I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 238: One hundred thousand!

Su Mu Bai knew that Su Chengkai did something in the event, and took out the car key in his room and ready to leave.

And Chen Mo is lying in bed to entangle it. Do you want to manage Su Chengkai.

If he comes, it is just a word. After all, the whole hotel is Chen Mile, don't say it is a vase, even if you put the entire hotel, He Wei dares to say an uncord.

But if you really do this, Chen Mo needs to bear the danger of exposure identity.

However, if Chen Mima does not come out, the price of the vase is really expensive, Su Mu Bai Suikai is estimated to bear, Chen Mo is still very well understood by Sujia's current economic situation.

"Chen Mo, I am gone!"

Outside the door, Su Mu Bai rushed to Chen Sail while carrying his high heels.


Chen Mo's faintly returned, and did not want to have a past mean with Su Mu Bai.

Su Mu Bai was a little disappointed in the heart, because she didn't think that Chen Mo would really choose to look back.

When the Su Chengkai cried the vase, Chen Sileble stood in place, and Su Mu Bai did not say anything, but the heart is still uncomfortable. After all, Su Chengkai is his father, which is Chen Mai's old man.

At this time, everyone went to the hotel, but Chen Mo still chooses to be a shortening turtle, Su Mu Bai is even more disappointed.

Even if everyone knows that Chen Mo is going, it will not solve what problems, but what are you afraid of a little strength!

What happened to you hide now?

"Oh, I also blame my parents too much, Chen Mo doesn't want to have something to do!"

Su Mu Bai helidly sighed, comforted himself from Chen Mo, and turned around Mercedes, disappearing in the night color.


the other side.

Su Chengkai Su Ling and others have rushed to the hotel, and Snow was seeing Sumi Ling in the arms of Sume Ling after seeing Sumei Ling.

Many people have finished their point to Snow, and she can't accept it from urine.

"Small snow, don't cry, what is going on?"

Su Meiling asked in Snow.

"He always said that the vase value is 30 million, let me lose money!"

Snowy swallowed back.

"thirty million?"

Su Chengkai Yang Fang Su Mei Ling heard this sentence, all stunned, the expression is extremely shocked, they can think that this vase is so expensive!

"What is 3 million?"

Su Meiling also exclaimed, then turned to look at Sun Wei's position, whispered: "Little grandchild, what is your total relationship?" You hurry to help you! "


Sun Yi's expression is helpless, I don't know what to say.

"Mom, what do you do? Sun Wei does not know why, he is all installed before!" Snow covered his voice shouted.

"Little grandchildren don't know why? That ... What is going on today?"

Su Mei Ling is still a bit of stupid.

"Those people, I am not sending you, nor is it a small child!"

He Finished looked at Sumei Ling and others snorted.

"No, who is it?"

Su Meiling asked.

At that time, the people in the private room now only Su Hongfei Zhang Qingder Su Mu Bai Chen Mo's four people are not present, Su Hongfei Zhang Qingn is naturally able to exclude, then Chen Mo and Su Mu Bai!

"Is it sent to Chen Mo?"

Su Meiling exclaimed again. She clearly said that Su Mu Bai should have no connection.


He Cai heard the phrase of Sumei Ling, couldn't help but stunned, and the heart secretly had some mouthfuls, and there was a little revealing Chen Mo's identity, so I said directly. "Who gave it to you. , Do you still think about how to pay this money! "

"He is always, 30 million is not a bit more, can you still have some?"

Su Chengkai couldn't get so much money at this time, so he hesitated him, and he said.

"No, 30 million this is the lowest, you can't be less!"

He doesn't want to reject it directly.

"He, you ..."

Su Chengkai is still talking.

But at this time, a Mercedes-Benz stopped in Su Chengkai.


The door is bounced, sexy and elegant Su Mu Bai stepped on the high heels and then walked directly to He.

After seeing Su Mu, the face was slightly changed, because he knew that Su Mu Bai's relationship with Chen Mo, this is the lady of Chen Gongzi!

"He is always, the bottle is my father. We will definitely give you this money, but you just say that 30 million is not a bit too much, you can do a little bit, I will follow Li Jincheng It is a partner. I heard that you are also good with Li's relationship. Just now, I will call Mr. Li! "

Su Mu Bai has just contacted Li Jincheng in the car to see if he can use Li Juncheng's relationship to deal with this matter.


He Cai heard the words of Su Mu, the heart began to entangle it.

First of all, He Wei knows that Chen Mo's relationship with Su Mu Bai, according to normal situation, in order to please Su Mu Bai, it will definitely not be a difficult Suicai, don't say it is 30 million, this vase He weaner Money may not be.

But Chen Mo reminded himself, no matter how it can be exposed to Chen Mo's identity, this will lead to He. If you really don't want this money, then others will definitely suspect that things are wrong.

This is what it will make someone else. I don't know how to handle this.

"Jingle Bell!"

At this time, He Wei's phone suddenly rang.

He Dong looked at the name of the phone, and then quickly took the mobile phone to the distance and then connected the phone.

And Su Mu Bai said to the Su Chengkai: "Dad, you can rest assured, I have already said to Mr. Li, Mr. Li will help us!"


Su Chengkai helidly sighed, I don't know what to say, where he can think of this vase is so expensive.

And Su Mei Ling, Snow, Sun Wei, etc., it is also far away, do not want to continue to mix this.

After a moment, He Cai has finished the phone to go to Le Su Many, whispered: "Miss Su, I just finished the phone with Mr. Li, I saw that Mr. Li is also a friend relationship, this vase you Pay more than 20 million, the remaining 10 million, I don't want it! "

Everyone heard this sentence, all of them were in the original place, and the expression on the face was very shocked.

Who can think of Su Ming's face is so big, a sentence is tens of millions in a sentence!

However, Su Mu Bai and Su Chengkai have not felt the words of He Wei, because 20 million they can't get it!

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