I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 253: I am waste!

When Tang Qingqing admitted that he had lost today, Su Mu Bai stood in the same place with the two people of Su-crew jade, and the expression on his face was very shocked.

Their two are not because Tang Qingqing loses and feels shocking, but because Chen Mo just said.

This seems to have no relationship with Guqin. It can be so accurately analyzed that Tang Qingqing is the result of this than Sun Yang, which is really incredible in Su Mu Bai's eyes.

Su Mu-white it has also learned ancient Qun, but according to her ancient Qun level, there is no way to tell the two people who have just turned with Sun Yang and who are more powerful.

But Chen Mo can analyze it!

This shows that Chen Mo is not just ancient Qinqin, but also in ancient Qun's attainments may not be low.

Just in Su Mu Bai, I would like to ask Chen Mo. Why did he understand ancient Qun, Sun Yang slowly stood up, then went to Tang Qingqing's whispered: "In fact, your ancient Qun level is still very good, but Because there is no playing piano for a long time, it is inevitable that there is a bit more ... "

"Loss is lost, I will not find any excuses!"

Tang Qingqing itself is a very proud person. At this time, he lost to Sun Yang. She was very uncomfortable in her heart, but her face did not show it. This may be a literary thing that everyone should have.

Sun Yang seems to have not heard what Tang Qingqing's sentence means, and the tone is very powerful. "If you give you a while, your level should be more The floor, but even if it is, you can't be my opponent! "

When Sun Yang was talking, the face hanged is proud, and the little eyes of the soybeans are all staring at Tang Qingqing.

Tang Qingqing flashed a dislike, turned to leave here.

"Tang Qingqing, don't be so anxious, do you just are not very arrogant? Isn't you talking now?"

Zhao Xiaoyou will let such a good opportunity, and quickly stop the Tang Qingqing, and the tone is very provocatively shouting Tang Qingqing.

"People win me today are not you, but your boyfriend, what can you show off?"

Tang Qingqing looked at Zhao Xiaoyou in front of him and said that he was very calm.

"Even if it is not what I won, how can I be? Sun Yang is my boyfriend, I am not afraid, but my boyfriend is worse than you!"

Zhao Xiaoyou returned to a small mouth, then continue to say: "Our woman, the most important thing is to find a good man, or a woman is even if there is a woman, there is nothing, I will not Like some people, I found a poor silk waste man as a fiance. Is this a joke for your life? "

When Zhao Xiaoyou said this sentence, the intentions showed the two people in Chen Mo Siu, one side.


Chen Mo listened to this sentence of Zhao Xiaoyou, and the eyes flashed a trace of irritability. He didn't say it from the end to the end, but Zhao Xiaoyou was one more and then provoke yourself.

"Zhao Xiaoxi, you should pay attention to it!"

Tang Qingqing naturally also heard what Zhao Xiaoyou is the meaning of this sentence, so I wrinkled directly.

"What do I pay attention to? I am telling the truth, some people may be because I can't marry it, so I will find a waste as a boyfriend, or how can I choose a man?"

Zhao Xiaoyou smiled very happy, and the tone shouted.

Su Mu Bai heard Zhao Xiaoxi, and the beauty flashed in a figures. He immediately reached out to Zhao Xiaoyou's nose asked: "Zhao Xiaoyou, what do you mean by the sentence you just said?"

"I don't mean ... What are you exciting? Is it so excited? Is it not feeling uncomfortable? You think that what I just said, what did you think?"

Zhao Xiaoyou came back and returned.

"Yeah, Miss Su, are you in a right? Do you think that your fiance is a waste?"

Sun Yang also laughed and said.

"You two ..."

Su Mu Bai faced Zhao Xiaoli and Sun Yang, the dog's men and women sing one, and the appetite is full of anger, but I don't know how I should refute.

Su Yuci saw that Sun Yang was bullied with Zhao Xiaoyou, and the heart was very urgent. He looked at Chen Mo around himself, but she found that Chen Mo didn't seem to have happened. After standing in the same place, there is no response. In addition to disappointment, it is anger. Directly turned to Chen Mo's shout: "Chen Mo, are you still a man? I am bullied by people, you still stand What is it here? "

Chen Mo listened to this sentence of Su Yucu, and looked at Su Tuyu, did not speak.

"What do you do? I am now being bullied, because some people say that you are a waste, she will be bullied, how do you react?"

Su Tuyu shouted very speechless.

"What should I have? You don't think I am a waste?"

Chen Mo fell back.

After hearing this sentence, Su Yun Yu is directly in the original place, and the eyes flashed in a crash. I didn't know what to say about something.

And Zhao Xiaoyou and Sun Yang have started laughing.

"Hahahaha, you just have already heard it, this kid I admit that I am a waste, this is not that we say that he is a waste!"

Sun Yang is still very embarrassed. After all, Chen Mo can find Su Mu Bai's woman as an unmarried wife, but he can only choose a temperament that is not as good as Su Mu, who is not as good as Su Mu Bai, so he is sure It is humiliated by this opportunity to humiliate Chen Mo.

The people in the Guysheng Club have all been laughing, and what is the whisper talking, while the point is pointing to Chen.

After all, a man will actively admit that he is a waste. What is the weakness of this man?

"Mu Bai Chen Mo, don't take care of these two people, let's go!"

Tang Qingqing, the heart, I feel that this thing is because of her, and so many people are joke Chen Mo, which is simply trampled at Chen Mo's dignity, so she wants to take Chen Mo Mu Bai as soon as possible.

Su Mu Bai hesitated, turned and wanted to leave.

"Chen Mo, you are just a man I have seen the most embard, how can you have a man like you!"

Southern Sushu Yuxi saw Su Mu Bai Tang Qingqing two people wanted to leave, and the eyes of Water Wang Wang shouted at Chen Mo, and then turned around and rushed to go.

However, when Su Mu Bai's Supuyu and others walked a few steps, they suddenly found that Chen Mo did not leave, but still standing in the ground, looked quietly at those who laughed.

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