I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 231: How to Finance

Sun Wei looked at the menu in his hand, and the expression on his face was unusually difficult.

Originally, this meal has already spent more than ten million, now Su Meiling has to drink red wine. If it is normal red wine, it will not say more, after all, a bottle of wine does not use much.

But the wine inside this hotel will take a bottle of a bottle to be 50.5 million!

In order to be able to push it earlier, Sun Wei is already a bloody this time. If it is two bottles of wine, then it is almost the life of Sun Wei, but if you don't point, all the efforts before you have White, so Sun Wei will be so difficult.

Chen Miman is like a laugh, and he wants to see how Sun Wei is going to solve this time!

"Sun Wei, what are you doing? Camera?"

Snow saw that Sun Kai took the menu and didn't speak, and he couldn't help but frown urged a sentence.

"What is the one, is you here?"

Sun Wei hesitated and wanted to ask the waiter to have a red wine that was cheaper.

"Sir, there are still some collection of good wine in our hotel, you can think of these alcohols on the menu, you can also go to the wine library, there is a good wine, but the price is slightly expensive. A little! "

The waiter obviously did not understand Sun Wei, she felt that Since Sun Wei and others can come to the package to eat, it will not be poor.

"There is also wine in the wine. The little grandson has taken it out!"

Su Mei Ling heard the waiter's words, and he was so interesting, and he shouted with Sun Wei.


Sun Wei turned his eyes, and the cold sweat was scared. Don't say that it is wine in the wine, even if he is in the menu, he can't afford it. This is to go to the wine library. Sun Yizhang is bankrupt?

"Little grandchildren, go, let's go to the wine library to choose wine!"

Su Mei Ling said with Sun Wei, the look proud.


After Sun Wei hesitated for two seconds, Sun Wei said whispered: "Auntie, I haven't brought so much money this time, I will have enough to eat, you really want to go to the wine library. Wine, the wine is over ... "


Su Mei Ling heard the words of Sun Kai's words directly.

Sun Wei also thought about it. If he continued to put it so, it was a bit uncomfortable, so it was better to show a show with Su Meiling directly.

"Little grandchildren, what do you mean by this?"

Sumi Ling is not very happy to shout at Sun Wei.

"Yeah, Sun Wei, my mother wants to drink, what's wrong with you?" Snow also shouted.

"Small snow, I really didn't bring so much money this time, I am worried that we are not enough, in case the money is not enough, what can I do?"

Sun Wei helidate back.

"You didn't bring so much money, you won't swipe? Today is you meeting my mother for the first time, my mother is asking you to meet?" White snow is like a shout, it is generally shouting.

In fact, the snow is so excited is not because Su Meiling wants to drink, she wants to install it in Su Mu Bai Suikai.

But she didn't know how much her behavior has brought Sun Wei.

The two of Chen Mozu, who had been dying, and then heard the quarrel of Snow Sun and others, and looked up at Sun Wei's position, and then Su Mu Bai turned his head and smiled. speak.

Previously, Sume Ling praised Sun Wei, very satisfied, but at this time, it was only because a bottle of wine was awkward, and he had to say that this Sume Ling is really a sense.

"Auntie, if you really want to drink, wait for the opportunity to have the opportunity, do you have any good?" Sun Wei hesitated, rushing to Su Meiling.

"Little grandchild, you said this seems to be what we want to take you cheap. Isn't it a bottle of wine? Is I spent buying?" Su Meiling shouted, and then turned to the waiter: "You will take me now to choose wine in the wine!"

"Ms., the wine inside the wine is the cheapest, it has to be 200,000, have you determined that you have to go?"

The waiter can't help but remind it.


Su Mei Ling heard this after hearing this.

"Big sister, or don't drink alcohol today, just drink some juice, you are driving with me, drinking is not good!"

Su Chengkai Qingchu's economic situation, 200,000 she definitely can't afford, so quickly played a round field.

"Also, we are all driven today, and really can't drink wine. You give us a good juice!" Su Meiling came down to Su Chengkai to the steps, and twist the waiter shouted.

"Ok ... ok!"

The waiter helplessly promised, and then turned and walked out of the private room.

After the waiter left, the atmosphere inside the package began to change, and the two people who have just been in Yaowu Yangwei, the two people are still a thorough honest, and there is no more boasting, and they have never take the initiative to say. Drain.

Sun Kai is always looking down and eats, and he knows all the efforts you have done today because of the things just now.

After all people are quiet, Chen Mo and Su Mu Bai have also fallen a clean. When two people chat, Chen Mo is helping Su Mu's clips, two people look obviously more intimate than Snow Sun.

More than ten minutes have passed, just when Chen Mima will think that this meal will be so calm, a person has once again breaks the quiet in the private room.


The door of the private room suddenly pushed away.

He's finish walked into a private room, and a bottle of red wine was placed on the tray.

After Chen Mo came in, the expression on his face was extremely helpless, and the heart was secretly said: "He wealth, I have to eat this meal, what do you come in?"

"Dear VIP, today you can come to our hotel to eat, it is the honor of our hotel, this bottle of wine is a few of my private gift, I also hope that several don't want to give up!"

After that, after this, He has directly put red wine on the table.

After listening to this sentence, everyone has been in the original place, and the expression on the face is abnormal.

Chen Mo is also a speechless, what do you say when this is coming? I have to come to send wine this time!

He Finished, after he finished this, he went to see Chen Mima.

Chen Moi quickly rushed to He's eye, let He Wei take this bottle of wine.

But He Cai does not seem to understand Chen Mo's meaning, thinking that Chen Mo wants to let him leave, so He Wei smiled, then turned and walked.

When Chen Mo saw He Fin, the expression on his face was more speechless.

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