I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 130: Dance is a sin!

After listening to the waiter said the three words of Chen Gongzi, the smile on his face was solidified.

He can I want to get my own identity, and finally not because of what is exposed, but because a small waiter is exposed?

Those who are present at this time are very incredible.

"Little girl, are you wrong? Where is the Chen Gongzi from our room? What should you say?"

Su Meiling looked at the waiter whispered.

"Yeah, there is only one person surnamed Chen, and that person is Chen Mo. Do you think Chen Mo will meet your hotel's general manager?"

Bai Xue also said that Chen Mo shouted.

The waiter is a bit forced by Snow Sumi Ling, and the next consciousness looks at Chen Mo's position.

When the waiter saw Chen Mo's dress, I also started some doubt that I didn't have something wrong. After all, the waiter did not know that Chen Mo's relationship with He. When she just came to the food, she heard Chen. The three words of the son, now Summeling Snow, Snow, said that the waiter himself did not know that the name she just heard is Chen Gongzi or Sun Gongzi.

"If Chen Mo is really a big face, why didn't General Manager I haven't talk to Chen Mo when I came in, but I said with my little grandson?"

Sume Ling naturally did not believe that the hotel sent them so many dishes because Chen Mo, so the expression is excited to shout the waiter.

"Ms., I am really embarrassed, I may be wrong, I might it!"

The waiter quickly returned to Su Meiling.

At this time, Chen Mo and others, but the guests of the package room, the waiter did not dare to provoke, only to say in Sume Ling.

"What is the one, where you will ask you, he adds food to us because Chen Gongzi's face is still the face of Sun Gongzi!"

Su Mei Ling did not want this credit today to fall on Chen Mo's head because of the waiter's words, so he did not say it.

The waiter heard that the face is somewhat difficult. After all, she is not qualified to find what is such a thing.

And Sun Wei is a heart deficiency. Although he doesn't believe that He Cai gives them to add food because of Chen Mo, he feels that he doesn't seem to be so big, in case the waiter really asks, the final result is the waiter I am wrong, that's trouble.

"Su Auntie, today is the day of our family to eat, there is no need to be unpleasant because of this business!" Sun Kaisheng hesitated, and said softly to Su Meiling.

Su Mei Ling looked at Sun Wei, and the cold voice said: "That is, since Xiaoshen, you have already said this, I will not pursue this thing, obviously because you will send the dish, Now, there is a lot of Chen Gongzi, and there is one of the surnames, but Chen Gongzi is really no! "

"Yes, just now I am wrong!"

The waiter quickly followed the way.

"That line, don't stand here, go out, what is best in the future, otherwise it is easy to talk, or it is easy to make people, know?"

Su Mei Ling is so excited at this time, just just want to prove that this meal is Sun Wei's credit. Since people 's waiters have admitted that I have never been wrong, she naturally will not continue to be difficult for difficult waiters.

When the waiter heard Su Meiling, I quickly stopped and then turned around to go outside the private room.

After Chen Mo saw that the waiter left, it was also a long out of breath, and the expression on the face was very relaxed.

Originally, he is still thinking about it. If he really exposes, he should explain these things with everyone, but I didn't expect that I didn't say that I didn't say it. Sumo Ling helped Chen Mo's resolution crisis.

Chen Mo looked at Su Mei Ling, helplessly smiled, he knew that Sume Ling did not help himself say, but no matter what, the final result is the same.

While chatting, everyone started to eat, she had to admit that the dishes in this hotel were really very good, even Su Mu Bai also liked to eat, especially the goat milk stew, Su Mu Bai special like.

Chen Mo naturally noted this, secretly thinking that since Su Mu Bai likes to eat the dishes here, I will bring her more, wait until he really inherits the heritage of Wangcheng, Chen Mo can also give this hotel directly to Su Mu Bai.

"Let's do so many people don't have a little monotonous, or just click on a bottle of red wine!"

Su Mei Ling also really made his son-in-law Sun Xiang as a VIP here, and it is very welcome to shout.

After Sun Wei, after hearing this sentence of Su Meiling, I couldn't help my right hand slightly fiddling.

You know, the light is invited to eat, Sun Wei, has already spent six digits, and when the Sun King Died Hotel, he looked at the wine, and found that the cheapest bottle of wine here is a few. Wan, so Sun Wei did not have wine.

But who can think of Su Meiling is so welcome, take the initiative to have a wine.

"Sun Wei, what do you still do? My mom said she wants to drink alcohol."

Snow saw that Sun Wei was sitting in place where there was no reaction, and the frown was covered with Sun Wei.


Sun Yi took a breath and then bite his teeth: "That a bottle of red wine!"

"How can a bottle you can? Let's so many people have two bottles, you can drink!"

Su Meiling looked at Su Chengkai said.

"I don't drink now, I still don't let the little grandson break!" Su Chengkai said.

"Oh, isn't it two bottles of wine? Our small grandson has a salary, not bad, this money!"

Su Mei Ling has already called Sun Wei for my little grandchild at this time. It is obviously very satisfied with Sun Wei.

Sun Wei is a collapse of a face. Where can he want to get Su Mei Ling so inch, a bottle of red wine is not enough to have two bottles directly, can dare to spend Sumi Ling himself.

However, things have already reached this copy, Sun Kai naturally won't worry because of the two bottles of wine, so they shouted directly to the waiter outside the door: "Waiting for the waiter, give me the menu!"


When the waiter heard the sentence of Sun Wei, the waiter promised, and then quickly walked to Sun Wei's face, and handed the menu to Sun Wei.

Sun Yuli shakes his hands to open the menu, but when he saw the price list of the menu wine, it was in the original place, and the expression on his face was very desperate, because the cheapest red wine in this hotel was 50,000 yuan. Bottle, the two bottles can be 100,000!

Chen Mo saw the expression on Sun Kaewe, I couldn't help but smile, he knew that Sun Kai is now a death to live, and it will pay for the morning and evening!

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