I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 26: Less a seat!

Sujia Town, a five-star hotel.

Su Mu Bai Suicai Yangfang Bai Xuewei walked into the hotel, because Yang Fang has always slap Su Mu Bai, so so, even if Su Mu has realized that Chen Mo was falling behind, she didn't have a chance to find Chen Mo.

"Mu Bai, it's not a big state, you said that you are so big, you are looking for a boyfriend. It is very normal, but you have to find a good thing. You said the one you are looking. What is Chen Mo? Is it going to match you? "

Sumei Ling said that he was deep and said.

And Su Mu Bai heard this moment, it was not happy. Directly, the little face said: "Dah, what is your meaning? He is my own decision with Chen Mo, but also it is also a three way. Four? If you really have a lot of people, you can manage your family's snow ... "

After the words, Su Mu Bai directly opened Yang Fang's hand, and then turned to prepare to find Chen Mo.

Although Su Mu Bai has had some misunderstandings to Chen Mo, now Su Mu, now that Chen Mo is not as bad as everyone, and she has always been silently accepted by Chen Mo, and others say that Chen Mo is not good. Bai nature is not happy.

"You ... do you see this child, how come I am still? I have just been hard to listen, but I am not a good heart?"

Sumi Ling saw that Su Mu Bai left, the expression was somewhat shouted.

"Big sister, you don't know that Mu Bai is with this Chen Mo, nor because of Mu Bai really likes this Chen Mo, there is some things you don't know, Mu Yinxin is also difficult!"

Su Chengkai helpless returned.

"Is it difficult to say?"

Su Mei Ling heard this later, and then wrinkled with brows: "What is hard to say?"

"Forget it, I have time, I will tell you again!"

Su Chengkai helplessly put his hand, and then walked into the room.

At this time, the waiter inside the package is on the dishes, full of a big table, looks out, and these things are ready to be prepared in advance.

Su Chengkai often comes here to eat, and you know that this big table is more than 100,000, and it is not a drink of wine.

"Little grandchildren, you said that we often eat a little bit, as for this? Do you spend a lot of money today?"

Su Chengkai asked Sun Xuan.

"Yeah, Xiaosun, you are a bit too wasteful, you can't make this way next time!"

Su Mei Ling also quickly screamed.

But although she said that her mouth said that in fact, she had already been happy, after all, Sun Wei did everything for her face.

Sun Kao's annual salary is not fake, but this meal also spent 20,000!

What is the concept of 200,000?

Ordinary people can buy a car or make a down payment of a small house, but at this time, Sun Wei actually just invited these people to eat meals, even if he really has money, it will feel some distressed.

However, he thought that this is the first time, please ask the white snow, and there is also Su Mu-white parents. For the sake of snow, he can only bite this private room.

Sun Yi and Shou have more than half a year. It is not a problem, but as long as one go to the key, Snow will reject the reason, so Sun Yizhang has so much money today, but it is to be smooth. Pushing to white snow.

And Shuixue is also very happy, after all, his fiance Sun Wei hangs Su Mu Bai's fiance Chen Mo from all angles, this is she rushed to Su Mu Bai from a small to the big, so she was in Sun Wei. The good feeling is naturally more than a difference.


On the other hand, Su Mu Bai directly went to the hotel to find Chen Mo after leaving a large circle, did not see Chen Mo's shadow, Su Mu Bai began to become anxious.

She is worried because her parents' attitude is the words that Su Meiling said to let Chen Mo are angry, so I have left it.

But she didn't know that Chen Mo did not leave this hotel, but because he met an acquaintance in the hotel.

Inside the corner of the hotel corridor.

A middle-aged man is bending and laughing, and Chen Mo said, this middle-aged person is not someone else, is the general manager of Bi Tianyi Villa.

He Wealth is not only the general manager of Bi Tianyi Villa, but also the general manager of this five-star hotel.

It is simple to say that Chen Mo does not know, the original hotel where they are now is actually his industry.

He Fin is coming over to inspect work, but I didn't expect that I have encountered Chen Mo here.

"Chen Gongzi, you ... you are coming here, how can you give a small call? I am so good to receive you ..."

He said in Chen Mima.

"I am coming over with me not wedding my wife, and this place is not my choice, I don't know if this hotel is my company!"

Chen Mo's faintly returned.

"So this is ah!"

He nodded.

"Right, I don't know my true identity, so don't be too kind, don't expose my identity, understand what I mean?" Chen Mo said He Wei said.

"What do you mean by not exposing your identity?" He asked.


Chen Mo looked at He's expression and abnormally speechless. Zhang said that he suddenly found his mobile phone.

Chen Mer took the phone and saw the phone.

"My fiancee should be looking for me, I can't continue to say, you remember, don't let these people know that I am the boss of this hotel, understand?"

Chen Mo worried that if he continued to talk to He Cai, he would be seen by Su Mu Bai. At that time, it was troublesome, so after simple, he hurriedly left.

And He Cai is an unexplained standing in the same place. He simply does not understand what Chen Mo has just mean.

After Chen Mo was separated from He. It came directly to the hotel's door to find Su Mu Bai.

"Chen Mo, what are you doing? Worried about death, I thought you were gone!" Su Mu Bai saw Chen Mo, and the tone shouted.

"I just got a toilet!"

Chen Mo smiled back to a sentence.

"You will go, let's go to the private room, my parents have arrived!" Su Mu Bai took Chen Mo's position where the location of the private room has gone.

But after Chen Mozu, two people returned to the private room, they found a very embarrassing issue.

That is, the seat inside the package is one less!

It was originally only eight positions in this package, but there were ten people at this time.

Yang Fang made a waiter to Su Mu Banya with a seat, but no one gave Chen Mo's seat, and the space between itself was limited, so even if the addition, there was no way to add.

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