I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 252: Do you understand ancient piano?

Guysheng will.

Tang Qingqing and Sun Yang have sit in front of Guqin. Tang Qingqing closed his eyes and stroked the strings. Although the expression on his face was calm, but the heart was excited. After all, she has not arrogant. Gu Qun, at this time, I naturally feel a thousand in my heart.

And Sun Yang is a relaxed, after all, for the east of Guqin, he is still very professional, in the face of the amateur players like Tangqing, at this time, there is no nervousness in his heart.

"Miss Tang, you are a girl, I let you choose a song!"

Sun Yang is still a gentleman, take the initiative to let Tang Qingqing pick a song.

"What do you want to be more than what, what is better!"

Tang Qingqing returned to a sentence.

And Zhao Xiaoyou was heard of Tang Qingqing's sentence, and there was a touch of disdain among the beauty, and said: "That is, anyway, no matter what song, you are all lost, you are more than anything more ... "

When I stood on the side, I couldn't help but turn my head. I saw Zhao Xiaoyou, helpless smile, although Zhao Xiaoyou is still a matter of life, but it is really too bad, especially the mouth, really, I don't have to work. .

"Toleracket, what do you see? Let me not believe I dig your eyes!"

Zhao Xiaoxi seems to have seen the ridicule of Chen Mima, and the mouth is directly turned to Chen Mo and shouts.

"You dug a look, I have to see how much the ability of Zhao's family has dare to touch my Su Mu Bai's fiance!"

Su Mu-Bai is looking at Zhao Xiaoyou is not cool, so he took advantage of this opportunity directly to shouting Zhao Xiaoyou.

"Su Mu Bai ..."

Zhao Xiaobi knows who is the person who speaks with himself, and the beauty flashed a different, then directly smiling and said: "Who is I still thinking? It turned out to be a Sister Sujia, you are married. Can't you go out? I have found a man who is a fiance. It's really laughing at the girl! "


Su Mu Bai heard the sentence of Zhao Xiaoyou, and the beauty flashed in a figures. She didn't expect that Zhao's family became so mad, even their Su family did not put it in the eyes, this if it is converted to it A few years ago, Zhao Xiaoyou had no such guts to speak with Su Mu Bai.

"Mu Bai, there is no need to fight with this kind of person, they are so many years, isn't it just a mouthful? We still start to be more than the piano!"

Tang Qingqing said slowly.

"Tang Qingqing, I remember that you should be the song of" Yangguan San stack "? Today, I will make my husband with you than" Yangguan three stacks "."

Zhao Xiaoyou turned his head and looked at Tang Qingqing.


Tang Qingqing did not hesitate, nodded directly.

And Sun Yang is an ineffectiveness.

Although "Yangguan San stack" This song is one of the top ten gongqin, but compared with other ten famous songs, "Yangguan San stack" This song is still slightly simple, but it is the end. Places may be some difficult.

For Tang Qingqing, I chose this song. I didn't have any advantages for her. Because she has not talked for many years, it is inevitable that there will be some mistakes, but for Sun Yang, it is different. This song is basically as simple as the math issues of high school students in the eyes of Sun Yang.

Zhao Xiaoyou clearly saw this, so he would deliberately smashed Tang Qingqing and chose this song.

Su Mu Bai saw Tang Qingqing did not refuse, the beauty flashed in the beauty, because she knew that Tang Qingqing's character is too reluctant, it will not agree with this song.

" ..."

At this time, the "Yangguan three stack" sounded.

It seems that the whole gongqin party is quiet, everyone looked at Tang Qingqing and Sun Yang.

Two people are playing at the same time, so it is easier to distinguish who is more good.

Tang Qingqing closed his eyes with Sun Yang.

The rest of the people include Su Mu, who has closed his eyes in a moment of the sound of the piano, quietly tastes the sound of two people.

At this point, only Su Yun Yu and Chen Mo did not understand the ancient Qun's still stupid.

Chen Mo hesitated, and closed his eyes closed.

"Chen Mo, what do you have to do? Can you understand this song? What is it?"

Su Yuci saw that Chen Mima closed his eyes, and he was a little unhappy.

And Chen Mo's root did not take care of Su Yucheng.

After a few minutes, Chen Mo slowly opened his eyes.

Su Mu Yu saw Chen Mer's open eyes, said with a small mouth: "How? Is it not installed, can't understand what is going on?"

"Tang Qingqing has lost, no need to continue listening!"

Chen Miman is calm and said to Su Tu Yu.

"How do you know that Qing Qing's sister is done, can you say it here?"

Su Yucheng glared at the big eyes of the water, and the tone shouted.

And Su Mu Bai also opened his eyes after listening to Chen Mo and Su Yucu, turned his eyes to Chen Mo, and asked softly: "Chen Mo, you actually understand ancient Qin?"

"Cameard, do you think he will be an ancient piano? He must be bragging here, you don't listen to him here!"

Su Yun Yu quickly shouted.

"I don't say that" Yangguan San stack "This song is the hardest place how to combine it with a quiet, which not only needs to test the Qin Qin's skills of the piano, but also need to test the mind of the piano, Qing Qing sister's heart is unstable. , And then don't play the piano for a long time, it is inevitable that some of them have some fluctuations, so her emotions have received the influence of Sun Yang, and her piano also has very much modifications, these points Combined together, Qing Qingjie can't win today ... "

Chen Deh has no expression of expression.

"What are you talking about, is it true or false?"

Su Yuci saw that Chen Mo's analysis seems to be very reasonable, and I can't help but shout.

"Yeah, Chen Mo did you really understand ancient Qin?"

Su Mu Bai is also shocked, because she has also learned an ancient Qin for a while, but Chen Mo said that these things that Su Mu Bai complicated.

Plus, when Chen Mo is just a general college student, how can Chen Mo will have such a deep understanding of Guqin?

" ..."

At this time, the sound of the piano will go to.

Tang Qingqing looked hesitated in front of him, then whispered: "Your Qin's skill is very powerful, I am not your opponent, I will admit it!"

Su Mu Bai Su Yucu two people heard the sentence of Tang Qingqing, once again widened, the expression was shocked, almost simultaneously turned to Chen Mo!

Their two shocks are not because Tang Qingqing lost, but because Chen Mo just actually said!

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