I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 27: Do not respect him, just don't respect me!

After Chen Mo returned to the private room, Chen Mo returned to the private room.

Because this hotel's private room has the lowest consumption, when Sun Wei specially selected a slightly small private room, the minimum consumption will be slightly lower.

This private room can only accommodate eight people, but Yang Fang saw that his daughter did not have a seat, let the waiter added a chair.

Plus a chair is actually able to sit down, but if you add a chair, then it is too crowded.

After Su Mu Bai sat down, the instinct looked back at Chen Mo and found that Chen Mo did not have a look and said: "Why didn't you give Chen Silellar location?"

"Mu Bai, this package is so much, we just want to give Chen Silent position, but the waiter said that you can only add a chair, if you have more, you can't let go ..." Snow is sitting in the same place. A sentence.

"Yeah, the waiter has just understood the words very much, this package can only accommodate nine people!"

Zhang Qingqing also said.

After hearing these two people, the expression on his face changed, she could feel that Bai Xue Zhang Qing was undoubted at this time.

"Mu Bai, Otherwise, you can't see it? You let Chen Mo go out and eat, when he eats something!"

At this time, Sume Ling suddenly said.

And Su Mu Bai directly stunned in the original place after hearing this sentence, the expression on the face was very incredible. Is Chen Mo who came in today? Everyone eats in the private room, so alone let Chen Mo people go out to eat, this is not a little too humiliated!

Even if Su Mu-white father Su Chengkai and mother Yang Fang have heard the face after hearing Sumi Ling, the face is also slightly more difficult.

Even if they don't like Chen Mo, Chen Mo is also their son-in-law, Su Meiling is so humiliated Chen Mo, they will feel somewhat embarrassing.

But today, this meal is itself, it is asking for people, they can't say more, can only sit in the same place to wait for Mo's own go out, so you can also suffer less humiliation.

"Dahu, you actually say let Chen Mo go out?"

Su Mu-white voice is very incredible.

"Yes, if Chen Mo feels that it is inconvenient to eat, then stand here!"

Su Mei Ling was really in this time, and he didn't put Chen Mai in his eyes.

"Sun sorrow can ask Chen Mo's kind of people to eat, and sitting and eating, eat it, still there is still something to eat outside? Mu Bai, you still have to let Chen Mo go out, The province's standing there influences people's waiters! "Zhang Qingyue smiled and shouted with Su Mu Bai.

Chen Mili has no expression in the same place. At this time, there is only one idea in his mind, that is, after Su Mu, you can know that yourself, you must learn how these people!

If Chen Mo's friend humiliate Chen Mo, Chen Mo will not be particularly angry. After all, the dog looks low, but at this time they are humiliated, but also Chen Mo, but also Su Mu Bai.

Chen Mo did not allow anyone to humiliate Su Mu Bai, so he wanted to comply with this matter in his heart today, and he must be a hundred times a day!

"Mu Bai, she said yes, where is it, then I still go outside!"

Chen Mo didn't want Su Mu Bai too difficult, and he himself didn't really want to eat with these people, so the tone shouted with Su Mu Bai, turned to go out of the private room.

"You ... You are really too much, even a seat is not willing to give Chen Mumeng, since you all don't like Chen Mo, then I am not eating here, I will go outside with Chen Mo!"

Su Mu Bai looked at the crowd shouted, and then I didn't want to turn directly to Draw.

After hearing Su Mu Bai, Chen Mo was still very moving.

Regardless of other people, how about Chen Mo, at least Su Mu Bai is still very good to Chen Mo.

As long as Su Mu Bai is not to abandon himself, how do others think that Chen Miman is not careless!

"Mu Bai, you see what you are doing? Chen Mo is gone, anyway, what he eats is a small grandchild, there is a position in this private room, you will stay!" Su Meiling saw Su Mu Bai really wants to go, and quickly stopped Su Chengli.

"The family eat here, let Chen Mo people go out, why don't you let your son-in-law go out? Chen Mo is my fiance, you don't respect my fiance, then I don't respect me!"

Su Mu Bai did not intend to give Su Meiling, and the tone shouted.

And Su Mei Ling heard that he couldn't help but smile, and realized that he had just said it was too much, hurriedly said: "Mu Bai, you see what you said, how can we don't respect you with Chen Mo? Just now I just have a joke with you. How can I really let Chen Mo go out? "


Su Mu Bai's eyes looked coldly at Sume Ling, did not speak.

"What, grandchildren, you have to let the waiter give you a big private room!"

Su Meiling quickly rushed to Sun Wei.

"Ok ... ok!"

Sun Yi helidly nodded.

"Mu Bai, you hurry to take Chen Mo, let's change a big private room!"

Su Mei Ling saw that Sun Kai promised and rushed to Su Mu.

Su Mu Bai looked at Sume Ling for two seconds. She knows that it is a family. If you really make things too stissible, there is no benefit, so turn it out to go outside the private room.


A few minutes later, Chen Mo, who had already left this hotel, was chased back by Su Mu, after explaining, Chen Mo helplessly returned to the private room.

But when Chen Mo returned to the room with Su Mu, I found that Sun Wei is fighting with the waiter.

"Can you give us a big private room? We don't sit down at all!"

Today, Sun Kai can be to make Bai Xue Sumi Ling, who is satisfied with the mother and daughter. After all, Su Meiling is satisfied, and it is only water to the stream, so Su Meiling wants to change the package, Sun Kai naturally wants to fight for it. .

"Sir, it is really embarrassing, our hotel's private room is scheduled, now there is no extra box at all!"

The waiter helpless returned.

"Then I will add money to you? You give me a big bigger!"

Sun Wei has some excited shouting.

"This is not a problem, today you have no matter how much money is given, there is no way to change, you are really disappointing this small, then trouble you change your hotel!"

The waiter's tone is a little hard.

All the people were listening to the waiter, all of them were in the original place, and the expression on the face was extremely helpless.

"How is your waiter talking? How are you spending this service? Where is the service attitude? Where is the manager of your hotel, I am going to complain about you now!"

Su Mei Ling made a little angry by the waiter, and the scorpion shouted.


The waiter Zhang said that he suddenly heard a very majesty voice.

"Xiao Li, what is going on?"

A middle-aged people walked into the room.

After seeing this middle-aged person, Chen Mo will be speechless, because people come in are not someone else, what is the general manager of this hotel!

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