I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 225: Money with no money

After the four middle-aged people who saw the door of the restaurant, Su Mu Bai had a different midnight, and then turned to Chen Mo, "Chen Mo, my parents have a big husband, and let us get off. Let's! "


Chen Mer is lightly nod, this is his first time I saw Su Mu Bai's parents, so I was still somewhat nervous.

However, Chen Mo and Su Mu Bai have come out from the car, and the white snow came to the front of the four middle-aged people.

"Mom, Mom!"

White snow revealed a very sweet and well-behaved smile, and he greeted the four middle ages.

Su Mu Bai's mother Yang Fang turned his head to look at Sun Yi, and then smiled and asked: "Snow, this should be your boyfriend?"

"Yes, little aunt, this is my boyfriend, Sun Wei!"

Snow is busy nodded.

"This kid is a table talent, and it is very common with our small snow!"

Su Chengbai's father Suicai is busy shouting.

And Snowy mother Su Mei Ling at this time, the face is also laughing, after all, Sun Wei is very nice, and the white-snowstorm is not rich, and the Suiki is not rich. Mei Ling feels that Snowk can find a good boyfriend is very good.

Sun Wei also was very polite and the white-haired parents and the parents of Su Mu Bai greeted, and the atmosphere was still harmonious.

"Big sister, or your family is very small, you can find such a boyfriend, really great!"

Yang Fang, the mother of Su Mu, said with Su Meiling.

"Sister, do you see what you said? What is the condition of our family? What is the conditions for your family? Your son-in-law must be better than my son-in-law!" Su Meiling mouth is back.

And Su Chengkai heard this sentence with Yang Fang, almost simultaneously sighed.

After all, Su Chengkai was because the company had problems, so I gave Su Mu Bai's marriage. Su Chengkai I thought that I was a good person to find Su Mu, but I came to Suicai, I learned that this son-in-law of my future is Poor students, there is no home background!

Su Chengkai knew Chen Mo's identity, there was any fantasy for Chen Maili. When the company, Su Chengbai's business, Su Chengkai was originally planned to cancel this marriage, and the Su Mu Bai is with Zhang Ze, this kind of There is also light on my face, but I don't know what is going on. Su Mu Bai is not agreeing, and Zhang Ze has no idea to Su Mu Bai.

This will have always made Su Chengkai very doubt.

So the two of them are inevitable after hearing this sentence.

"If the son-in-law of our family can have your family, Sun Wei is halfway, I will be content!"

Yang Fang was helpless.

"Sister, you are very modest, I heard that your son-in-law can be very powerful, and also know the boss of the Dingsheng Group!"

Zhang Meiling came back to a sentence, then turned his head asked in Snow: "Snow, you don't mean that Mu Bai will come with her fiance today? How do they haven't come over?"


Zhang Ailing's sentence was just finished, Su Mu Bai's voice suddenly rang.

Everyone heard Su Mu Bai's words turned his head and looked at the distance.

When Su Mei Ling saw Su Mu Bai, I went to Su Mu Bai, and then said the expression: "The big niece, you can come over, the big god, I haven't seen you in a few years!"

"Big aunt, my father is good!"

Su Mu Bai has no good impression on Sume Ling's family, but because of courtesy or greessing.

"My niece is now getting more and more beautiful ..."

Su Mei Ling smiled, then looked at Su Muhu to continue asking: "Mu Bai, I heard that your fiance doesn't come over? Where is the other people? Shout!"


Su Mu Bai heard this, then the expression was awkward, Chen Mo said: "Da Gu, this is my fiance Chen Mo!"


Su Meiling turned his head to Chen Mo, and then very seriously got a lot of incredibleness.

In fact, Su Meiling also noted Chen Mo, but she saw Chen Mer's ordinary dress, so she asked Chen Mo as a driver of Su Mu, she didn't expect Su Mu, the fiancé, was actually such an ordinary person.

And Su Chengkai has a face of Yang Fang.

In fact, two of them now look at Chen Mo is also a thing, although the general, but the young man is still a spirit. As for the poor, it doesn't matter, anyway, two have long been psychologically prepared.

But there is still a sunny present, and the gap is a bit too big.

"Mu Bai, your fiance is very good!"

Su Mei Ling looked at Su Mu, laughing, and then lost his interest in continuing to talk, directly turned away, from the head to the end, I didn't say a word with Chen Mo.

Originally, she is also ready to take Su Mu, the fianfaster compared with her daughter's fiance, but it seems that there is no comparability at all.

After Su Meiling left, Su Mu Bai took Chen Mo to Su Chengkai and Yang Fang, and then introduced some.

"Uncle is aunt!"

Chen Moai quickly shouted with Yang Fang.


Su Chengkai snorted.

Yang Fang is a sentence, not to say, directly twisted with Su Meiling: "Big sister, people are all right? Let's go in to eat!"

At this time, Su Chengkai Yang Fang thought is that it is sorry for his own daughter. It actually married Su Mu Bai to Chen Mo's kind of person. It is really too grievance.

"For the right, Xiaosun this trio to we set a big bag, let's go in!"

Su Meiling came back to a sentence, and then I was very enthusiastic to enter the hotel.

", let's go!"

Yang Fang also walked into the hotel.

Chen Mimei can feel that Su Chengkai Yang Fang has treated his attitude unusual indifference, but he feels normal. If you don't know how Chen Mo's identity will feel that Chen Mo does not match Su Mu,

When a blink of an eye, everyone walked into the hotel.

Only the remains of Chen Mer's alone is standing at the door, a unprecedented feeling has emerged in his heart.

At the beginning, Chen Mo also thought that there would be such a situation, but when the situation really happened, Chen Mo felt that he still couldn't accept it.

"I don't know when it starts, and there is no money to have a good or bad standard!"

Chen Mo hit his head and sighed, and then walked into the hotel.

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