I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 222: Two fiances

Su Mu Bai directly put down his mobile phone after seeing the bus, because she knew that Chen Mo was the bus from the bus.

Two women in Snow Zhang Qingqing saw Su Mu Bai to put the phone back, and the eyes flashed, and the tone wanted to rush to Su Mu Bai: "Mu Bai sister, why don't you give you a fiance? Phone? "

"Chen Mo should be in this car, don't call!"

Su Zhiti stretched your fingers, referring to not far from the broken long-distance bus, and the tone was calm.

"Is your fiancore happened to sit in this kind of car?"

After hearing this sentence of Su Mu, White Snow has exposed a shocking expression in an instant, and his eyes are very incredible.

"is it not OK?"

Su Mu Bai naturally understood this sentence of Snow, which contained disdain, so there was a little cold back.

"Yes, of course, I didn't expect your fiance to save so, don't drive it yourself, but let the bus come ..."

The white snow smiled and asked with a silk torny.

"Mu Bai, you will not be joking with us? How can your fiance do this kind of broken car? Why didn't he drive over?" Zhang Qingqing asked with him.

"Chen Mo has no car, naturally can't drive!"

Su Mu Bai had already guessed the reaction of these people, but her heart didn't matter, so the tone replied was still very calm.

Su Hongfei stood in the side and couldn't help but laugh and did not speak.

He is really watching Su Mu, who is really watching Su Mu Bai today, but now Su Mu Bai's fiance has not yet played, just relying on a bus to joke Su Mu Bai, then it is too awkward.

Su Hongfei is very smart. He knows that all rich people in the world are like showing off. If the fiance in the world is a low-key rich second generation, I don't like to drive, I will not be able to play. I have played my face, so Su Hongfei did not worry about it, but it is still very moving.

Soon, the bus whistling, raising the dust.

"What is this broken car, how is this soar, this kind of broken car is a pull-back people or a pig?"

Bai Xue's own little hand waved in front of him, and then retired two steps.

Zhang Qingmen Su Hongfei naturally hid.

Only Su Mu Bai still stands in place, letting dust on her face, quietly waiting for Chen Mer.


A sudden brake voice sounded, the big passenger car trembled.

"Sujia Town is here, go get off at the bus!"

The ticket staff shouted with the scorpion.

The passengers in the car are sitting in the same place, after all, the people in Sujia Town are very rich, it is impossible to sit in this kind of passenger car home.

Only Chen Mo is standing up and then slowly walked down in the eyes of everyone.

"Chen Mo!"

Su Mu Bai saw that Chen Mo came out from the door, and quickly waved his own little hand.

And Su Hongfei Bai Xuezai is all twisted to the position of Chen Mo.

After three people saw Chen Mo, it flasmed a variety of eyes.


And Chen Mo also shouted in Su Mu, once again saw Su Mu Bai, Chen Mu's mood is still very excited, but he is sensitive to discovering the white snow Zhang Qing, who is standing behind Su Mu, seeing his eyes at this time. Some are not very right.

"Snow sister, Mu Bai's sister, how does this fiance look at it all like a rich second generation?"

Zhang Qingder got up and down, Chen Mo's dress, although Chen Mo's dress is obviously better than him in Nanyang City, but in front of Snow Zhang Qing, there is no good clothes.

In their eyes, generally rich second generations will wear some international big cards for Chanel Ji Glasia, but Chen Siles' casual clothes are really can't take them.

"Su Mu Bai's fiance is not a rich second generation. Which rich second generation will you wear?"

Snowy was very disdainful.

"But I don't all say that Mu Bai 's fiance is very powerful? Even the boss of the Dingsheng Group has to give him a few faces ..."

Zhang Qing didn't say it.

"The old pair of Dingsheng Group can prove that he is a rich second generation?"

Bai Xue couldn't help but smile.

Zhang Qingder blinked, and then smiled in the mouth: "Why does Mu Bai sister choose such a person as a fiance? I really don't know what Mu Bajie is thinking!"

Snow looked at Su Mu, who was talking to Chen Mohan, is ecstatic, because she is finally able to find a chance that can compress Su Mu Bai.

"Do you have a lot of cars that have been here? Is it? I have already arranged a good hotel, I will take you to the hotel!"

Su Mu, laughed, said with Chen Mo.


Chen Mo nodded.

Because this Su family will return to Sujia Town, it is not only the relatives of Su Mu Bai's parents, even the brothers and sisters of the Su Mu Bai will come over, Sujia does not have so many rooms, only Su Mu Bai's parents will live in the Sujia old house, and young men are also arranged inside the hotel.

"Mu Bai Jie, don't be so anxious? You don't give us this way to introduce this fiance?"

At this time, Su Hongfei suddenly shouted in yin and yang.

Previously, Su Hongfei knew that Chen Mo was coming over, and the heart had already doubted about Chen Mo's identity, but he did not say anything.

However, at this time, Su Hongfei saw Chen Mo's dressing, it has been very determined that Chen Mo is definitely not a rich second generation, so it naturally must seize the opportunity to ridicule.

And Su Mu Bai turned his eyes and looked at Su Hongfei, saying that there was no expression: "Why is my fiance to introduce?"

Su Mu Bai understood the intention of Su Hongfei, and the tone was a bit of hard back.

She naturally won't give Su Hongfei's chance to humiliate Chen Mo.

"Su Mu Bai, don't you want to introduce us, or don't dare to introduce us?" Su Hongfei asked with laughing.

Su Mu Bai looked at Su Hongfei, did not take Su Hongfei, and Chen Mo wanted to leave.

"Mu Baijie, don't be so anxious, Snow sister's fiance should also pass through this, let's wait a piece!"

At this time, Zhang Qing suddenly shouted.

And Su Mu Bai heard this later, she couldn't help it. She understood this, why Why did Whit Hai want to follow, the original snowy fiance has already come.

It is still not waiting for Su Mu Bai, and a black Lamborghini sports car has opened the position of Bai Xue Zhang Qing in a very amazing speed.

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