Tang Qingqing heard Zhao Xiaoyou wanted to be with him, the beauty flashed a different, then said that there was no expression: "Zhao Xiaoyou, your Gaqin Technology I still know very well, you don't have this aspect. Talent, so it is, I have not practiced ancient Qun for so many years, you are not my opponent! "

"You ... what are you confident?"

Zhao Xiaoyou heard the words of Tang Qingqing, and the beauty shouted in a figures, and the expression shouted at Tang Qingqing.

"Your talent is still very well understood, you are now with me, that is just a self-suction!"

Tang Qingqing said calmly.


Zhao Xiaowei looked at Tang Qingqing in front of him, and then shouted with Water's big eyes: "Good, Tang Qingqing, since you confident, then I also admit, now I may not you Righteous, but I am not your opponent doesn't matter, I know it! "


Tang Qingqing heard this.

"I will introduce you, this is my boyfriend, Sun Yang, Sun Yang, is the fifteenth generation of Guqin Guangling School. Now is a professor of Beijing Music students. You are not always very powerful? You dare Dare to compare with my boyfriend? "Zhao Xiaoyou took the youth yourside, and the expression shouted with Tang Qingqing.

Chen Mo Siu-white and others know that this is the private affairs between Tang Qingqing and this girl, so he did not say a word from the end, it was still in quiet.

"Guangling Pai's pass?"

Tang Qingqing knows that after the identity of this grandson, the beauty flashed a different look.

After all, Tang Qingqing itself also likes to like Guqin. It is just because of the relationship of the work, so she is helpless to give up the gods, she is very clear that the Guangling School is in the Galanical position.

Since this grandson is the passage of the Guanglingpa, then the person's Qin's skills must be very good.

Zhao Xiaoyou saw Tang Qingqing, I couldn't help but wipe it. Then I first stepped forward, I was very provocatively rushing to Tang Qingqing: "Tang Qingqing, why don't you dare to talk? Is it not dare to follow? What am I compared? "

"I dare not compare with you?"

Tang Qingqing couldn't help but scream, and then twisted his head and said: "Teacher Li, I have to trouble you with my Guqin to find my Guqin ..."

"Ok, no problem!"

Teacher Li heard the sentence of Tang Qingqing, and then he had promised, and then turned around to walk around the box.

A few minutes later, Teacher Li held a goggy from the box.

When Tang Qingqing saw his ancient Qichi, the beauty flashed in a very excitement because she had never seen this piano for a long time.

Su Mu Bai Su Tuyu Chen Mo and others were quiet and standing around Tang Qingqing, no one said.

"Zhao Xiaoxi, are you not going to be with me? When?"

Tang Qingqing asked softly to Zhao Xiaowei.

"You can start at any time!"

Zhao Xiaoyou returned to a sentence.

Tang Qingqing didn't want to go straight to the front of the stool after hearing this sentence, and then quietly sat on the stool, gently stroked his ancient Qin in front of him.

When Tang Qingqing's hands touched ancient Qun, showed an unusual smile, which makes people feel like it is a shower spring breeze.

Zhao Xiaoyou looked at Tang Qingqing and couldn't help but he said with his mouth: "The mold is like, so many years, or this virtue ..."

The boyfriend of Zhao Xiaoyou seems to be attracted to the temperament on Tang Qingqing, and looks at Tang Qingqing, and the eyes are full of exceptional greed.

It can be seen from this point that Zhao Xiaoyou's boyfriend should not be a good thing.

"Husband, this time, you have to help me win her, I will dare to be so arrogant!"

Zhao Xiaoyou did not pay attention to Sun Yang's eyes, and shouted with Sun Yang.

"Baby, you can rest assured, I will not lose!"

Sun Yang returned to a sentence, the expression on his face was very confident.

"Of course, my husband is the best!"

Zhao Xiaoyou talked, he picked up his feet on the face of Madang.

Chen Mo saw that this was helpless and smiled. It was not started to start with the piano. These two people began to kiss it, and it was as if they would definitely win today.

"What can these two people are arrogant? Qing Qingjie will definitely win!"

Su Yucu shouted with a small mouth, and his eyes were full of disgusting.

"Qing Qing sister wants to win, it is not so simple!"

Su Mu Bai sighed.

"Why? Camel, don't you say that Qing Qing sister is very powerful?" Su Yun Yu shouted with the big eyes of Water Wang Wang.

"Qing Qing sister is indeed very powerful, but this grandson is more powerful than Qing Qingjie!"

Su Mu Bai sighed and then continued: "Xiaoyu, you don't understand Guqin, the most famous may be the most famous in the domestic Guqin circle, if you replace it for more than ten years, maybe there are some The martial art can compete with them, but the head of the martial art has been robbed by Guangling, and this Sun Yang is the passage of Guanglingpai. Qin Qi must be very good, but Qing Qingjie is only When you have learned a few years, you will have any advantages compared to Sun Yang.

"I didn't expect this Peari face to stop."

After understanding Su Mu Bai, Su Mu Bai will make his mouth, and the heart seems to be that Tang Qingqing can't be the opponent of the grandson.

Chen Mermail has been quietly stunned in place, watching Tang Qingqing and Sun Yang, at this time, Chen Mo's face is abnormal.

A series of past events seem to be movie, repeatedly played in Chen Mo's mind, these memories let Chen Mo feel very painful, but there is a bit happiness.

The careful Su Mu Bai naturally discovered that Chen Mo's face was somewhat uncomfortable, and quickly asked: "Chen Mo, what happened to you?"


Chen Mail listened to Su Mu Bai's sentence, and then shook his head softly: "Didn't ..."

"Why is your face? Why is it so ugly? Do you think the body is uncomfortable? If you feel uncomfortable, I will send you back now!" Su Mu Lany said.

"Nothing, I just recall some past events!"

Chen Mo said faint.

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