I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 229: Chen Gongzi?

After He Finished, all people were like a native bag into the city, and they started to count this legendary supreme private room.

"This private room is so big, I still eat in such a big private room!"

Bai Xue now feels very light on his face. After all, these people can come here to eat, it can all borrowed the light of her fiance Sun, from entering this private room, the smile on the white snow is not broken.

And Su Mei Ling is also a vanity of vanity.

As for Zhang Qingder and Su Hongfei two, it was a photo of his mobile phone while holding his own mobile phone. In their eyes, it was also a very good thing to show off the room.

"I didn't expect this room to be so luxurious, Sun Jiefu is really too powerful ..."

Zhang Qingder sighed softly while holding a mobile phone.

The compassion of Snow Sumula Ling is exciting, the expression on the face of Su Mu Bai has become more and more ugly.

After all, the same is a son-in-law. When people, Sun Wei actually has such a big face, and the young people will meet whom, and their own son-in-law Chen Mo is just a poor student. This gap is really too obvious. .

At the beginning, Su Chengkai was also able to accept, but now in such a contrast, Su Chengkai will repent and should not be wronged for his company.

However, Su Mu Bai's expression is still natural, she has not cared for these things.

After a few minutes, everyone finally finished the dishes.

Su Meiling saw Sun Wei's eye, then smiled and asked: "Little grandchildren, when did you know this?"


Sun Wei listened to this sentence of Su Meiling, and then said that the expression was embarrassed: "Su Auntie, in fact, what is the relationship between He, is general ..."

"Little grandchildren, now we are our family, what can you be modest, why always saw the attitude of talking to you, do you have two things that do you have to be so polite? He can change it directly. Is such a big private room? "

Su Mei Ling laughed back and then continued: "I told you, this is not ordinary people, it is said that the mayor of Nanyang City will have a vitality, then Is a very great person! "

Su Mei Ling deliberately told He Cai's identity at this time, in fact, how powerful in further showing off his son-in-law.

He Wei is so powerful to give Sun Kai, which is so powerful!

"Sun Kai Xiaodiao can know why, why, the boss, is actually a great, I have brough it for so many years in Nanyang City. Don't say it is aware, even the chances of saying words with He Bo said! "Su Chengkai helplessly pays a sentence.

"Yeah, you see people with small grandson, don't want some people, don't know how to make progress, think about eating and drinking, what can I have?"

Su Mu-white mother Yang Fang also shouted, and he intentionally turned his eyes and looked at Chen Mo, meaning it clearly.

Chen Mo listened to Yang Fang's sentence, couldn't help but turn his eyes and looked at Yang Fang. He was disappointed in his heart. He couldn't think of his own mother's mother.

However, Chen Mo is thinking about it. He will be married to Su Mu, which is not married to Yang Fang, and Yang Fang is just hope that his daughter can marry a good person, and there is no understandable.

As for Su Mu Bai naturally hear these words, but because Yang Fang is his mother, Su Mu Bai did not dare to say anything, can only look down on his tableware, and the heart is abnormal.

Su Mu Bai was wronged at this time, not because Chen Mo's gap between Sun Wei, she is because everyone is so despising Chen Mo, she has begun to have some regrets, she should not take Chen Mile to Sujia Town, these people The words that say to Chen Mo is too much.

"Nothing, I won't put their words in my heart. Some people have to eat, we have to eat, anyway, don't spend money!"

When Chen Mo, Chen Mo went on the heart of Su Mu, reached out and patted the shoulders of Su Mu, and comforted it softly.

"I just think that what they say is too much!"

Su Mu Bai whispered.

"You can do it, I will work hard, one day in the morning and evening, I will let everyone look at me, I vowed to wait until these people see me again, they will never dare to say these words today!"

Chen Mo said very seriously.

"You don't want to give yourself too much pressure, others are not very important to see your eyes!"

Su Mu Bai heard Chen Mo's words, the mood seems to be better, and smiled and returned.

"Others look at my eyes is of course not important, but others look at my fiancee is very important!"

Chen Mo is seriously said.

Su Mu Bai heard Chen Mo's sentence, and the eyes flashed a different. She suddenly felt that Chen Mo sitting around himself didn't seem to change someone. It is not like the one you know before.

"Sorry, trouble and go!"

At this time, the waiter suddenly walked into the box.

Chen Mo Siu Mu-Bai saw the beginning of the food, he stopped talking.

A beautiful dish was placed in a table, and everyone looked at the vegetables above the table. The expression on the face was very shocked, because there were many things here, they did not have seen.

Bai Xue Zhang Qingder two girls start picking up their mobile phones to take pictures of the vegetables on the table, and Chen Mozu, two people are calm.


However, after Sun Wei saw these dishes on the table, the eyes flashed a different, because he found that the food on the waiter at this time is not what he is at the beginning.

What sea cucumber abalone caviar, these can be the existence of a price, and Sun Kai deliberately didn't point these things, but at this time, these dishes were all come up.


Sun Wei hesitated, and he quickly shouted.

"Mr., is you doing?"

The waiter quickly walked into the room, and the light was softly asked.

"Waiter, these dishes seem to be my point, are you wrong?"

Sun Wei hesitated and looked at the waiter asked.

"Mr., we didn't get the wrong meat, and you have some foods, we will give it a gift!" The waiter slowly said.


Sun Wei was once again stunned.

I don't know He Fin, He Wei can make them come to this private room, Sun Wei is already very incredible.

But at this time, He Wei actually took the initiative to send a dish, which made Sun Wei more disjudes.

"Why do you want to send us food?"

Sun Wei hesitated, whispered.

"This ... this is not very clear. I heard He always and the kitchen say it seems to have a Chen Gongzi, so give a few dishes ..." The waiter swallowed.

After listening to the three words of Chen Gongzi, everyone stunned, all the expression on the face was very puzzled.

Chen Miman is a collapse of a face, concealing for so long, I didn't expect it to be used by a small waiter!

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