I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 237: Do you want to come out?

Summeling saw that his phone rang, and even when he bowed his head, he went to Su Chengkai Yang Fang two: "It is a call to me to me, it should be the thing there!"

"Today, this thing is really much thanks to Sun Kai, or other people there are likely to leave me so easily!"

Su Chengkai sighed.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that the end of our son-in-law is not our own son-in-law, but the sister's son-in-law is really ridiculous!" Yang Fang said helpless.

"Oh, it's a family, you said that this is too polite!"

Su Mei Ling smiled and swayed and then turned on the phone. Soon: "Snow, is you back with Little Sun?"

"Mom, big things, what is the vase of the broken vase, what is the Tang Dynasty? He always said worth 3 million, now let us lose money, if you can't get money, let us go!" Bai Xue said with a cry.

"You ... what do you say?"

Su Mei Ling heard this moment, it was dumbfounded, and the smile on his face was also solidified.

"I ... I am not clear now, mom, you will make me come over!"

Bai Xue is already a bit wrong, shouting loudly.

"What about Sun Wei? He always does it with Sun Wei?"

Summeling hesitated.

"He knows a fart!"

Bai Xue heard this, it was more angry, and he was very speechless, then he continued: "What is people who send wine to the wine today and the relationship with Sun Wei, I don't have a mood to tell you these, You still come here, or you have to take me away! "

"The line is row, you don't worry, I will go!"

Su Mei Ling did not dare to delay the time after saying this, he hangs up the phone.

"Big sister, what is this?"

Su Chengkai hesitated and asked Su Meiling asked.

"Cheng Kai, you have a big disaster, the vase seems to be quite expensive, now Xiaoxue is detained by the people of the hotel, let's go to save people!"

On one side of Su Meiling, I picked up my bag and turned around to go outside the room.

Su Chengkai, I didn't know what happened. However, I saw Su Meiling as if I was very urgent, so I didn't have any nonsense, and I was running directly with Su Meiling. Run.

A few minutes later, Su Chengkai Su Ling Yang Fang three people left the hotel and drove in the position where Snow is now.

Maybe because the situation is too anxious, so Su Chengkai did not shout the two people.

In the eyes of Su Chengkai, Chen Mo is also a driver. Even if it is called, I can't solve any problems.

Chen Mo's room.

Su Mu Bai chatted with Chen Mo's simple chat. After all, they didn't see it for a long time. When I met, I was gone to the hotel, and I was probably private space.

Chen Mo has never done this time this time, so most of the things listened to Su Mu Bai talked about the things inside the company.

Su Mu Bai also intends to let Chen Mo understand these things, so that Chen Mo will enter her company to help her.

After chatting, Su Mu Bai took time to see the time, and he got up and planned to leave.

"Chen Mo, today I have a sister, I have to say something, don't go straight, my big family's conditions are not as good as our home, and white snow is not as good as me, so they have always like to talk to us. Home ratio, they are not rushing at you, but rushing on me! "Su Mu-white expression looked at Chen Mo's expression.

"Nothing, as long as you don't think I will give you a loss!"

Chen Mo looked at Su Mu While smiled.

"How can I disappear from you?"

Su Mu Bai gently bluntly, then he continued: "I choose to take you to my house, that is because I believe in your future, I think as long as you work, one day, one day, you will change than anyone. It's excellent. At that time, no one dared to say that you can't help me, and no one will question my Su Mu's eyes! "

"You can rest assured, I will work hard!"

Chen Mo looked at Su Mu White back to a word.

From small to big, no one has told Chen Mo, as if everyone will laugh Chen Mo, humiliate Chen Mo, no one believes that Chen Mo will come out later.

And Su Mu, who was the first person who said these words without knowing Chen Mo's real identity, so Chen Mo was more convinced that he did not see the wrong person, Su Mu Bai is the one that I have always wanted. woman.

In this society, a woman can do not ask your background, but also support you unconditionally, how hard is it!

"Then I am going to rest!"

Su Mu Bai took Chen Mei to put a small hand, then turned out of the room of Chen Mo.

After Su Mu Bai left, Chen Mer was lying in bed and recalled that Su Mu Bai told himself to the words of themselves.

And Su Mu Bai came to Yang Fang Su Chengkai's room, but after knocked a few times, no one responded.

"Is it a rest?"

Su Mu Bai whispered, and then took out the phone to dialed Yang Fang's phone.

"Dudu ..."

After the phone rang for a while, Yang Fang turned on the phone.

"Mom, are you having a rest with my dad? Why don't I open the door?"

Su Mu Bai asked.

"Mu Bai, Mom forgot to tell you, your dad is in trouble ..."

"A trouble? What is it?"

Su Mu Bai asked very much.

"Your dad is smashed in the hotel today, it seems to be quite expensive, and Xiao Shu Sun is detained by the hotel people. I am now with your dad, you are catching up to the hotel, I will not follow it first. You said! "Yang Fang rushed back to a sentence, and then hanged the phone.

Su Mug Bai hesitated for two seconds in place, directly turned to Chen Mermail house, shouted: "Chen Mo, I need to go out, you need to do it, you can talk directly to the hotel staff!" "

"What is you going to do so late?"

Chen Mo asked under the consciousness.

"I just listened to my mom, said that my dad shattered the vase, it seems to be quite expensive, I have seen what is going on, you have to rest early!"

Su Chong Bai rushed back to a sentence.

After Chen Mo heard the sentence of Su Mu Bai, the eyes flashed a different.

In fact, he has long guess the bottle of the hotel should be incapacitated, since Sun Wei has to take a lot of idleness, Chen Mo will naturally say more, he wants Sun Wei to pay for a point because of loading.

But at this time, Sun Wei did not solve this thing, then explain the value of the vase, and the value of Sun Wei, so Chen Sime is hesitant to come to help.

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