I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 236: Tang Dynasty blue and white porcelain

"Give you money?"

Bai Xue heard this, then turned his head to the position of Sun Wei.

At this time, Shi Xue is very disappointed with Sun Wei, because she knew that Sun Wei was defrauding them from the head to the end, and Sun Wei did not know He Fin, and there is no money at this time. An attitude is absolutely unique.

So Snow has already intended to think with Sun.

Since people who have already separated from Sun Kai, people who smash the bottle or their own pro-Su Chengkai, Bai Xue naturally can't let Sun Wei have done this money.

"Okay, how much is your vase? I have lost you!"

White snow took a sigh of relief, and the tone was quiet and said.

"Girl, I think you are best to give your family now, let your family come over to deal with this thing!" He Fin said seriously in Snow.

"How much is your rule of a bottle? Hurry and talk, I have no mood to waste time here!"

White snow talked out while holding his wallet, the vase placed in front of her eyes in her eyes were high imitation, one or two thousand dollars were dead.

"Oh, a broken flower bottle?"

He Wei couldn't help but laughed, and then rushed to Snow on the front step: "Little girl, this is a vase, I bought it in the UK's auction, this is the early Qinghua porcelain in the early Tang Dynasty. At present, we are only one of our countries. Yes, do you say that it is a flower bottle? "

Sun Wei, who was standing on the side, after hearing this sentence, directly stupid, where he can think of this pair of ordinary vases is actually the blue and white porcelain in the Tang Dynasty.

"Tang ... Qinghua Porcelain in the Tang Dynasty is very worthwhile?"

Snow is not very understanding for the antique this kind of thing, but she feels a trace from He's tone, and asked in Baba.

"OK, the antique thing is not important to it, but it is worthless, but it has historical value!"

He is a new sentence.

"That ... how much does it cost?"

Which snow has a historical value, she only cares about how much it is to pay today!

"I know that you are not deliberately smashing this vase, so I don't have much to find you. At the beginning, the price taken at the auction house is 60 million. Now you break one, then you will pay me. Thirt millions will be! "

He Wei knows that the white snow is still a bit related to Chen Mo, so there is no lion too open, saying the true value of this vase.


After listening to 30 million this number, the people surrounded by the surroundings, all revealed the shocked expression, although they all know that this vase may value, but who can think of just a vase is 30 million.

"He, you ... you won't be a joke with me? This bottle is actually ... is so expensive?"

Bai Xue said with a big eyes of Waterwell.

At this time she has been completely dumbfounded.

"I will joke with you? If you don't believe in me, I can find the ticket I auction at the time. You can also find some antique experts to identify how much this two vases are worth it!"

He's finish returned to a sentence.

Sun Kai in the side knows that the situation is not strong, and He Cai is also a big figure in Nanyang. Naturally, it will not be a vase.

But the 3 million this number is a bit too much for Sun Kai, and the snow is not to say, even Su Chengkai is now not necessarily to take this money.

So Sun Kai is hesitating in place. He knows that there is no possibility between herself with white snow. If you continue to stay here, you will also give yourself trouble, so Sun Wei is not paying attention to you. Here.

But Sun Wei is not two steps, it is directly stopped by the hotel's security guard.

"Sir, this matter is not handled, you can't go!"

The security of the security of the security is rushing to Sun Wei.

Sun Wei heard the saying of security, and his face was extremely desperate.

Originally, he took the initiative to stay in the intention set of wealthy sets, the way, why did He Europe today take care of yourself, but no one wants, in fact, the people who don't know yourself at all, the behavior of those in the hotel with Sun Wei There is no relationship.

If it is like this, Sun Wei is also recognized, and the most is that this meal is white, but he now actually causes Su Chengkai and others to get a 30 million big trouble.

When Sun Wei, the intestines sent it to you, and it should not come to this hotel to force before it is regretted.

"Little girl, you see how you plan to pay this money?"

He has a faithful expression in white snow.

"He ... He, this ... this bottle is not what I am broken, I ... I don't know what should I do now!" Bai Xuejiao fidelity, said.

"If you don't want to lose money, you can shout the man who smash the bottle, let him come over, otherwise you don't want to leave here today!"

He Finish said that he said straightforward.

"Ok ... well, I will call now!"

Bai Xue is busy nod, then I took out my mobile phone.

If you are more than two thousand dollars, Snow is actually taken out. After all, she is still a family, and Su Chengkai will not give her money.

But at this time, it is not more than one million things, but 30 million!

Even if you sell white snow, you can't get so much money!

Therefore, white snow can only choose to call Sumi Ling Su Chengkai.


the other side.

Chen Mo Su Mu Yucai, a group of people, has returned to Sujia pre-prepared hotel.

At this time, Sume Ling is sitting on the sofa to talk to Su Chengkai Yang Fang two, and Su Mu Bai is in another room with Chen Mo.

"Cheng Kai, nor, my sister, I said you! You said what is this object you gave you? If Chen Mima wants money, no money to have a background, and it seems to be like a wood, Don't say that it is better than our family, even if you follow those ordinary people, I think it is a lot! "

Su Mei Ling is also a eyebrows today, so it must be a good show yourself.

"Big sister, I also understand what you mean, let Mu Bai and Chen Mo are not my original intention, but I can't do it now!" Su Chengkai helinated back.

"Yeah, even if this Chen Mo has Sun Kai, I can smile with Old Soviet!" Yang Fang also said.

"There are a few young people who can be with our Little Sun, and the little grandchildren are long and temperament, and there is also the ability to have a background. The most important thing is to week," Su Mei Ling is proud Say.

"Big sister, you can enjoy it, don't have to follow this Chen Mo's heart!" Yang Fang said envious.

"If I said, I still have to make Mu Bai with this Chen Sile, Chen Mo is not good!" Su Meiling returned to a small mouth.

And Su Chengkai has opposed his eyes, and his heart is mixed.

"Jingle Bell!"

At this time, Su Meiling's phone suddenly rang.

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