I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 239: It is too big to be too big?

Everyone was heard from He. After tens of thousands of people in Su Mu, the heart was abnormally shocked.

If you have a sentence, you can make He weaner to 10 million, and the entire Nanyang City is estimated that there are no few people to do.

And Snow Sumi Ling, Sun Kai, the three people obviously feel that his face is hot. The feeling is like being hit a slap. It turns out that He Cai gives them to send wine. It is not because Sun Wei, but Because Su Mu Bai!

At this point, He Wei actually gives Su Mu Banyu, and the things that will be given to them in the hotel will be explained.

"I didn't expect that Mu Bai changed this year, even Ho's people gave her face!"

Su Meiling looked at Su Mu-white back and whispered, I couldn't help but recall myself in my mind. I originally in the package of Yaowei, my heart was even more embarrassed. At that time, Soviet White refers to how to joke!

Although Snow is unwilling, she has already admitted that she is not as good as Su Mu Bai in my heart.

Even if Su Mu Bai is looking for a poor silk waste, but people Su Mu Bai have the ability, and they will not care about her fiance!

A woman's most sad thing may be his own destiny to master in a man's hand.

At this time, the white snow is still in this stage, but people Su Mu Bai have passed this stage, she can control their own destiny.

Although everyone is very envious in the heart, Su Mu Bai is now so hard.

He Wei can be less than 10 million because Li Jincheng, this is already a big face, but even so, the remaining 20 million is also a huge amount for the current Sujia.

Su Chengkai's company has just returned to normal operation, naturally can't get so much cash.

And Su Mu Bai company is rich, but these money is also investment in people, who uses to operate the company. If Su Mu Bai is intuitive, it is not appropriate.

"He always, you can give me this face. I am really honored, but 20 million is not a decimal to me. Can you give me a while to prepare this money?"

Su Mu Bai rushed to He Wei in front of him.


He Wei hesished Su Mu Bai, he hesitated, then the expression helplessly shook his head: "Su Miss Su, in fact, this vase is not my private, but the company, I saw a thousand in the face of Mr. Li. Wan's concession, so I hope you can understand, no matter how you have to make these two thousand people, or there is no way to explain the company! "


Su Mu Bai heard the sentence of He Cai, directly stunned, and the eyes flashed in a desperate.

And Why did He we are very calm on the surface, but in fact, he is very uneasy in his heart. After all, he is now hard to be someone, but a fiancee of his own boss.

Just now, He has also passed a phone with Li Juncheng.

First, in order not to be very difficult for Su Mu, He Wei actively retreats, and the compensation will become 20 million.

In this case, it is also given to Su Mu, and it is not used by those people who are present.

Secondly, Heavy is necessary to put these two million to hand, and the attitude must be very tough, so Su Mu Bai will not feel that He is because some reasons do not want this money.

Li Juncheng felt that Su Jia was also a famous family in Nanyang. I didn't have a difficult thing to take out 20 million, and even if Su Mu Bai lost this money today, Li Juncheng will also find a chance to go back.

In this way, you can protect Chen Mo's identity or not to let He Cai's thoroughly defended Su Mu Bai.

I have to admit that Li Juncheng's person is finished in the society. It has been hitting so many years. It is still very hand in handling these issues.

However, Li Juncheng did not count for thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of people.

Su Mu Bai is anxious to look at Su Chengkai, see if Su Chengkai can think of any way, after all, why is it already gave it to the face, if they don't even want to give it, then it is a little bit Don't face it!


Su Chengkai hesitated for two seconds in place, then looked at He Wei said: "He always, I can take up to 10 million now, the remaining 10 million I will give you three days. How do you show you? "


He weaned directly shook his head and refused, then said: "Soviet, your father is in Sujia Town, it is a famous rich business. I think that the old man takes a million to help you should not help you? And your Sam's side is very much, all of which are rich, you can find these people now! "

Su Chengkai heard the sentence of He Cai, couldn't help but bite his teeth, and there was no back to his head.

He Fin said that the Su family is really very rich, and the surface is also a group of gas, but in fact everyone is counting each other, so that Su Chengkai is unsatisfactory and low, and Su Chengkai can't do it.

As for the saying that Su Chengkai gave him the father Su Merfather to borrow money, it is the fastest solution to solve the problem, but Su Chengkai is dead, and will not do this!

Because of the few sons of the son of Su Si, the most unopened people may be Su Chengkai. Su Chengkai has walked to this position in this position, so he is absolutely unhappy because of this little thing is in the family Fan.

"Big sister, can you help me with me?"

Su Chengkai hesitated, and he asked in Sume Ling.

"Cheng Kai, my situation you don't know, where is I rich?"

Su Mei Ling wanted to retreat to two steps, it seems to be afraid that Su Chengkai grab money.


Su Chengkai looked at Su Meiling, I don't know what to say.

"Cheng Kai, I think this matter will blame your son-in-law, Chen Mo, before, Chen Mile, you will have a responsibility, you should find him!" Su Meiling shouted.

"Mom, you still don't have a joke, the Chen Mo knows that I have an accident, running is fast than the rabbit, now it is hiding in the hotel when the turtle does not dare, and how can his poor silk? Wan! "

Bai Xue also shouted.

Even this time, these two people don't forget to humilize Chen Mo.


Su Chengkai helidly sighed and knew that his worshiped son-in-law was definitely heard, so it slowly took out the phone to prepare for the phone.

I have been this time, Su Chengkai feels that the face is not so important.

"A small simulation vase is even more than 20 million, what is the boss, your appetite is so too big?"

However, when Su Chengkai, I just found the call of Su Mer's phone to be prepared, a voice rang in the crowd.

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