lose people?

After sitting on the passenger car, Chen Mo has always enjoyed the scenery outside the window.

At this point, he asks if he thinks he will see Su Mu, the mood is very excited.

A blink of an eye, two hours.

Chen Mo knows that he should soon go to Sujia Town, so take out the phone to call the phone.

"Chen Mo, are you going to Sujia Town?"

Su Mu Bai quickly turned on the phone and asked in profit.

"Well, I am estimated that there is still half an hour!" Chen Mo fell back.

"That's too good, I will pass you now, are you doing a train or a passenger car?"

Su Mu Lany asked softly.



Su Mu Bai's simple promised and then hanged the phone directly.

After Chen Mo hung up the phone, Chen Mo hangs up the phone, the mood seems very good, and the turn should continue to look at the scenery outside the window.

the other side.

Sujia Town passenger station in front.

A black Mercedes-Benz slowly stopped, then walked out from the car out of the three clothes and cool sexy beauty.

When these three beautiful women appeared in front of the passenger station, they attracted the attention of countless people.

The girl walking in the front, is not someone else, is Chen Mo's fiancee Su Mu Bai.

Su Mu Bai dressed in a very casual dress today, the black and long hair shawl is falling, the upper body is white and shouldered, the lower body is a black short skirt, and the long white legs have a black stockings, stepped on a white on the feet. High heels, a large belt bundle between the flux, in the hand, a bag that doesn't know what brand.

And Su Mu Bai followed two girls.

One of the girls will be a little bit a little, wearing a red long dress, the whole person looks pure and beautiful, and another woman wears a low-cut t-shirt, the gully of the chest is hidden, the lower body is a miniskirt, the ultra short skirt is as if It will be able to package the stagnant shaft butt, outlined a person's arc, and the exquisite face has a beautiful facial features, and a red long-haired long-haired looks looks unusually sexy.

The girl who is a little bit a little bit is called Zhang Qing, and is the daughter of Su Mu Bai.

And another sexy woman who is almost an almost an oldest, is white and white, is a daughter of Su Mug Big.

Su Mu Bai's grandfather has four sons, four daughters, so the descendants of Sujia still have a lot.

So far, Chen Mo only knows that Su Mu Bai Su Tuyu is two, Zhang Qingder has never seen it since Chen Mo, and the white snow.

This time, Zhang Qingder followed the Snow and the two people came to the passenger station. In fact, it is not because of how good the relationship between them. In contrast, white snow has always regarded Su Mu Bai as its own enemy.

After all, Su Mu Bai is a long-term ability or aware of the knowledge, and the grandfather of Su Mu-Bai has always been very hurting to love Su Mu, this is more excited, and the woman is doing anything. Everything likes to be with Su Mu, Su Mu Bai has made a cosmetics industry. Snow is now being a cosmetics industry, but the white-snow company is much smaller than Su Mu Bai!

The original Snow knows that Su Mu, the company may have to be closed, but the heart is full of flowers, but I didn't expect that the last thing turned out to turn, Su Mu Bai actually found a new investor, and this new investor actually It is also a famous Dingsheng Group in Nanyang City.

This is a deep stimulus to Snow, and later Snow did not know where to get the news, Su Mu Bai can find new investors because her fiance helped.

At this time, Su Mu Bai's fiance just came over, and white snow naturally had to follow him to see Su Mu Bai's fiance. What is sacred.

And the little bit of Zhang Qing, who is a little bit old, followed by watching the lively.

"Mu Bai Sister, Snow Sister!"

At this time, an Audi A6 slowly stopped the side of Su Mu, and a girl pushed out of the car from the car.

"Su Hongfei, how did you come over?"

After Su Mu Bai saw the youth of the head, I couldn't help but frown.

"Mu Baijie, do you see what you said? My brother-in-law is coming, I naturally want to look at it!"

Su Hongfei returned to his teeth.

And Su Mu Bai glanced at Su Hongfei, did not say much, her heart is clear that Su Hongfei will not be so good.

From small to big, Su Mu Bai and Sujia people are very good. Only this Su Hongfei is in place with him, and the relationship between the two is very stiff, and Su Hongfei is a son of Su Mu Bai, so Su Mu Bai I can't really put Su Hongfei.

"What is this ghost today, I am sweating here for a while, if you continue to wait, you can't tanned me!"

At this time, the snow suddenly opened his mouth.

"I just advised you to come, it is you not to come!"

Su Mu Bai is coming to hate Snow, so talk is not very polite.

"You hurry to give your fiance to make a call, my face is tens of thousands, if you give it to me, is he lost?"

Snow shouted with a small mouth.

"Yeah, Mu Bai sister, you ask your fiance to come over, if you have to wait for a while, we will enter the car!" Zhang Qingder's relationship with white snow is good, at this time, it will help Snow talk. .

And Su Mu Bai didn't want to listen to these two people with nonsense, and took out their own mobile phone to prepare to dialed Chen Mo's phone.

But at this time, a blue bus slowly slowed over.

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